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iiave to be built between Moscow and Vassuki, and hotels and skyscrapers will spring up to accommodate the visitors. There will be an enor­ mous agricultural development within a radius of a thousand miles, for the visitors wiU have to be supphed m caviare, and chocolates. A palace tournament and garages will have to be built for the visitors’ motor-cars. A powerful radio station will have to be erected so as to announce the results to the whole world. The Moscow-Vassuki railway line wiU not be able to cope with the number of people who will want to come here. We shaU have to create an aeroport with a regular service of aeroplanes to aU comers of the earth, including Los Angeks and Melbourne. Don’t be afraid ! My%cheme prTmSs an amazing development to your town. Picture to yourselves what will happen when the tournament is over and the visitors depart. The citizens of Moscow suffering as they are from a housing shortage, will flock to your magnificent town, and automatically Vassuki wfl become the capital of Russia. The GovemmeS wiU move to Vassuki. Vassuki will cease to be VasS Moscow, while Moscow will be called Old Vassuki. The citizens of Kharkov and £h M but they will Vas?uki ^^

become the most fashionthe whole world I ’ of

Yes, of the whole world,’ continued Bender ‘and subsequently of the whole universe. Chess that has converted a humble provincial town into a world Sout th^d?®""”® an applied science which wiU bring Signals wm^he /Tf°^ mterplanetary communication! signals will be sent from Vassuki to Mars, Tupiter and £ C°®“ouication with Venus will be ealer thn to Moscow. And ?hen -who knows ?-perhaps in eight years’ time,?here 5