Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/201

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FULGENTTUS. different periods as well as places, so that we cannot j say whether they belonged to one gens or family or not. 1. C. FuLciNius. When, in b. c. 438, the Fidenates had revolted against Rome, and joined Lars Tolumnius of Veil, the Komans sent C. Ful- cinius and three others as ambassadors to inquire into the cause of the revolt. But the Fidenates, on the advice of Tolumnius, put the Roman ambas- sadors to death ; and the Romans afterwards honoured the ambassadors with statues on the Rostra, (Liv. iv. 17; Cic. PhU. ix. 2.) 2. M. FuLciNius, of Tarquinii, in Etruria, a man of high respectability, who carried on a con- siderable banking business at Rome. He had a son of the same name, who died young ; and a freedman of his likewise bore the name of M. Fulcinius. (Cic. pro Caec. 4, 6.) 3. L. Fulcinius, C. f., brought the charge of murder against M. Saufeius in B. c. 52. (Ascon. in Alilon. p. 54.) The name of one L. Fulcinius occurs on Macedonian coins ; but as he is called quaestor, it is impossible to identify him with any of the Fulcinii that are known to us. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 221.) [L. S.] FULCI'NIUS PRISCUS, a jurist of whom little is known. In Dig. 25. tit. 2. s. 3. § 4, his opinion is cited by Paulus along with that of Proculus and that of IMela. In Dig. 25. tit. 2. s. 6, he is cited by Paulus along with Atilicinus. In Dig. 39. tit. 6. s. 43, he is cited by Neratius. From Dig. 31. s. 49. § 2, it may be inferred that he was not earlier than Labeo ; and it may be conjectured, with probability, that he was a con- temporary of Proculus. Guil. Grotius {De Vitis Jurisc. ii. 5. § 5), places his date between the reign of Tiberius and that of Trajan. He is cited by Gains, Pomponius, and Ulpian. Though he lived before Hadrian, he appears to have written upon the praetor's edict, the form of which had already acquired permanence, for in Dig. 1 1. tit. 7. s. 29, Dig. 13. tit 1. § 13, Dig. 42. tit. 4. s. 7, pr. his opinion is cited by authors writing upon the edict. [J. T. G.] FULCI'NIUS TRIO. rTRio-] FULGE'NTIUS, FA'BIUS PLANCI'ADES (not Placiadks), a Latin grammarian of uncertain date, probably not earlier than the sixth cen- tury after Christ. His barbarous and inflated style yields strong indications of Afiican origin, but he must by no means be confounded with Ful- gentius, who was bishop of Ruspe about the year A. D. 508, nor with Fulgentius Ferrandus, a pupil of that prelate. Three works which bear evident marks of the same hand are ascribed to Fabius Planciades Fulgentius. I. Mythologiarum Libri III. ad Catitm Preshjte- rum. A collection of the most remarkable tales connected with the history and exploits of gods and heroes. A few incidents derived from sources now no longer accessible may be gathered here and therefrom this generally worthless compilation; but the attempts to rationalise the legends are cha- racterised by the wildest extravagance, while the Greek etymologies of proper names are perfect portents of folly or ignorance. II. Expositio Sermonum Antiquorum cum Testi- moniis ad Chalcidicum Grammaticum. A glossary, as the name imports, of obsolete words and phrases. It is very short, and almost entirely without value, for many of the passages which profess to be quo- FULVIA. 187 tations from ancient authorities are ascribed to writers and works which no one ever heard of, and are universally regarded as impudent fabrications. III. Liber de Eccpositione Virgilianae Coniinentiae ad Ckalcidicum Grammaticum^ a title which means, an explanation of what is contained in Virgil, that is to say, of the esoteric truths allegorically con- veyed in the Virgilian poems. The absurdity of this piece is so glaring, that, had it been composed in a different age, we should have at once pro- nounced it to be a tedious and exaggerated bur- lesque. To take a single example. The Aeneid is supposed to shadow forth the career of man, as he passes upwards through the weakness of infancy and the waywardness of youth to wisdom and hap- piness. Now we are told that Anchises died and was buried at Drepanum. But dpe-jravov or Spe- irapos is quasi Spi/xviraiSos : Spt/j-iis means harsh, trals means a hoy, therefore the interment of An- chises by his son covertly expresses that the harsh- ness of youth casts aside paternal restraint. The Editio Princeps of the Mythologiae was published at Milan, with the commentaries of Bapt. Pius, in 1487, or according to other bibliographical authorities, in 1498. The best edition of the col- lected works of Fulgentius is included in the "My- thographi Latini"of Muncker, Auct. 1681, 8vo., reprinted, with large additions, by Van Staveren, Lug. Bat. 1742, 4to. The Eccpositio Sermonum is generally appended to Nonius Marcellus. [Mar- cell us. Nonius.] [W. R.] FULLO, a cognomen of the Apustia Gens at Rome. [Apustia Gens.] It was probably de- rived from the occupation of one of the Apustii, a cleaner of woollen cloths. 1. L. Apustius, L. f. C. n. Fullo, consul in B. c, 226. There prevailed at Rome in his consul- ship a panic of Gaulish invasion. The Sibylline books foretold that the Gauls and Greeks should possess the city. At once to fulfil and avert the prophecy, the pontiffs directed a Gaulish man and woman and a Greek man and woman to be buried alive in the ox-market at Rome. The whole o£ FuUo's consulship was employed in preparations for a Gaulish war and a general levy of the Italian people. ( Polyb. ii. 22 ; Liv. Epit, xx., xxii. 1 7 ; Plut. Marcell. 3 ; Oros. iv. 13 j Zouar. viiL p. 403. c; Plin. ^. iV. iii. 20.) 2. L. Apustius Fullo, son probably of the preceding. He was aedile of the plebs in B. c. 202, when the plebeian games in the Flaniinian Circus were thrice repeated. Fullo was Praetor Urbanus in b. c. 196, and afterwards commissioner under a plebiscite of Q. Aelius Tubero, for estab- lishing a Latin colony in the district of Thurii, B. c. 194. (Liv. xxxi. 4, xxxiii. 24, 26, xxxiv. 53, XXXV. 9.) [W. B. D.] FULLO'NIUS SATURNI'NUS. [Satur- NINUS,] FU'LVIA. 1. A Roman lady of rank, but of loose morality. She lived on terms of intimacy with Q. Curius, an accomplice of the Catilinarian con- spiracy, who told her of the scheme that was afloat. As Curius had not the means of satisfying her ex- travagant demands upon him, she took vengeance by divulging his secret : she communicated it, among others also, to Cicero, and thus became the means of suppressing the conspiracy. (Sail. Cat. 23, 26, 28.) 2. A daughter of M. Fulvius Bambalio of Tua- culuin, by Senipronia, a grand-daughter of Tudi-