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A MAGIC NIGHT ON THE VOLGA O the left of the landing-stage of the Volga River Steamship Company stood the great schemer Bender, together with his friend and helper Pussy Vorobianinov. Flags were flying over the landing-stage. Smoke was curling out of the steamers’ funnels and the Anton Rubinstein was being loaded at landing-stage Number 2. Heavy machinery, various agricultural implements, and baskets of herrings were stacked ready to be put into the hold. The steamer Scriabin had not come in yet, and this greatly disturbed Hippolyte. ‘ Why should you be so upset ? ’ asked Bender. ' Supposing the Scriabin were here, how would you get on to it ? Even if you had enough money to buy a ticket, it wouldn’t help you, because that steamer isn’t taking any passengers.’ Bender had managed to have a talk in the train with Mechnikov, who was in control of the hydraulic press, and had discovered all the details from him. The Scriabin had been chartered by the Commissariat of Finance and was supposed to be plying between Nizhni and Tsaritsin, stopping at each landing-stage so as to organize a State lottery. For this purpose a whole institution had left Moscow, comprising the Lottery Commission, the clerical staff, a brass band, a cinema operator. Press correspondents, and the Col­ umbus Theatre company. It was intended that the theatrical company should give plays at the various