Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/95

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tickled she began to mew like an old tabby cat, whilst he, sick, shattered and lifeless, fell on her capacious breast, resting his weary head on her stout shoulders.

Thus that night memorable in the old dame's life—came to an end, but she never forgot the bliss she had felt as long as she lived.

On the morrow the round-about and its owner had disappeared.

And the young girl?

At the usual hour she heard, or at least she dreamt she heard the lover's low and lusting cadences, all intermingled with words of burning love; then she seemed to feel his lips upon her mouth, his breath on her face; but what was he doing, was he licking her?

She woke and found the horrible poodle on her bed; nay, she was clasping his loathsome pink and freckled skin within her arms, whilst he was trying to commit the most heinous of sins with her.

She shrieked, almost fainting with fear; still, having gathered all her strength, she caught hold of the brute, uplifted him and