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droclus found that a large thorn had pierced it, which he drew out, and the lion was soon able to use his paw again. They lived together for some time in the cave, the lion catering for his benefactor. But at last, tired of this savage life, Androclus left the cave, was apprehended by some soldiers, brought to Rome, and condemned to the wild beasts. He was pardoned, and presented with the lion, which he used to lead about the city.

ANDROCY′DES (Ἀνδροκύδης), of Cyzicus, a Greek painter, a contemporary and rival of Zeuxis, flourished from 400 to 377 B. C. (Plin. xxxv. 36. §3.) He painted, partly on the spot and partly in Thebes, a skirmish of horse which took place near Plataeae shortly before the battle of Leuctra (Plut. Pelop. 25), and a picture of Scylla surrounded by fishes. The latter picture was much praised for the beauty of the fishes, on which the artist was supposed to have bestowed the more pains, on account of his being fond of fish. (Plut. Quaest. Conv. iv. 4. §2; Polemo, ap. Athen. viii. p. 341, a.)

[P. S.]

ANDROCY′DES (Ἀνδροκύδης), a Greek physician, who lived in the reign of Alexander the Great, B. C. 336—323. There is a story told of him by Pliny (H. N. xiv. 7), that he wrote a letter to that prince cautioning him against the immoderate use of wine, which he called "the blood of the earth." It is mentioned also by the same author (xvii. 37. §10), that he ordered his patients to eat a radish as a preservative against intoxication, from having observed (it is said) that the vine always turned away from a radish if growing near it. It is very possible that this Androcydes may be the same person who is mentioned by Theophrastus (Hist. Plant. iv. 16 [al. 20] 20), and also by Athenaeus. (vi. p. 258, b.)

ANDROETAS (Ἀνδροίτας), of Tenedos, the author of a Περίπλους τῆς Προποντίδος. (Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod. ii. 159.)

ANDRO′GEUS (Ἀνδρόγεως), a son of Minos and Pasiphaë, or Crete, who is said to have conquered all his opponents in the games of the Panathenaea at Athens. This extraordinary good luck, however, became the cause of his destruction, though the mode of his death is related differently. According to some accounts Aegeus sent the man he dreaded to fight against the Marathonian bull, who killed him; according to others, he was assassinated by his defeated rivals on his road to Thebes, whither he was going to take part in a solemn contest. (Apollod. iii. 1. §2, 15. §7 ; Paus. i. 27. §9.) According to Diodorus (iv. 60) it was Aegeus himself who had him murdered near Oenoe, on the road to Thebes, because he feared lest Androgeus should support the sons of Pallas against him. Hyginus (Fab. 41) makes him fall in a battle during the war of his father Minos against the Athenians. (See some different accounts in Plut. Thes. 15; Serv. ad Aen. vi. 14.) But the common tradition is, that Minos made war on the Athenians in consequence of the death of his son. Propertius (ii. 1. 64) relates that Androgeus was restored to life by Aesculapius. He was worshipped in Attica as a hero, an altar was erected to him in the port of Phalerus (Paus. i. 1. §4), and games, ἀνδρογεώνια, were celebrated in his honour every year in the Cerameicus. (Dict. of Ant. s. v. Ἀνδρογεώνια.) He was also worshipped under the name Εὐρυγύης, i. e. he who ploughs or possesses extensive fields, whence it has been inferred that originally Androgeus was worshipped as the introducer of agriculture into Attica.

[L. S.]

ANDRO′MACHE (Ἀνδρομάχη), a daughter of Eetion, king of the Cilician Thebae, and one of the noblest and most amiable female characters in the Iliad. Her father and her seven brothers were slain by Achilles at the taking of Thebae, and her mother, who had purchased her freedom by a large ransom, was killed by Artemis. She was married to Hector, by whom she had a son, Scamandrius (Astyanax), and for whom she entertained the most tender love. (Apollod. iii. 11. §6.) See the beautiful passage in Homer, Il. vi. 390—502, where she takes leave of Hector when he is going to battle, and her lamentations about his fall, xxii. 460, &c.; xxiv. 725, &c. On the taking of Troy her son was hurled from the wall of the city, and she herself fell to the share of Neoptolemus (Pyrrhus), the son of Achilles, who took her to Epeirus, and to whom she bore three sons, Molossus, Pielus, and Pergamus. Here she was found by Aeneas on his landing in Epeirus, at the moment she was offering up a sacrifice at the tomb of her beloved Hector. (Virg. Aen. iii. 295, &c.; comp. Paus. i. 11. §1 ; Pind. Nem. iv. 82, vii. 50.) After the death of Neoptolemus, or according to others, after his marriage with Hermione, the daughter of Menelaus and Helen, Andromache became the wife of Helenus, a brother of her first husband, Hector, who is described as a king of Chaonia, a part of Epeirus, and by whom she became the mother of Cestrinus. (Virg. l. c.; Paus. l. c., ii. 23. §6.) After the death of Helenus, who left his kingdom to Molossus, Andromache followed her son Pergamus to Asia. She was supposed to have died at Pergamus, where in after times a heroum was erected to her memory. (Paus. i. 11. §2; comp. Dictys Cret. vi. 7, &c.; Eurip. Andromache.) Andromache and her son Scamandrius were painted in the Lesche at Delphi by Polygnotus. (Paus. x. 25, in fin.)

[L. S.]

ANDRO′MACHUS (Ἀνδρόμαχος). 1. Commander of the Eleans in B. C. 364, was defeated by the Arcadians and killed himself in consequence. (Xen. Hell. vii. 4. §19.)

2. Ruler of Tauromenium in the middle of the fourth century B. C., and the father of the historian Timaeus, is said to have been by far the best of the rulers of Sicily at that time. He assisted Timoleon in his expedition against Dionysius, B. C. 344. (Diod. xvi. 7, 68; Plut. Timol. 10.) Respecting the statement of Diodorus that he founded Tauromenium, see Wcsseling, ad Diod. xiv, 59.

3. The commander of the Cyprian fleet at the siege of Tyre by Alexander, B. C. 332. (Arrian, Anab. ii. 20.) He may have been the same Andromachus who was shortly afterwards appointed governor of Coele-Syria, and was burnt to death by the Samaritans. (Curt. iv. 5, 8.)

4. The father of Achaeus [see p. 8, a], and the brother of Laodice, Avho married Seleucus Callinicus, was detained as a prisoner by Ptolemy at Alexandria, but was liberated about B. C. 320 on the intercession of the Rhodians. (Polyb. iv. 51, viii. 22.)

5. Of Aspendus, one of Ptolemy Philopator's commanders at the battle of Raphia, in which Antiochus the Great was defeated, B. C. 217. After the battle Ptolemy left Andromachus in command of Coele-Svria and Phoenicia, (Polyb. V. 64, 83, 85, 87.)