Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1087

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DOROTHEUS. lies he was seized and put to death, at the a|fc of 107 years. This account, however, is not found in any of his contemporaries, and occurs only in an anonymous wTiler who lived after the sixth century of o-ir era, and from whom it was incorpo- rated in the Martyrologia. Dorotheus is further said to have written several theological works, and we still possess, under his name, a " Synopsis de Vitii et Morte Prophetarum, Apostoloruni et Dis- cipulorum Domini," which is printed in Latin in the third vol. of the Diblioth. Patrum. A specimen of the Greek original, with a Latin translation, is given by Cave {Hist. Lit. i. p. 115, &c.), and the whole was edited by Fabricius, at the end of his " Monumenta Variorum de Mosis, Prophetarum et Apostolorum Vita," 1714, 8vo. It is an ill-digested mass of fabulous accounts, though it contains a few things also which are of importance in ecclesiastical history. (Cave, Hist. Lit. i. p. 115, &c,) There are a few other ecclesiastics of this name, concerning whom little or nothing is known. A list of them is given by Fabricius. {Bibl. Graec. ii. p. 452, note p.) [L. S.J DORO'THEUS, a celebrated jurist of quaest- orian rank, and professor of law at Berytus, was one of the principal compilers of Justinian's Digest, and was invited by the emperor from Berytus to Constantinople for that purpose. (Const. Tant. § 9.) He also had a share, along with Tribonian and Theophilus, in the composition of the Institutes. (Prooem. Inst. 93.) He was one of the professors to whom the Const. Omnem^ regulating the new system of legal education was addressed in A. D. 533, and in the following year was employed, conjointly with Tribonian, Menna, Constantinus, and Joannes, to form the second edition of the Code, by the insertion of the fifty decisions, and by such other alterations as were necessary for its improvement. (Const. Cordi. § 2.) Ant. Augustinus (cited by Suarez, Notit. Basil. ^ 29) in his Prolegomena to the Novells of Justi- nian, asserts that Mat. Blastares ascribes to Doro- theus a Greek interpretation of the Digest, not so extended as that of Stephanus, nor so concise as that of Cyrillus. The passage, however, as repre- sented by Augustinus, is not to be found in the Prooomium of the Si/ntagma of Blastares, as edited by Bishop Beveridge in the second volume of his Synodicon. Fabrotus (jBcm/. vi. p. 259, in marg.) asserts without ground, " Dorotheus scripsit to ■jrAetTos ;" i. e. a Greek translation of the text of the Digest. That Dorotheus commented upon the Digest appears from BasU. ed. Fabrot. iv. pp. 336, 337, 338, and BasU. ed. Heimbach, i. pp. 623, 763 ; ii. p. 138. Dorotheus occasionally cites the Code of Jus- tinian. {Basil, iv. pp. 375, 379.) Bach (Hist. Jiir. Pom. lib. iv. c. 1. sect. 3. § 9, p. 630) asserts, that he wrote the Index of the Code, but vouches no authority for this assertion, which is doubted by Pohl. {Ad Suares. Not. Bos. p. 71, n. t.) The following list of passages in the Basilica (ed. Fabrot.), Avhere Dorotheus is cited, is given by Fabricius: {BiOl. Gr. xii. p. 444:) iii. 212, 265; iv. 336, 337, 338, 368, 370, 371, 372, 374, 376, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 704; v. 39, 144, 173, 260, 290, 325, 410, 414, 423, 433, 434 ; vi. 49, 259, 273 ; vii. 95, 101, 225. Dorotheus died in the lifetime of Stephanus, by whom he is termed 6 fiaKapiT-qs in Basil, iii. 212. DOKUS. 1069 Some have believed that a jurist of tlje aame name flourished in a later age, for the untrust- worthy Nic. Comnenus Papadopoli {Pruenot. Mi/s- tuff. p. 408) cites a scholium of Dorotheus Mona- chus on the title de testibus in the Com/mndiuin Lcffiim Iannis et Cuvsfantitii. [J. T. G.] DORO'THEUS {Awpodeos) a Greek physician, who wrote a work entitled "tirofxVilyLara^ Com- mrntarli^ which is quoted by Phlegon Tnillianns {De Mirab. c. 26), but is no longer in existence. He must have lived some time in or before the second century after Christ, and may perhaps be the same person who is mentioned by Pliny, and said to have been a native of Athens, and also the same as Dorotheus Helius, who is twice mentioned by Galen. {DcAntid. ii. 14 ; vol. xiv. pp. 1 83, 187.) 2. A physician of this name, who was a Chris- tian, and also in deacon's orders, appears to have consulted Isidorus Pelusiotes, in the fifth century after Christ, on the reason why incorporeal beings are less subject to injury and corruption than cor- poreal ; to which question he received an answer in a letter, which is still extant. (Isid. Pelus. Epist. V. 191, ed. Paris, 1638.) LW. A.G.] DORO'THEUS, a painter, who executed for Nero a copy of the Aphrodite Anadyomene of Apelles. He lived therefore about A. D. 60. (Plin. xxxT. 10, 8. 36. § 15 ; Apelles.) [P. S.j DORPANEUS. [Decebalus.] DORSO, the name of a family of the patrician Fabia gens. 1. C. Fabius Dorso, greatly distinguished him- self at the time when the Capitol was besieged by the Gauls, (b. c. 390.) The Fabian gens was ac- customed to celebrate a sacrifice at a fixed time on the Quirinal hill, and accordingly, at the appointed time, C. Dorso, who was then a young man, de- scended from the Capitol, carrying the sacred things in his hands, passed in safety through the enemy's posts, and, after performing the sacrifice, returned in safety to the Capitol. (Liv. v. 46, 52 ; Val. Max. i. 1. § 11.) The tale is somewhat dif- ferently related by other writers. Dion Cassius (Fragm. 29, ed. Reimar.) speaks of the sacrifice as a public one, which Fabius, whom he calls Caeso Fabius, had to perform as one of the pontiffs. Floms (i. 1 3) also calls him a pontiff, who was sent by Manlius, the commander on the Capitol, to celebrate the sacred rite on the Quirinal. Ap- pian, on the other hand, who quotes Cassius He- mina as his authority, says that the sacrifice was performed in the temple of Vesta. {Celt. 6.) 2. M. Fabius Dorso, son probably of No. 1, was consul in b. c. 345 with Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Rufus, in which year Camillus was appointed dic- tator to carry on the war with the Aurunci. He made war with his colleague against the Volsci and took Sora. (Liv. vii. 28; Diod. xvi. 66.) 3. C. Fabius Dorso Licinus, son or grandson of No. 2, was consul in b. c. 273 with C. Claudius Canina, but died in the course of this year. It was in his consulship that colonies were founded at Cosa and Paestum, and that an embassy was sent by Ptolemy Philadelphus to Rome. (Veil. Pat. i. 14; Eutrop. ii. 15.) DORUS (AcSpos), the mythical ancestor of the Dorians ; he is described either as a son of Hellen, by the nymph Orsei's, and a brother of Xuthus and A'eolus (ApoUod. i. 7. § 3 ; Diod. iv. 60) ; or as a son of Apollo, by Phthia, and a brother of Laodocus and Polypoites (Apollod. i. 7. $ 6),