Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/200

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182 ANTALCIDAS. king, to whom he had gone to give a report of his measures, and was superseded for a time in his satrapy by Strathas, a warm friend of Athens. The war therefore continued for some years ; but in B. c. 388 the state of affairs appeared to give promise of success if a fresh negotiation with Per- sia were attempted. Tiribazus had returned to his former government, Pharnabazus, the opponent of Spartan interests, had gone up to the capital to marry Aparaa, the king's daughter, and had en- trusted his government to Ariobarzanes, with whom Antalcidas had a connexion of hospitality (^euos €/c iraXouov). Under these circumstances, Antalcidas was once more sent to Asia both as commander of the fleet (vavapxos), and ambassador. {Hell. V. 1. § 6, 28.) On his arrival at Ephesus, he gave the charge of the squadron to Nicolochus, as his lieutenant (iiriaToKevs), and sent him to aid Abydus and keep Iphicrates in check, while he himself went to Tiribazus, and possibly proceeded with him * to the court of Artaxerxcs on the more important business of his mission. In this he was completely successful, having prevailed on the king to aid Sparta in forcing, if necessary, the Athenians and their allies to accede to peace on the terms which Persia, acting under Spartan influence, should dictate. On his return however to the sea- coast, he received intelligence that Nicolochus was blockaded in the harbour of Abydus by Iphicrates and Diotimus. lie accordingly proceeded by land to Abydus, whence he sailed out with the squad- ron by night, having spread a report that the Chalcedonijms had sent to him for aid. Sailing northward, he stopped at Percope, and when the Athenians had passed that place in fancied pursuit of him, he returned to Abydus, where he hoped to be strengthened by a reinforcement of twenty ships from Syracuse and Italy. But hearing that Thra- Bybulus (of Colyttus, not the hero of Phyle) was advancing from Thrace with eight ships to join the Athenian fleet, he put out to sea, and succeeded by a stratagem in capturing the whole squadron. {Ilell. v. 1. § 2.5-*27; Polj'aen. ii. 4, and Schneider in loc. Xcn.) He was soon after joined by the ex- pected ships from Sicily and Italy, by the fleet of all the Ionian towns of which Tiribazus was mas- ter, and even by some which Ariobarzanes fur- nished from the satrapy of Phaniabazus. Antal- cidas thus commanded the sea, which, together with the annoyance to which Athens was exposed from Aegina (llell. v. 1. 1 — 24), made the Athe- nians desirous of peace. The same wish being also strongly felt by Sparta and Argos (see the several reasons in Xen. HeU. v. 1. $ 29), the summons of Tiribazus for a congress of deputies from such states as might be willing to listen to tlie terms proposed by the king, was gladly obeyed by all, and the satrap then read to them the royal decree. This famous document, drawn up with a sufficient assumption of imperial majesty, ran thus : " Arta- xerxes the king thinks it just that the cities in Asia should belong to himself, as well as the is- lands Clazomenae and Cyprus ; but that the other Grecian cities, both small and great, he should leave independent, except Leranos and Imbros and Scyros ; and that these, as of old, should belong to the Athenians. But whichever party receives not

  • If we may infer as much from the expression

which Xcnophon afterwards uses (v. i. 25), 'O Se AvToX/ciSos Kare'STj jxkv fj-erd TipiSd^ov, k. t. A. ANTANDER. this peace, against them will I war, Avith such as accede to these terms, both by land and by sea, both with ships and with money." {Hell. v. 1. § 31.) To these terms all the parties concerned readily acceded, if we except a brief and ineffectual delay on the part of Thebes and the united govern- ment of Argos and Corinth {Hell. v. 1. § 32—34); and thus was concluded, B. c. 387, the famous peace of Antalcidas, so called as being the fruit of his masterly diplomacy. That the peace effectually provided for the interests of Sparta, is beyond a doubt {Hell. v. 1. §36); that it was cordially cherished by most of the other Greciau states as a sort of bulwark and charter of freedom, is no less certain. {Hdl. vi. 3. §§ 9, 12, 18, vi. 5. § 2 ; Paus. ix. 1.) On the subject of the peace, see Thirl wall, Gr. Hist, vol iv. p. 445 ; Mitford, ch. 25. sec. 7, ch. 27. sec. 2. Our notices of the rest of the life of Antalcidas are scattered and doubtful. From a passing allu- sion in the speech of Callistratus the Athenian {Hell. vi. 3. § 12), we learn that he was then (b. c. 371) absent on another mission to Persia. Alight this have been with a view to the negotia- tion of peace in Greece (see Hell. vi. 3), and like- wise have been connected with some alarm at the probable interest of Timotheus, son of Conon, at the Persian court? (See Diod. xv. 50; Dom. c. Timoth. p. 1191; Thirhvall, vol. v. p. 63.) Plu- tarch again {Ages. p. 613, e.) mentions, as a state- ment of some persons, that at the time of the in- vasion of Laconia by Epaminondas, b. c. 369, Antalcidas was one of the ephors, and that, fearii:g the capture of Sparta, he conveyed his children for safety to Cythera. The same author informs us {Arlaa p. 1022, d.), that Antalcidas was sent to Persia for supplies after tho defeat at Leuctra, B. c. 371, and was coldly and superciliously received by the king. If, considering the general looseness of statement which pervades this portion of Plutarch, it were allowable to set the date of this mission after the invasion of 369, we might possibly con- nect with it the attempt at pacification on the side of Persia in 368. {Hell. vii. 1. § 27; Diod. xv. 70.) This would seem indeed to be inconsistent with Plutarch's account of the treatment of Antalcidas by Artaxcrxes ; but that might perhaps be no overwhelming objection to our hypothesis. (See, however, Thirhvall, vol. v. p. 123, and note.) If the embassy in ijuestion took phice immediately after the battle of Leuctra, the anecdote {Ages. 613, e.) of the ephoralty of Antalcidas in 369 of course refutes what Plutarch {Artaa;. 1022, d.) would have us infer, that Antalcidas was driven to suicide by his failure in Persia and the ridicule of his enemies. But such a story is on other grounds intrinsically improbable, and savours much of the period at which Plutarch wrote, when the conduct of some later Romans, miscalled Stoics, had served to give suicide the character of a fashionable re- source in cases of distress and perplexity. [E. E.] ANTANDER ("'AfxavSpos), brother of Agatho- cles, king of Syracuse, was a commander of the troops sent >y the Syracusans to the relief of Cro tona when besieged by the Brutii in B. c. 317. During his brother's absence in Africa (b. c, 310), he was left together with Erymnon in command of Syracuse, and wished to surrender it to Hamilcar. He appears, however, to have still retained, or at least regained, tiie confidence of Agathocles, for he is mentioned afterwards as the instrument of Ins