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Bender was given a pass for himself and his assistant, and after slipping his cabin key into his pocket, he came up on deck. He felt great satisfaction as he touched the key in his pocket. For the first time in his life he had a key and a room, only he had no money. But the money, no doubt, was not far off in one of the chairs on board. The great schemer walked up and down the deck without looking at Hippolyte, who had been left on the landing-stage. At first Hippolyte made signs to him. Then he tried shouting across to him, but Bender was deaf. He turned his back on Hippolyte and watched the hydraulic press being lowered into the hold. Everything was ready and the siren let off a piercing scream. The sun was setting and the street-lamps were being lit in the town. Hippolyte was shouting something, but no one was listening to him. He felt deserted and alone. Bender loved dramatic effects, and it was only a few seconds before the siren screamed for the third time, just as Hippolyte had given up aU hope, that Bender looked over the side of the steamer and called out to him : ‘ What are you doing standing there like a fool ? I thought you were on the steamer long ago. They’re just taking in the gangways. Come on, quick! ’ Then he turned to the sailors : ' Let the citizen through, please. Here’s the pass.’ Hippolyte, almost in tears, ran on to the ship. ‘ Is that your boy ? ’ ‘ Boy ? ’ said Bender. ‘ Of course it is. He’s not a girl.’ ‘ Now, Pussy,’ said Bender to Hippolyte, ' we’ll have to set to work to-morrow morning. I hope you know how to mix paints, for I’m an artist. I’ve been through the School of Fine Arts in Moscow and you are my assistant. If you don’t want to be my assistant, then jump ashore quickly.’ The dark green water was being churned up at the