Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/196

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178 ANIANUS. Other accounts state that Angerona was the god- dess of silence, and that her worship was intro- duced at Rome to prevent the secret and sacred name of Rome being made known, or that Ange- rona was herself the protecting divinity of Rome, who by laying her finger on her mouth enjoined men not to divulge the secret name of Rflme. (Plin. /. c; Macrob. Sai. iii. 9.) A festival, An(/c- ronalia, was celebx-ated at Rome in honour of Angerona, every year on the r2th of December, on which day the pontiffs offered sacrifices to her in the temple of Volupia, and in the curia Acculeia. ( Varro, d« Ling. Lat. vL 23 ; Plin. and Macrob. ILcc.) [L.S.] ANGI'TIA or ANGUI'TIA, a goddess wor- shipped by the Marsians and Marrubians, who lived about the shores of the lake Fucinus. She was believed to have been once a being who actually lived in that neighbourhood, taught the people remedies against the poison of serpents, and had derived her name from being able to kill serpents by her incantations (from angere or angiiis^ Serv. ad A«n. vii. 750). According to the account given by Servius, the goddess was of Greek origiw, for Angitia, says he, was the name given by the Mar- rubians to Medea, who after having left Colchis came to Italy with Jason and taught the people the above mentioned remedies. Silius It<ilicus (viii. 498, &c.) identifies her completely with ^ledea. Her name occurs in several inscriptions (Orelli, p. 87, No. 11 G; p. 335, No. 1846), in one of which she is mentioned along with Angerona, and in another her name appears in the plural fonn. From a third inscription (Orelli, p. 87, No. 115) it seems that she had a temple and a treasury be- longing to it. The Silvia Angitia between Alba and lake Fucinus derived its name from her. (Solin. c 2.) [L. S.] ANIA'NUS, the referendarius (Dufresne, Gloss, s. r.) of Alaric the second, king of the Visi- goths, and employed in that capacity to authenti- cate with his subscription the official copies of the JJreviurium. {Diet, of Ant. s. v. Breviarium.) In his subscription he used the words Ankinus., vir niiectabilvi subseripsi et edidi, and it is probable that, from a misunderstanding of the word edidi, pro- ceeded the common notion that he was the author of the Romano-Gothic code, which has thence sometimes been called Breviarium Aniani. The subscription took place at Aire {Aduris) in Gas- coigne, a. d. 506. (Silberrad, ad Heinec. Hist. Jur. Germ. § 15.) Sigebert {de ecdenasiicis scrip- ioribus, c. 70, cited by Jac. Godefroi, Prolegomena in Cod. T/ieodos. § 5) says, that Anianus tmnslated from Greek into Latin the work of Chrysostom upon St. Matthew ; but respecting this, see the following article. No. 2. [J. T. G.] ANIA'NUS {'Aviavos). 1. An Egyptian monk, who lived at the beginning of the 5th century after Christ, and wrote a chronogmphy, in which, accord- ing to Syncellus, he generally followed Eusebius, but sometimes corrected errors made by that writer. It is, however, very doubtful whether Anianus, on the whole, surpassed Eusebius in accuracy. Syn- cellus frequently finds fault with him. (Syncell. Chronogr. pp.7, 16, 17, 34 — 36.) 2. Deacon of Celeda, in Italy, at the begin- ning of the 5th century, a native of Campania, was the anianuen«is of Pelagius, and himself a warm Pelagian. He was present at the synod of Diospolis (a. t>. 41 5), and wrote on the Pelogian ANIUS. controversy against Jerome. (Hieron. Epist. 81.) He also translated into Latin the homilies of Chrysostom on the Gospel of Matthew and on the Apostle Paul, and Chrysostom's Letters to Neophytes. Of all his works there are only extant the translations of the first eight of Chrysostom's homilies on Matthew, which are printed in Mont- faucon's edition of Chrysostom. The rest of those homilies were translated by Gregorius(orGeorgius) Trapezuntius, but Fabricius regards all up to the 26th as the work of Anianus, but interpolated by Gregory. {BiU. Graec. viii. p. 552, note.) Sigebert and other writers attribute the translation of Chrysostom to the jurist Anianus, who lived under Alaric ; but this is a manifest error, since the preface to the work is addressed to Orontius, who was condemned for Pelagianism in the council of Ephesus. (A. D. 431.) [P. S.J ANICE'TUS. 1. A freedman of Nero, and formerly his tutor, commanded the fleet at Misenum in A. D. 60, and was employed by the emperor to murder Agrippina. He was subsequently induced by Nero to confess having committed adultery with Octavia, but in consequence of his conduct in this affair was banished to Sardinia, where he died. (Tac. Ann. xiv. 3. 7, 8, 62; Dion Cass. Ixi. 13; Suet. Ner. 35.) 2. A freedman of Polemo, who espoused the party of VitelKus, and excited an insurrection against Vespasian in Pontus, A. D. 70, It was however put down in the same year, and Anicetus, who had taken refuge at the mouth of the river Cohibus, was surrendered by the king of the Sedo- chezi to the lieutenant of Vespasian, and put to death. (Tac. Hist. iii. 47, 48.) 3. A Greek grammarian, who appears to have written a glossary. ( Athen. xL p. 783, c ; comp. Alciphr. i. 28, with Bergler's note.) ANI'CIA GENS. Persons of the name of Anicius are mentioned first in the beginning of the second century B. c. Their cognomen was GAiLtfs. Those whose cognomen is not mentioned ai'e given under Anicius. ANI'CIUS. 1. Cn. Anicius, a legate of Paidlus in the Macedonian war, B c. 168. (Liv. xliv. 46.) 2. T. Anicius, who said that Q. Cicero had given him a commission to purchase a place in the suburbs for him, B.c. 54. (Cic. ad Qu. Fr. iii. 1. § 7.) 3. C. Anicius, a senator and a friend of Cicero, whose villa was near that of the latter. Cicero gave him a letter of introduction to Q. Comificius in Africa, when Anicius was going there with the privilege of a legafio libera {Diet, of A nt. s.v. Legatus) in B. c. 44. (Cic. ad Qu. Fr. ii. 19, ad Fam. vii. 26, xii. 21.) ANI'GRIDES ("Avlypidfs), the nj-mphs of the river Anigrus in Elis. On the coast of Elis, not far from the mouth of the river, there was a grotto sacred to them, which was visited by persons afflicted with cutaneous diseases. They were cured here by prayers and sacrifices to the nymphs, and by bathing in the river. (Pans. v. 5. § 6 ; Strab. viii. p. 346 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 880.) [L. S.] A'NIUS {"AvLos), a son of Apollo by Creusa, or according to others by Rhoeo, the daughter of Staphylus, who when her pregnancy became known was exposed by her angry father in a cliest on the waves of the sea. The chest landed in Delos, and when Rhoeo was delivered of a boy she consecrated him to the service of Apollo, who en- dowed him with prophetic powers. (DioJ. v, 62 ;