Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/189

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ANDREUS. Magn. s. v. Bi§iaiyi(T6os.) The name occurs in several ancient authors (Pliny, //. iV. xx. 76, xxii. 49, xxxii. 27 ; St. Epiphanius, Jdv. Ilueres. i. 1. § 3, p. 3, ed. Colon. 1682 ; Schol. ad Aristoph. "yf re*," V. 2(57 ; Schol. ad Nicand. " Thcriaca^' vv. 684, 823, &c.), but no other facts are related of liim that need be noticed here. (Lc Clerc, Hist, de la Med; Fabric. Ihhl. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 57, ed. vet. ; Haller, DUilioih. Boian., Cldrurg.^ and Medic, Pract.; Sprenfie], Hist, de la Med. ; Isensee, Ges- chicIUe der Med.) [W. A. G.] ANDREAS, bishop of Caesarea in Cappado- cia, probably about 500 a. d., wrote a Commentary on the Apocalypse, which is printed in the princi- pal editions of Chrysostom's works. He also wrote a work entitled " Therapeutica Spiritualis," frag- ments of which are extant in the " Eclogae Asceticae" of John, patriarch of Antioch. (Nessel, Cul. Vtndof,. Pt.i., cod. 276, No. 1. p. 381.) [P.S.] ANDREAS, archbishop of Crete, was a native of Damascus. He was first a monk at Jerusalem, whence he is called in some ancient writings " of Jerusalem " ('lepoo-oAf/iiTTjs, o 'UpocroKvixwv), then a deacon at Constantinople, and lastly archbishop of Crete. His time is rather doubtful, but Cave has shewn that he probably flourished as early as A. D. 635. (Hist. Lit. Sid) ann.) In 680 he was sent by Theodorus, the patriarch of Jerusalem, to the 6th council of Constantinople, against the Monothelitcs, where he Avas ordained a deacon. Some Iambics are still extant in which he thanks Agathe, the keeper of the documents, for commu- nicating to hira the acts of the sj-nod. It seems to have been soon after this council that he was made archbishop of Crete. A doubtful tradition relates that he died on ike 14th of June, 724. (Fabric. BiU. Grace, xi. p. 64.) The works ascribed to him, consisting of Homilies, and Triodia and other hymns, were published by Combefisius, Par. 1644, fol., and in his Aduar-Nov^ Par. 1648. A "Com- ])utus Paschalis," ascribed to Andreas, was pub- lished in Greek and Latin by Petavius. (Doctr. Temp. iii. p. 393.) There is great doubt as to the genuineness of several of these works. [P. S.] ANDREAS, bishop of Samosata, about 430 A. I)., took part in the Nestorian controversy against Cyril, patriarch of Alexandria, in answer to whose anathemas he wrote two books, of the first of which a large part is quoted by Cyril, in his Apol. adv. Orientates, and of the second some fragments are contained in the Hodegus of Anasta- sius Sinaita. Though prevented by illness from K'iiig present at the council of Ephesus (a. d. 4."H), he joined Theodoret in his opposition to the agreement between Cyril and John, and, like Theodoret, he changed his course through fear, but at a much earlier period. About 436 he yielded to the persuasions of John, and joined in the condemnation of Nestorius. Eight letters by him are extant in Latin in the " Epistolae Ephe- sinae" of Lupus. [P. S.] ANDREOPU'LUS. [Svntipas.] ANDREUS ('Ai'5p€us), a son of the river-god Peneius in Arcadiji, from whom the district about Orchomenos in Roeotia was called Andreis. (Paus. ix. 34. § 5.) In another passage (x. 13. § 3) Pausanias speaks of And reus (it is, however, uncertain whether he means the same man as the former) as the person who first colonized Andros. According to Diodonis (v. 79) Andreus was one of the generals of Rhadamantiivs, from ivhom he re- ANDROCLUS. 171 ccived the island afterwards called Andros as a present. Stephanus of Ryzantium, Conon (41), and Ovid {Met. xiv. 639), call this first colonizer of Andros, Andrus and not Andreus. [L.S.] ANDRISCUS (*Aj/SptV/cos). 1. A man of low- origin, who pretended to be a natural son of Per- seus, king of Macedonia, was seized by Demetrius, king of Syria, and sent to Rome. He escaped, however, from Rome, and finding many partizans, assumed the name of Philip and obtained posses- sion of Macedonia. His reign, which was marked by acts of crueltj', did not last much more than a year. He defeated the praetor Juventius, but was conquered by Caecilius Metellus, and conducted to Rome in chains to adorn the triumph of the latter, B. c. 148. (Liv. Epit. 49, 50, 52 ; Diod. Eocc. xxxii. p. 590, &c., ed. Wess.; Polyb. xxxvii. JEo-c. Vatic, edi. Mai ; Flor. ii. 14; Vellei. i. 11; Paus. vii. 13. §1.) 2. A writer of uncertain date, the author of a work upon Naxos. (Athen. iii. p. 78, c; Parthen. c. 9, 19.) ANDRO. [Androx.] ANDRO'BIUS, a painter, whose time and country are unknown. He painted Scyllis, the diver, cutting awav the anchors of the Persian fleet. (Plin. xxxv.'40. § 32.) [P. S.] ANDROBU'LUS, a sculptor, celebrated as a maker of statues of philosophers. (Plin. xxxiv. 19. § 26.) [P. S.] ANDROCLEIDES ('Ai/5poKeiSTjs), a Theban, who was bribed by Timocrates, the emissary of Tissaphemes in B. c. 395, in order to induce the Thebans to make war upon the Spartans, and thus bring back Agesilaus from Asia. (Xen, I fell. iii. 5. § 1 ; Plut. Lys. 27 ; Paus. iii. 9. § 4.) An- drocleides is mentioned in" b. c. 382 as one of the leaders of the party opposed to Phoebidas, who had seized the citadel. (Xen. Hell. v. 2. § 31.) A'NDROCLES ('Ai'Spo/cA^s), an Athenian de- magogue and orator. He was a contemporary and enemy of Alcibiades, against whom he brought forward witnesses, and spoke very vehemently in the aftair concerning the mutilation of the Hermae, B. c. 415. (Plut. Alcib. 19; Andocid. de Myster. § 27.) It was chiefly owing to his exertions that Alcibiades was banished. After this event, Andro- cles was for a time at the head of the democratical party; but during the revolution of b. c. 411, in which the democracy was overthrown, and the oligarchical government of the Four Hundred was estiiblished, Androcles was put to death. (Thuc. viii. 65.) Aristotle {Rhet. ii. 23) has preserved a sentence from one of Androcles' speeches, in which he used an incorrect figure. [L. S.] ANDROCLUS, the slave of a Roman consular, of whom the following story is related by Aulas Gellius (v. 14) on the authority of Appion Plisto- nices, who lived in the reigns of Tiberius and Caligula, and who affinned that he himself had been a witness of the scene : — Androclus was sen- tenced to be exposed to the wild beasts in the circus ; but a lion which was let loose upon him, instead of springing upon his victim, exhibited signs of recognition, and began licking him. Upon inquiry it appeared that Androclus had been com- pelled by the severity of his master, while in Africa, to run away from him. Having one day taken refuge in a cave from the heat of the sun, a lion entered, apparently in great pain, and seeing hira, went up to him and held out his paw. An-