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of water has compelled them to come nearer us in such numbers. Rain still holds off, and the weather is very warm in the day and frosty at night or towards morning.

June 2nd.—Dined on Wednesday last in company with Captain Wickham, of the Beagle, and this morning had one of the officers to breakfast with me. I endeavoured to glean what news I could. They will not be able to leave any maps or charts here, or indeed to give any detailed account of their operations, because their time here will be so limited. I will, however, give you a rough outline of their expedition. In a deep bay, called Roebuck Bay, they saw a river running strong to the sea, with fresh water six or seven fathoms deep at its mouth. Still it has a bar and shoals in its course. This is named the Fitzroy river. They went up a considerable distance (say 20 or 30 miles) from the mouth, but the navigation for boats became impeded by fallen trees. The land on both sides appeared fertile to as great a distance as they could see, and covered with very long rich grass. The river was apparently subject to very high floods at some distant intervals, for they observed old marks of floods upon the trees. These floods, they supposed, happened eight or nine years ago. The country, generally speaking, was of low elevation; the temperature very high, but not unhealthy, for there was not a case of sickness among them. They met Messrs. Grey and Lushington, who have gone home, and you will probably have heard of their failure before this reaches you. All agree that it happened to be the most unfavourable part of the entire coast where they (Messrs. G. and L. landed. In endeavouring to go inland they were stopped by a river (named the Glenelg). (P.S.—I fell asleep at these words. I have been amused looking at the writing of the last few lines—rather sleepy looking.)

June 3rd.—There was a ball on Friday night in Perth. I was up almost all night, so that accounts for the sleepiness. I had been busy all day yesterday, and rode up here late at