Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1084

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1066 DONATUS. joined to the twelfth book, announces his intention, should a- life already far" advanced be prolonged, of compiling, from ancient authorities, a description of the persons, places, herbs, and trees, enumerated in the poem. The popularity of the " Ars Grammatica," espe- cially of the second part, " De octo partibus Ora- tionis," is sufficiently evinced by the prodigious number of editions which appeared during the in- fancy of printing, most of them in gothic characters, without date, or name of place, or of printer, and the typographical history of no work, with the exception of the Scriptures, has excited more interest among bibliographers, or given them more trouble. Even before the invention of printing from movable types, several editions seem to have been thrown off from blocks, and fragments of these have been preserved in various collections. The three parts will be found in the collection of Putschius {Grain- maticae Latinae Audores Antiijui^ Hanov. 4to. 1605), together with the commentary of Sergius on the prima and secundaeditio ; andthatofServiusMa- rius Honoratus, on the secunda editio only (see pp. 1735, 1743, 17G7, 1779, 1826) ; and also in Lin- demann's *' Corpus Grammaticorura Latinorum Veterum," voL i. Lips. 1831. Of the commentary on Terence, at least four editions, separate from the text, appeared during the fifteenth century. That which is believed to be the first is a folio, in Roman characters, without place, date, or printer's name, but was probably published at Cologne, about 1470 — 1472 ; the second at Venice, by Spira, fol. 1472 ; the third at Rome, by Sweynheym and Pannartz, fol. 1472; the fourth at Milan, by Zarotus, fol. 1476. It will be found attached to all complete editions of the dramatist. The commentaries upon the Aeneid were first discovered by Jo. Jovianus Pontanus, were first published from the copy in his library, by Scipio Capycius, Neap. fol. 15 <5, and were inserted by G. Fabricius in the " Corpus Interpretum Virgi- lianorum." The text is very corrupt and imperfect, but it would appear that MSS. still exist which present it in a more pure and complete form, although these have never been collated, or at least given to the world. (See Burmann, in the pref. to his ed. of Virgil.) (Hieron. ailvers. Ruf. vol. iii. p. 92, ed. Bas., in Eiiseb. Chron. ad ann. ccclv p. c. ; in c. i. ; see also Lud. Schopfen, De Terentio el Donalo^ 8vo, Bonn. 1824, and Specimen emend, in Ael. Donati comment. Terenf. ito, Bonn. 1826. Osann, Deitrage zur (Jriechischen und Homisclien LUteraturqe-'chichte, Leip. 1839.) [W. R.] DO'NATUS, TIBE'RIUS CLAU'DIUS. We find prefixed to all the more complete editions of Virgil a life of the poet, in twenty-five chapters, bearing the title, " Tiberii Claudii Donati ad Tiberium Claudianum Maximum Donatianum filium de P. Virgilii Maronis Vita." Nothing whatsoever is known with regard to thisDonatus ; but it has been conjectured that some grammarian, who flourished about the commencement of the fifth centur}', may have drawn up a biography which formed the groundwork of the piece we now possess, but which, in its actual shape, exhibits a worthless farrago of childish anecdotes and frivolous fables, compounded by ignorant and unskilful hands. Indeed, scarcely two MSS. can be found in which it does not wear a different aspect, and the earlier editors seem to iiave moulded it into its present form, by collecting DORIEUS. and combining these various and often heteroge- neous materials. [W.R.] DONTAS (Arfi/Toj), a Lacedaemonian statuary, was the disciple of Dipoenus and Scyllis, and there- fore flourished about B. c. 550. He made the statues which were afterwards placed in the trea- sury of the Megarians at Olympia. They were of cedar inlaid with gold, and formed a group repre- senting the contest of Heracles with the river AcheloUs, and containing figures of Zeus, Deianeira, Acheloiis, and Heracles, with Ares assisting Ache- loUs, and Athena supporting Heracles. The latter statue seems, however, not to have been part of the original group, but a separate work by Medon. (Comp. Paus. v. 17. 1.) The group in the pedi- ment of the Megarian treasur}', representing the war of the gods and the giants, seems also to have been the work of Dontas ; but the passage in Pau- sanias is not quite clear. (Paus. vi. 19. § 9; Bockh, Corp. Inscrip. i. p. 47, &c.) [P. S.] DORCEUS (AopK6u$), a son of Hippocoon, who had a heroum at Sparta conjointly with his brother Sebrus. The well near the sanctuary was called Dorceia, and the place around it Sebrion. (Paus. iii. 15. §2.) It is probable that Dorceus is the same personage as the Dorycleus in Apollo- dorus (iiu 10. § 5), where his brother is called Tebrus. [L. S.] DORIEUS (Awptfus), eldest son of Anaxan- drides, king of Sparta, by his first Avife [Anaxan- DUioKs], was however born after the son of the second marriage, Cleomenes, and therefore ex- cluded from innnediate succession. He was ac- counted the first in personal qualities of Sparta's young men, and feeling it an indignity to remain under the rule of one so inferior to him in worth, and so narrowly before him in claim to the throne, he left his country hastily, and without consulting the oracle of Delphi, to establish for himself a king- dom elsewhere. He led his colony first, under the guidance of some Theraeans, to Libya : the spot he here chose, Cinyps by name, was excellent; but he was driven out ere long by the Libyans and Car- thaginians, and led the survivors home. He now, under the sanction of the oracle, set forth to found a Heracleia in the district pronounced to be the property of Hercules, and to have been reserved by him for any descendant who might come to claim it, Eryx, in Sicily. In his passage thither- ward, along the Italian coast, he found the people of Croton preparing (b. c. 510) for their conflict with Sybaris, and induced, it would seem, by the connexion between Croton and Sparta (Miiller, Dor. bk. X. 7. § 12), he joined in the expedition, and received, after the fall of the city, a plot of land, on which he built a temple to Athena, of the Crathis. Such was the story given to Herodotus by the remnants of the Sybarites, who were his fellow- citizens at Thurii, denied however by the Crotoniats, on the evidence, that while Callias, the Elean prophet, had received from them various re- wards, still enjoyed there by his posterity, in re- turn of his service in the war, nothing of tlie sort recalled the name of Dorieus. This, however, if Dorieus was bent on his Sicilian colony, is quite intelligible. He certainly pursued his course to Eryx, and there seems to have founded his Hera- cleia ; but ere long, he and all his brother Spartans with him, a single man excepted [Euryleon], were cut ofi" in a battle with the Egestaeans, and, as it seems, the Carthaginians. He left however