Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1085

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DORIEUS. behind him a son, Eun-anax, who accompanied hi» cousin Pausanias in the campaign (u.c. 479) against Mardonius. Why this son did not succeed rather than Lconidas, on the death of Cleomenes, is not clear; Miiller suggests, comparing Piut. Affis^ ell, that a lleracleid, leaving his country to settle elsewhere lost his rights at home. (Herod. V. 41—66; ix. 10, 53, 55; Diod. iv. 23; Paus. iii. 16. $ 4, and 3. §8.) [A. H. C] DORIEUS (Awpifws), the son of Diagoras [DiAGORAs], one of the noblest of the noble Heracleid family, the Eratids of lalysus, in Rhodes. He was victor in the pancratium in three successive Olympiads, the 87th, 88th, and 89th, B. c. 432, 428 and 424, the second of which is mentioned by Thucydides (iii. 8) ; at the Nemean games he won seven, at the Isthmian eight victories. He and his kinsman, Peisidorus, were styled in the announcement as Thurians, so that, apparently, before 424 at latest, they had left their country. (Paus. vi. 7.) The whole family were outlawed as heads of the aristocracy by the Athenians (Xen. Hell. i. 5. § 19), and took refuge in Thurii ; and from Thiirii, after the Athenian disaster at Syracuse had re-established there the Peloponnesian interest, Dorieus led thirty galleys to the aid of the Spartan cause in Greece. He arrived with thera at Cnidus in the winter of 412. (Thuc. viii. 35.) He was, no doubt, active in the revolution which, in the course of the same winter, was effected at Rhodes (Thuc. viii. 44) ; its revolt from the Athenians was of course accompanied by the restoration of the family of Diagoras. (b. c. 41 1 .) We find him early in the summer at Miletus, join- ing in the expostulations of his men to Astyochus, who, in the Spartan fashion, raised his staif as if to strike him, and by this act so violently excited the Thurian sailors that he was saved from vio- lence only by Hying to an altar. (Thuc. viii. 84.) And shortly after, when the new commander, Mindarus, sailed for the Hellespont, he was sent with thirteen ships to crush a deraocratical move- ment in Rhodes. (Diod. xiii. 38.) Some little time after the battle of Cynossema he entered the Hellespont with his squadron, now fourteen in number, to join the main body; and being de- scried and attacked by the Athenians with twenty, was forced to run his vessels ashore, near Rhoe- teum. Here he vigorously maintained himself until Mindarus came to his succour, and, by the advance of the rest of the Athenian fleet, the action became general: it was decided by the sudden arrival of Alcibiades with reinforcements. (Xen. Ile/l. i. 1. $ 2 ; Diod. xiii. 45.) Four years after, at the close of b. c. 407, he was captured, with two Thurian galleys, by the Athenians, and sent, no doubt, to Athens: but the people, in admiration of his athletic size and noble beauty, dismissed their ancient enemy, though already under sentence of death, without so much .as ex- acting a ransom. (Xen. //e//. i. 5. $ 19.) Pausa- nias, (/. c) on the authority of Androtion, further relates, that at the time when Rhodes joined the Athenian league formed by Conon, Dorieus chanced to be somewhere in the reach of the Spartans, and was by them seized and put to death. [A. H. C] DORIEUS (Awpifvs), the author of an epigram upon Milo, which is preserved by Athenaeus (x. p. 412, f.) and in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck, Jnal. ii. 63; Jacobs, ii. 62.) Nothing more is known of him. [P. S.] DORIMACHUS. 1067 DORILLUS (A6pios) or DORIALLUS (AoplaXXos)^ an Athenian tragic poet, who was ridiculed by Aristophanes. Nothing more is known of him. (Suid., Hesych., and Etym. Mag. s. V. AopiaXXos; Aristoph. I^inn. Fr. 336, Dindorf, Schol. in Aristoph. Ran. v. .519; Fabric. BiU. Cmec. ii. p. 297.) [P. S.] DORI'MACHUS {Aopitxaxoi less properly DORY'MACHUS (Aopu/xaxos), a native of Trichonium, in Aetolia, and son of Nicostratus, was sent out, in B. c, 221, to Phigalea, on the Messenian border, with which the Aetolians had a league of sympdity^ ostensibly to defend the place, but in reality to watch affairs in the Peloponnesus with a view of fomenting a war, for which his restless countrymen were anxious. A number of freebooters flocked together to him, and he con- nived at their plundering the territory of the Mes- senians, with whom Aetolia was in alliance. All complaints he received at first with neglect, and afterwards (when he had gone to Messene, on pretence of investigating the matter) with insult. The Messenians, however, and especially Sciron, one of their ephori, behaved with such spirit that Dorimachus was compelled to yield, and to promise satisfaction for the injuries done ; but he had been treated with indignity, which he did not forget, and he resolved to bring about a war with Messe- nia. This he was enabled to do through his kins- man Scopas, who administered the Aetolian government at the time, and who, without waiting for any decree of the Assembly, or for the sanction of the select council ('ATro/cATjrot ; see Polyb. xx. 1; Liv. XXXV. 34), commenced hostilities, not against Messenia only, but also against the Epei- rots, Achaeans, Acarnanians, and Macedonians. In the next year, b. c. 220, Dorimachus invaded the Peloponnesus with Scopas, and defeated Ara- tus, at Caphyae. [See p. 255, a.] He took part also in the operations in which the Aetolians were joined by Scerdilaidas, the Illyrian, — the capture and burning of Cynaetha, in Arcadia, and the baffled attempt on Cleitor, — and he was one of the leaders of the unsuccessful expedition against Aegeira in B. c. 219. In the autumn of the same year, being chosen general of the Aetolians, he ravaged Epeirus, and destroyed the temple at Dodona. InB. c. 218 he invaded Thessaly, in the hope of drawing Philip away from the siege of Palus, in Cephallenia, which he was indeed obliged to relinquish, in consequence of the treachery of Leontius, but he took advantage of the absence of Dorimachus to make an incursion into Aetolia, advancing to Thennum, the capital city, and plun- dering it. Dorimachus is mentioned by Livy as one of the chiefs through whom M. Valerius Lae- vinus, in B. c. 211, concluded a treaty of alliance with Aetolia against Philip, from whom he vainly attempted, in b. c. 210, to save the town of Echi- nus, in Thessaly. In B.C. 204 he and Scopas were appointed by the Aetolians to draw up new laws to meet the general distress, occasioned by heavy debts, with which the two commissioners them- selves were severely burdened. In b. c. 196 Dorimachus was sent to Egypt to negotiate terms of peace with Ptolemy V. (Epiphanes), his mission probably having reference to the conditions of amity between Ptolemy and Antiochus the Great, to whom the Aetolians were now looking for sup- port against Rome. (Polyb. iv. 3-13, 16-19, 57, 58, 67, 77; v. i. 3, 4-9. 11,' 17; ix. 42; xiii. 1; xviii.