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[ 4 ]

Now Dandy is the toaſt in town,
But now by Jove his match is found,
For there's one that will cut him down,
I mean the Real Barber.

He is a luſty roving blade,
And therefore maſter of his trade,
He's found a knack to pleaſe the maid,
Surpaſſes every Barber.

Sometimes to Vauxhall he does go,
Among the Ladies makes a ſhow,
His am'rous air, his bows to Chloe,
Says Madam, here's the Barber.

The Ladies much admires of him,
He is ſo airy, bright and gem,
Beſides their hair does neatly trim,
In the new faſhion'd order.

His working tools they are ſo neat,
He does his bus neſs ſo compleat,
That Lady Betty and Miſtreſs Kate,
Calls him the Real Barber.

A pretty Miſs juſt in her teens,
Chanc'd to ſpy him on the green.
And his performance ſhe had ſeen,
With a Lady in the arbour,

To try his ſkill ſhe's fully bent,
And for him into a room ſhe ſent,
Telling him her whole intent,
He was the Real Barber.