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THE INTERPLANETARY CHESS CONGRESS 221 on board the Scriabin. He drew a sign for them on which four knights appeared and an appropriate motto. ‘ Chess,’ continued Bender. ‘ Do you know what chess is ? It not only helps culture forward, but economics also. Do you reahze that your ‘ Chess Club of the Four Knights ’, if it were properly organized, could completely revolutionize the town of Vassuki ? ’ Bender had not eaten anything since the previous day, and as a result he was unusually eloquent. ‘ Yes ! ’ he shouted, ‘ chess enriches a country. If you agree to my project, then you wiU have marble steps to your landing-stage and Vassuki will be the capital city of ten provinces. Now, whoever heard of Semmering before the international tournament was held there ? And now it is both rich and famous. Therefore I say to you, we must arrange an inter­ national chess tournament in Vassuki.’ ‘ How ? ’ they all shouted. ‘ It is quite an easy matter,’ said the champion. ' My personal connexions and your self-confidence are aU that is necessary to organize an international Vassuki tournament. Capablanca, Lasker, Alekhine, Nimzowitsch, Boguljubow, Rubinstein, Maroczi, Tarrasch, Vidmar, and Doctor Grigoriev will most certainly come here. And I too promise you my support.’ ‘ But how shall we get the money ? ’ groaned the Vassuki citizens. ‘ They’ll want to be paid. Why, it would cost thousands ! ’ ‘ The money would be forthcoming.’ ‘ But the citizens couldn’t pay the money.’ ‘ What do you mean ? The citizens won’t be asked to pay any money. They will receive money. It’s quite simple. A tournament where such stars are taking part will attract chess-lovers from all corners of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of wealthy people will stream into Vassuki until the river transport will not be able to cope with the number of passengers. A