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' Very well then, you can do the painting. If you’ve taken on the responsibihty of decorating the steamer, you must see to it yourself.’ Bender rushed up the gangway, pushing people to one side, but he was stopped by an official. ‘ Where’s your pass ? ’ ‘ Comrade ! ’ shouted Bender. ‘ Hi I You over there, Fatty ! You said you wanted an artist.’ Five minutes later he was sitting in Fatty’s cabin discussing the conditions of work. ‘ Now, comrade, you understand what we want. You will be responsible for the artistic placards, inscriptions, and the finishing of our poster. Our artist began it and then fell ill and we’ve had to leave him in hospital. And then, of course, you’ll have to supervise the whole of the artistic side of our organization. Are you willing to take it on ? I warn you there is a great deal of work.’ ‘ I understand,’ said Bender. ‘ I can certainly take it on. I’ve done this kind of work before.’ ‘ Can you come with us straight away ? ’ ‘ Well, it will be rather difficult, but I’ll do my best.’ A great load of anxiety fell from the other man’s shoulders and he looked at the new artist with chilfilike delight. ‘ And your terms ? ’ asked Bender brusquely. ‘ The pay is according to the customary rate.’ Bender frowned. ‘ But, apart from that,’ added Fatty hurriedly, ' you will have your board and a separate cabin.’ ' Very well,’ said Bender with a sigh. ' I agree; but I have a boy with me, an assistant.’ ' Oh, I don’t know about a boy. There is no credit allowed for a boy, but of course if you want to pay for him out of your own salary you can do so, only he’ll have to live in your cabin.’ ‘ All right,’ said Bender, ‘ as you say. My assistant is quite a bright lad and is accustomed to a Spartan existence.’