Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/191

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6. An ambassjidor of Ptolemy Philomctnr, sent to Konie B. c. 154. (Polyb. xxxiii. 5.)

7. A Greek gramnuuian, quoted in the Scholia r.pon Homer (//. v. 130), whom Corsini {Fast. Att. i. Diss. vi. p. u86), without sufficient reasons, supposed to be the author of the Etymologicum jMagnum. (Fabric, liibl. Graec. vi. p. 601.)

8. A Greek rhetorician, who taught at Niconie- ilcia in the reign of Domitian. (Eudoc. p. 58 ; Suid. s. V. liiftixos.)

ANDRO'.AIACIIUS {'AvdpSfxaxos). 1. Com- monly called " the Elder," to distinguish him from his son of the same name, was born in Crete, and was physician to Nero, a. d. 54 — G8. He is principally celebrated for having been the first person on whom the title of "Archiater" is known to have been conferred {DicL of A7it. s. v. Archiater), and also for having been the inventor of a very famous compound medicine and antidote, which was called after his name " Theriaca Andromachi, which long enjoyed a great reputation, and which retains its place in some foreign Phainnacopoeias to the present day. {^LHct.of Ant. s.v. Theriaca.) An- dromachus has left us the directions for making tliis strange mixture in a Greek elegiac poem, con- sisting of one hundred and seventy-four lines, and dedicated to Nero. Galen has inserted it entire in two of his works {DeAntid. i. 6, and De Thcr. ud Pis. c. 6. vol. xiv. pp. 32 — 42), and says, that Andromachus chose this form for his re- ceipt as being more easily remembered than prose, and less likely to be altered. The poem has been published in a separate form by Franc. Tidicaeus, Tiguri, 1G07, 4to., with two Latin translations, one in prose and the other in verse ; and again by J. S. Leinker, Norimb. 1754, fol. it is also inserted in the first volume of Idelers Phijsiciet Medici Graeci Minores., Berol. 8vo. 1841. There is a German translation in E. W. Weber's Eleyische Dichter der Hellenen, Frankfort, 1826, 8vo. Some persons suppose him to be the author of a work on pharmacy, but this is generally attri- buted to his son, Andromachus the Younger.

2. The Younger, so called to distinguish him from his father of the same name, was the son of the pre- ceding, and is supposed to have been also physician to Nero, A. D. 54 — 68. Nothing is known of the events of his life, but he is generally supposed to have been the author of a work on pharmacy in three books (Galen, De Compos. Medicum. sec. Uen. ii. 1. vol. xiii. p. 463), which is quoted very frequently and with approbation by Galen, but of which oidy a few fragments remain. [W. A. G.]

ANDRO'MEDA {' hvZpoix^ln), a daughter of the Aethiopian king Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Her mother boasted of her beauty, and said that she surpassed the Nereids. The latter prevailed on Poseidon to visit the country by an inundation, and a sea-monster was sent into the land. The oracle of Amnion promised that the people should be delivered from these calamities, if Andromeda v/as given up to the monster ; and Cepheus, being obliged to yield to the wishes of his people, chain- ed Andromeda to a rock. Here she was found and saved by Perseus, who slew the monster and obtained her as his wife. (Apollod. ii. 4. § 3 ; Hygin. Fab. 64 ; Ov. Met. iv. 663, «&c.) Andro- meda had previously been promised to Phineus (Hyginus calls him Agenor), and this gave rise to the famous fight of Phineas and Perseus at the -wedding, in which the former and all his associates were slai.i. (Ov. Met. v. 1, &c.) [PEasKU.s. j Andromeda thus became the wife of Perseus, and bore him many children. (Apollod. ii. 4. § 5.) Athena placed her among the stars, in the form of a maiden with her arms stretched out and chained to a rock, to commemorate her delivery by Perseus. (Hygin. Poet. Astr. ii. 10, &c.; Eratosth. Caia.'d. 17; Arat Phaen. 198.) Conon {Nurrat. 40) gives a wretched attempt at an historical interpre- tation of this mythus. The scene where Andro- meda was fastened to the rock is placed by some of the ancients in the neighbourhood of lope in Phoenicia, while others assign to it a pLice of the same name in Aethiopia. The tragic poets often made the story of Andromeda the subject of dramas, which are now lost. The moment in which she is relieved from the rock by Perseus is represented in an anaglyjih still extant. {Les puis beuujc Mommens de Rome, No. 63.) [L. S.]

ANDRON C'Ai'Spwj'). 1. Of Aiexandn:u whose work entitled XpoviKa is referred to by Athenacus. (iv. p. 184, b.)

2. Of Ephesus, who wrote a work on the Seven Sages of Greece, whicn seems to have been entitled Tpl-rrovs. (Diog. Laert. i. 30, 119 ; Schol. ad Pind. Idh. ii. 17; Clem. Alex. Strom, i. p. 332, b.; Suid. and Phot. s. v. 'Zaixiuv 6 8rJi.i.os ; Euseb. Pracp. Ev. x. 3.)

3. Of Halicarnassus, a Greek historian, who is mentioned by Plutarch {T/ies.c.2o) in conjunction with Hellanicus. (Comp. Tzetzes, ad Ljcophr. 894, 1283 ; Schol. ad Aesch. J'ers. 183.)

4. Of Teos, the author of a TlcpiTTAovs (Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod. ii. 354), who is probably the same person as the one referred to by Strabo (ix. pp. 392, 456, 475), Stephanus of Byzantium, and others. He may also have been the same as the author of the riepl '2,vyyiviiu3V. (llarpocrat. s. v. ^opSavretov ; Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod. ii. 946.) Comp. Vossius, De Jlistor. Grace, p. 285, ed. Westermann.

ANDRON ("Au^pwy), a sculptor, whose age and country are unknown, made a sta;ue of Ilar- monia, the daughter of Mars and Venus. (Tatian, Orat. in Graec. 55, p. 119, Worth.) [P. S.]

ANDRON ("AvS/Jcoj/), a Greek physician, who is supposed by Tiraquellus (De Nobiniate, c. 31), and after him by Fabricius (Bibl. Gr. vol. xiii. p. 58, ed. vet), to be the same person as Andreas of Carystus [Andreas] ; this, however, is a misr take which has arisen from their reading Andro7i in Pliny (//. JV. xx. 76) instead oi Atidreas. He is mentioned by Athenaeus (xv. p. 680, e.), and several of his medical prescriptions are preserved by Celsus, Galen, Caelius Aurelianus, Oribasius, Aetius, Paulus Aegineta, and other ancient writers. None of his works are in existence, nor is any- thing known of the events of his life ; and with respect to his date, it can only be said with cer- tainty that, as Celsus is the earliest author who mentions him {De Med. v. 20, vi. 14, 18, pp. 92, 132, 133, 134), he must have lived some time be- fore the beginning of the Christian era. (Le Clerc, Ilit't. de la Med. ; C. G. KUhn, Index Mcdic'oruni Ocidariorum inter Graecos Ruinauos(/::e^ Fascic. i. p. 4, Lips., 4to., 1829.) [W. A. G.]

ANDRONICIA'NUS (Av5poi/jK..^(Js), wrote two books against the Eunomiani, (Phot. Cod. 45.)

ANDRONl'CUS {'AvSpovtKus), imibassador of Attalus, sent to Rome in B. c. 156, to inform the senate that Prusias had attacked the territories of