Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1088

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loro DOSITHEUS. vtrhereas Servius {ad Aen. ii. 27) calls him a son of Poseidon. He is said to have assembled the people which derived its name from him (the Do- rians) around him in the neighbourhood of Par- nassus. (Strab. viii. p. 383; Herod, i, 56, comp. Muller, Dor. i. . § .) [L. S.] DORYCLEIDAS (AopuKei5as), a Lacedae- monian statuary, the brother of Medon, made the pold and ivory statue of Themis, in the temple of Hera at Olympia. He was a disciple of Dipoenus and Scyllis, and therefore flourished about b. c. 550. (Paus. V. 17. i 1.) [P. S.] DORYCLUS {^6pvKos the name of two mythical personages. (Horn. IL xi. 489; Virg. Aen. V. 620.) [L. S.] DO'RYLAS, the name of two mythical per- sonages. (Ov. Met. V. 130, xii. 380.) [L. S.] DORYLA'US (AopvKoMs). 1. A general of Mithridates, who conducted an army of 80,000 men into Greece in b. c. 86 to assist Archelaus in the war with the Romans. (Appian, Mithr. 17, 49 ; Plut. SuU. 20 ; comp. above, p. 262, a.) 2. An ambassador of Deiotarus. (Cic. pro Dew- tar. 15.) DORY'PHORUS {AopiKp6pos), one of the most influential freedmen and favourites of the emperor Nero, who employed him as his secretary, and lavished enormous sums upon him. But in a. d. 63 Nero is said to have poisoned him, because he opposed his marriage with Poppaea. (Tacit. Ann. xiv. 65 ; Dion Cass. Ixi. 5.) [L. S.] DOSI'ADAS (Aw<rM£8os), of Rhodes, the au- thor of two enigmatic poems in the Greek Antho- logy, the verses of which are so arranged that each poem presents the profile of an altar, whence each of them is entitled AwaidSa ^cc/Mis, (Brunck, Anal. i. 412; Jacobs, i. 202.) The language of these poems is justly censured by Lucian. {Lexiph. 25.) Dosiadas is also one of the authors to whom the "Egg of Simmiaa" is ascribed. [Bksantinus.] The time at which he lived is unknown. (Fabric. liibl. Graec. iii. 810—812; Jacobs, A nth. Graec. vii. pp. 211—224, xiii. pp. 888, 889.) [P. S.] DOSI'THEUS (Aw(Tl0€os), a Greek historian, of whom four works are mentioned : 1. 2jKeA./»c(£, of which the third book is quoted. (Plut Farall. Afin. 19.) 2. AvZiolkA.^ of which likewise the third book is quoted. (Plut. Farall. Min. 30.) 3, 'Ira- XikA (ibid. 33, 34, 37, 40), and 4. n€oTrt5aj. (Ibid. 33 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. Aoopiov.) But nothing further is known about him. [L. S.] DOSl'THEUS (Aaxrieeos), of Colonus, a geo- meter, to whom Archimedes dedicates his books on the sphere and cylinder, and that on spirals. Censorinus is held to say (c. 18), that he improved the octa-eteris of Eudoxus : and both Geminus and Ptolemy made use of the observations of the times of appearance of the fixed stars, which he made in the year B. c. 200. Pliny (//. A', xviii. 31) mentions him. (Fabric. liibl. Graec. vol. iv. p. 15.) [A. DeM.] DOSl'THEUS, sumamed, probably from his occupation, Magistkr, was a schoolmaster and grammarisin, teaching Greek to Roman youths. He lived under Septimius Severus and Ant. Cara- calla, about the beginning of the third century of our era. This appears by a passage in his 'Ep/xrj- vfVfxara^ where he states that he copied the Gene- ologia of Hyginus in the consulship of Maximus and Aprus, which occurred A. P. 207. There is extant of this author, in two manu- | DOSITHEUS. scripts, a work entitled 'Epfntucifxara divided into three books. Parts of it have never been published, and do not deserve to be published ; for all that is the author's own is worthless, ill-expressed, and disfigured by excessive boastfulness. The first book (unpublished) consists of a Greek grammar, written in Latin, and treating of the parts of speech. The second book consists chiefly of imperfect vocabularies and glossaries, Greek-Latin and Latin-Greek. The glossaries were publish- ed by H. Stephanus, fol. 1573, and have since been several times reprinted. The third book contains translations from liatin authors into Greek, and vice versa, the Latin and Greek being placed on opposite columns. From the extracts thus preserved this part of the work deserves atten- tion. It consists of six divisions, or chapters ; 1. The first chapter is entitled Divi Hadriani Senten- tiae et Epistolae^ and contains legal anecdotes of Hadrian, mostly without much point, his answers to petitioners, a letter written by him to his mother, and a notice of a law concerning parricide. The law referred to directs the murderer of his father to be. sewn alive in a sack, along with a dog, a cock, a viper, and an ape, and to be thrown into the near- est sea or river. Reinesius {De/ens. Variar. T^cL p. 90) refers this law to a later age than that of Hadrian, and thinks that it was first intro- duced by Constantine, a. n. 319 (Cod. 9, tit. 17), but this supposition is inconsistent either with the genuineness of the fragment, or with the date when Dositheus lived, as collected from his own testimony. The Divi Hadi-iani Senientvae et Epis- tolae were first published by Goldastus, 8vo, 1601, and may be found in Fabricius. {Bibl. Graeca xii. pp. 514 — 554, edit. 1724.) The same work has been edited by Schulting, in his Jurisprudentia Antejnstiniana, and by Bocking in the Bonn Corpus Juris JRomani Antejustiniani. 2. The se- cond chapter contains eighteen fables of Aesop. 3. The third chapter has been usually entitled, after Pithoeus, Fragmentum Regvdarum^ or, after Roever, Fragmentum veteris juriscofisu/ti de juris speciebus et de vianumissionibus. Of this, the Latin text alone was first published by Pithoeus, 4to, Paris, ] 573, at the end of his edition of the Colla- tio Legura Mosaicarum et Romanarum. The Greek and Latin text together were published by Roever, 8vo, Lug. Bat 1739. The Latin text appears in the Jurisp. Aniejust. of Schulting. The Greek and Latin together (revised by Beck, not, as is commonly stited, by Biener) are given in the Berlin Jus Civile Antejustinianeum, and by Boeck- ing in the Bonn Corp. Jur. Rom. Aniejust. There are able observations on this fragment by Cujas(06- serv. xiii. 31), and by Valckenar (Miscell. Observ. X. p. 108). It has also been learnedly criticised by Schilling, in his unfinished Dissertatio Critica de Fraymev to Juris liomani Dositheano, Lips. 1819, and by Lachmann, in his Versudi iiber Dositheus, 4to, Berlin, 1837. This fragment, which has recently excited considerable attention, contains some remarks upon the division of jus into civib;, naturale, and gentium, the division of persons into freebom and freedmen, and the law of manumis- sions. It cannot be doubted that the Greek text has been translated from a Latin original. Schil- ling, against the probable inference to be derived from internal evidence, supposes it to have been a compilation, by Dositheus, from several jurists, and in this opinion is followed by Zimniem {R. R.