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Oh! how we would roll in ſoft delight,
I'd turn to my love and kiſs her too,
We would huddle cuddle all the night,
and do as father and mother do, &c.

Many perſuaſions Dick made nſe of,
but all his rhetoric prov'd in vain,
Unleſs that he would promiſe to marry her,
not one kiſs could he obtain,
Or elſe he might roll'd in ſoft delight,
he might turn to his love & kiſs her too,
He might huddl'd cuddl'd all the night;
and do as father and mother do, &c.

The very next morning they were marry'd,
and to be poifon'd Nell was not afraid,
For Dick and Nell they lay together,
and Dick he got her maiden-head,
Oh then they did roll in ſoft delight,
he turn'd to his love and kiſs'd her too,
They did huddle cuddle all the night;
and did as father and mother do.
With a flim flam I will go to my love,
linky lanky, there, oh! there,
With a twinketer twanketer, tall lal lal,
ha, ha, ha, he lov'd her dear.


LAST night as I lay on my bed,
Such am'rous thoughts came in my head,
About the ſcantiff that is ſpread,
Thro' every ſtreet and corner,