Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/201

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ANTENOR. brother's cruelty. (Diod. xix. 3, xx. 16, 72.) Antander was the autlior of an historical work, which Diodorus quotes. {Edc xxi. 12, p. 492, ed. Wess.) ANTEIA CAvT(ia), a daughter of the Lycian king lobates, and wife of Proetus of Argos, by whom she became the mother of Maera. (ApoUod. ii. 2. § 1 ; Horn. //. vi. 160 ; Eustath, ad I Join. p. 1688.) The Greek tragedians call the wife of Proetus Stheneboea. Respecting her love for Bellerophontes, see Belliirophontes. [L. S.] ANTEIAS or ANTI AS ('Avre/as or 'Aj/t/os), one of the three sons of Odysseus by Circe, from whom tlie town of Antek in Italy was believed to have derived its name. (Dionys. Hal. i. 72 ; Steph. Byz. s. V. Ain-eja.) [L. S.] P. ANTEIUS was to have had the province of Svria in a. d. 56, but was detained in the city by Nero. He was hated by Nero on account of his intimacy with Agrippina, and was thus compelled to put an end to his own life in A. d. 57. (Tac. Ann. xiii. 22, xvi. 14.) ANTENOR ('Ai/Triwp), a Trojan, a son of Aesyetes and Cleomestra, and husband of Theano, by whom he had many children. (Horn. //. vi. 398 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 349.) According to the Homeric account, he was one of the wisest among the elders at Troy, and received Menelaus and Odysseus into his house when they came to Tro)"^ as ambassadors. {II. iii. 146, &c., 203, &c.) He also advised his fellow-citizens to restore Helen to Menelaus. {IL vii. 348, &c.) This is the sub- stance of all that is said about him in the Homeric poems ; but the suggestion contained therein, that Antenor entertained a friendly disposition towards the Greeks, has been seized upon and exaggerated by later writers. Before the Trojan war, he is said to have been sent by Priam to Greece to claim the surrender of Hesione, who had been carried off by the Greeks ; but this mission was not followed by any favourable result. (Dares Phrj-g. 5.) When Menelaus and Odysseus came to Troy, they would have been killed by the sons of Priam, had it not been for the protection which Antenor afforded them. (Diet. Cret. i. 11.) Just before the taking of Troy his friendship for the Greeks assumes the character of treachery towards his own country ; for when sent to Agamemnon to negotiate peace, he devised with him and Odysseus a plan of delivering the citv, and even the palladium, into their hands. (Diet. Cret. iv. 22, v. 8 ; Serv. ad Aen. i. 246, 651, ii. 15; Tzetzps, ad Lycophr. 339; Suidas, s. v. vaXKddiou.) When Troy was plundered, the skin of a panther was hung up at the door of Antenor's house, as a sign for the Greeks not to commit anj' outrage upon it. (Schol. ad Find. Pyth. v. 1 08 ; Pans. X. 17 ; Strab. xiii. p. 608.) His history after tliis event is related differently. Dictys (v. 1 7 ; comp. Serv. ad Aen. ix. 264) states, that he founded a new kingdom at Troy upon and out of the rem- nants of the old one ; and according to others, he embarked with Menelaus and Helen, was carried to Libya, and settled at Gyrene (Pind. Pyih. v. 110) ; or he went with the Heneti to Thrace, and thence to the western coast of the Adriatic, where the foundation of several towns is ascribed to him. (Strab. I.e.; Serv. ad Aen. i. 1 ; Liv. i. 1.) An- tenor with his family and his house, on which the panther's skin was seen, was painted in the Lesche at Delphi. (Pans. I. c.) [L. S.] ANTE'NOR {"AvTrjvwp), the son of Euphranor, ANTHEAS. 183 an AtheHian scidptor, made the first bronze statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton, which the Athe- nians set up in the Cerameicus. (b. c. 509.) These statues were carried off to Susa by Xerxes, and their place was supplied by others made either by Callias or by Praxiteles. After the conquest of Persia, Alexander the Great sent the statues back to Athens, where they were again set up in the Cerameicus. (Paus. i. 8. § 5 ; Arrian. Anub. iii. 16, vii. 19; Plin. xxxiv. 9; t6. 19. § 10 ; Bockh, Corp. hiscrip. ii. p. 340.) The return of the statues is ascribed by Pausanias (/. c.) to one of the Antiochi, by Valerius Maximus (ii. 10, ext. § 1) to Seleucus ; but the account of Arrian, that they were returned by Alexander, is to be pre- ferred. (See also Meursii Pisistrat. 14.) [P. S.] ANTE'NOR ('A>'T7jj/(Mp), a Greek writer of un- certain date, wrote a work upon the history of Crete, which on account of its excellence was called AeAra, inasmuch as, says Ptolemy Hephaestion {up. Phot. Cod. 190, p. 151, b. Bekk.), the Cretans called that which is good AfKrov. (Aelian, //. N. xvii. 35 ; Plut. de Mai. Herod, c. 32.) ANTENO'RIDES ('AvTTjropt'STjs), a patronymic from Antenor, and applied to his sons and descend- ants. (Virg. Aen. vi, 484; Hom. //. xi. 221.) At Cyrene, where Antenor according to some ac- counts had settled after the destruction of Troy, the Antenoridae enjoyed heroic honours. (Pind. Prjth. V. 108.) [L. S.] ANTEROS. [Eros.] ANTEVORTA, also called PORRIMA or PRORSA (Ov. Fast. i. 633; Gell. xvi. 16), toge- ther with Postvorta, are described either as the two sisters or companions of the Roman goddess Carmenta. (Ov. Z. c; Macrob. ;Sa<. i. 7.) It seems to be clear, from the manner in which Macrobius speaks of Antevorta and Postvorta, that originally they were only two attributes of the one goddess Carmenta, the former describing her knowledge of the future and the latter that of the past, analogous to the two-headed Janus. But that in later times Antevorta and Postvorta were regarded as two dis- tinct beings, companions of Carmenta, or as two Cannentae, is expressly said by Varro {ap. Gell. I. c), Ovid, and Macrobius. According to Varro, who also says, that they had two altars at Rome, they were invoked by pregnant women, to avert the dangers of child-birth. [L. S.] ANTHAEUS {^KvQaios) or Antaeus, a physi- cian, whose ridiculous and superstitious remedy for hydrophobia is mentioned by Pliny. {H. iV. xxviii. 2.) One of his prescriptions is preserved by Galen. {De Compos. Mcdicam. see. Locos, iv. 8. vol. xii. p. 764.) Nothing is known of the events of his life, but, as Pliny mentions him, he must have lived some time iu or before the first century after Christ. [W.A.G.] ANT HAS {*Av0ds), a son of Poseidon and Al- cyone, the daughter of Atlas. He was king of Troezen, and believed to have built the town of Antheia, and according to a Boeotian tradition, the town of Anthedon also. Other accounts stated, that Anthedon derived its name from a nvmph Anthedon. (Paus. ii. 30. § 7, &c., ix. 22. § 5.') [L. S.] A'NTHEAS LI'NDIUS {"Audeas), a Greek poet, of Lindus in Rhodes, flourished about B.C. 596. He was one of the earliest eminent composers of phallic songs, which he himself sung at the head of his phallophori. (Athen, x. p. 445.) Hence he is rwiked by Athenaeus (/. c.) as a comic poet, but