Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/146

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to pay his troops; but the people rose against him and drove him out of the city. He soon fell into the hands of robbers, who delivered him up to Antiochus, by whom he was put to death, B. C. 122. He was weak and effeminate, but sometimes generous. His surname, Zebina, which means "a purchased slave," was applied to him as a term of reproach, from a report that he had been bought by Ptolemy as a slave. Several of his coins are extant. In the one figured below Jupiter is represented on the reverse, holding in the right hand a small image of victory.

(Justin, xxxix. 1, 2; Joseph. Antiq. xiii. 9, 10; Clinton, Fasti, iii. p. .334.)

[P. S.]

ALEXANDRA. [Cassandra.]

ALEXANDRIDES (Ἀλεξανδρίδης) of Delphi, a Greek historian of uncertain date. If we may judge from the subjects on which his history is quoted as an authority, it would seem that his work was a history of Delphi. (Plut. Lys. 18 ; Schol. ad Eurip. Alcest. 1, where undoubtedly the same person is meant, though the MS. reading is Anaxandrides; Schol. ad Aristoph. Plut. 926.)

[L. S.]

ALEXA′NOR (Ἀλεξάνωρ), a son of Machaon, and grandson of Aesculapius, who built to his sire a temple at Titane in the territory of Sicyon. He himself too was worshipped there, and sacrifices were offered to him after sunset only. (Paus. 2.23.4, 11.6, &c.)

[L. S.]

ALEXARCHUS (Ἀλέξαρχος), a Greek historian, who wrote a work on the history of Italy (Ἰταλικά), of which Plutarch (Parallel. 7) quotes the third book. Servius (Serv. ad Aen. 3.334) mentions an opinion of his respecting the origin of the names Epeirus and Campania, which unquestionably belonged to his work on Italy. The writer of this name, whom Plutarch mentions in another passage (De, Is. et Os. p. 365), is probably a different person.

[L. S.]

ALEXARCHUS (Ἀλέξαρχος). 1. A brother of Cassander of Macedonia, who is mentioned as the founder of a town called Uranopolis, the site of which is unknown. Here he is said to have introduced a number of words of his own coinage, which, though very expressive, appear to have been regarded as a kind of slang. (Athen. 3.98.)

2. A Corinthian, who, while the Lacedaemonians were fortifying Deceleia in Attica, B. C. 413, and were sending an expedition to Sicily, was entrusted with the command of 600 hoplites, with whom he joined the Sicilian expedition. (Thuc. 7.19.)

[L. S.]

ALE′XIAS (Ἀλεξίας), an ancient Greek physician, who was a pupil of Thrasyas of Mantinea, and lived probably about the middle of the fourth century before Christ. Theophrastus mentions him as having lived shortly before his time (Hist. Plant. 9.16.8), and speaks highly of his abilities and acquirements.

ALEXI′CACUS (Ἀλεξίκακος), the averter of evil, is a surname given by the Greeks to several deities, as--Zeus (Orph. De Lapid. Prooem. i.),--to Apollo, who was worshipped under this name by the Athenians, because he was believed to have stopped the plague which raged at Athens in the time of the Peloponnesian war (Paus. 1.3.3, 8.41.5),--and to Heracles. (Lactant. 5.3.)

[L. S.]

ALEXICLES (Ἀλεξικλῆς), an Athenian general, who belonged to the oligarchial or Lacedaemonian party at Athens. After the revolution of B. C. 411, he and several of his friends quitted the city and went to their friends at Deceleia. But he was afterwards made prisoner in Peiraeeus, and sentenced to death for his participation in the guilt of Phrynichus. (Thuc. 8.92; Lycurg. in Leocr. p. 164.)

[L. S.]

ALEXICRATES (Ἀλεξικράτης), a Pythagorean philosopher who lived at the time of Plutarch, and whose disciples continued to observe the ancient diet of the Pythagoreans, abstaining from fish altogether. (Plut. Sympos. viii. p. 728.) Another person of this name occurs in Plutarch, Plut. Pyrrh. 5.)

[L. S.]

ALE′XIDA (Ἀλεξίδη), a daughter of Amphiaraus, from whom certain divinities called Elasii ( Ἐλάσιοι, i. e. the averters of epileptic fits) were believed to be descended. (Plut. Quaest. Gr. 23.)

[L. S.]

ALEXI′NUS (Ἀλεξῖνος), a philosopher of the Dialectic or Megarian school and a disciple of Eubulides [EUCLEIDES], from his eristic propensities facetiously named Ἐλεγξῖνος, who lived about the beginning of the third century before Christ. He was a native of Elis, and a contemporary of Zeno. From Elis he went to Olympia, in the vain hope, it is said, of founding a sect which might be called the Olympian; but his disciples soon became disgusted with the unhealthiness of the place and their scanty means of subsistence, and left him with a single attendant. None of his doctrines have been preserved to us, but from the brief mention made of him by Cicero (Cic. Ac. 2.24), he seems to have dealt in sophistical puzzles, like the rest of his sect. Athenaeus (xv. p. 696e.) mentions a paean which he wrote in honour of Craterus, the Macedonian, and which was sung at Delphi to the sound of the lyre. Alexinus also wrote against Zeno, whose professed antagonist he was, and against Ephorus the historian. Diogenes Laertius has preserved some lines on his death, which was occasioned by his being pierced with a reed while swimming in the Alpheus. (D. L. 2.109, 110.)

[B. J.]

ALE′XION, an ancient physician, who was probably (judging from his name) a native of Greece; he was a friend of Cicero, who praises his medical skill, and deeply laments his sudden death, B. C. 44. (Ad Att. 7.2, 13.25, 15.1. d 2.)

ALEXI′PPUS (Ἀλέξιππος), an ancient Greek physician, who is mentioned by Plutarch (Plut. Alex. c. 41) as having received a letter from Alexander himself, to thank him for having cured Peucestas, one of his officers, of an illness probably about B. C. 327.

ALEXIS (Ἄλεξις). 1. A comic poet, born at Thurii, in Magna Graecia (Suidas s. v. "Ἄλ.), but admitted subsequently to the privileges of an