Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/202

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ins FULVIA. tiinus. She was first married to P.Clodius, by whom she had a dautrhter, Claudia, afterwards the wife of Caesar Octavianus. Wlien Clodius was murdered, and his body was carried to Rome, and there exposed in the atrium of his house, Fulvia, •with great lamentations, showed her husband's wounds to the multitude that came to see the body ; and she thus inflamed their desire of taking vengeance on the murderer. She afterwards married C. Scribonius Curio; and after his fall in Africa, in B. c. 49, she lived for some j^ears as a widow, until about B.C. 44, she married M. An- tony, by whom she became the mother of two sons. Up to the time of her marr3nng Antony, she had been a woman of most dissolute conduct, but henceforth she clung to Antony with the most passionate attachment, and her only ambition was to see her husband occupy the first place in the republic, at whatever cost that position might be purchased. When Antony was declared a public enemy, she addressed the most humble entreaties to the senate, praying that they might alter their resolution. Her brutal conduct during the fearful proscriptions of B. c. 43 is well known ; she gazed with delight upon the heads of Cicero and Rufus, the victims of her husband. In those same days of terror a number of wealthy Roman ladies were ordered to deliver up their treasures to the tri- umvirs, whereupon they called upon the female relatives of the triumvirs, and petitioned them to interfere with the triumvirs, and endeavour to mitigate the order. When the ladies came to the house of Fulvia, they were treated most haughtily and ignominiously. In B. c. 40, while Antony was revelling with Cleopatra in all the luxuries of the East, and Octavianus was rewarding his soldiers with lands in Italy, Fulvia, stimulated partly by jealousy and the desire of drawing Antony back to Italy, and partly by her hostility towards Octavi- anus, resolved upon raising a commotion in Italy. She induced L. Antonius, her husband's brother, to come forwards as the protector of those who were oppressed and reduced to poverty by the colonies of Octavianus. He was soon joined by others, who were more sincere than himself. He took his post at Praeneste whither he was followed by Fulvia, who pretended that the lives of her children were threatened by Lepidus. She afterwards fol- lowed L. Antonius to Perusia, and endeavoured to rouse the inhabitants of the north of Italy to assist him, while he was besieged at Perusia by Octavi- anus. When Perusia fell into the hands of Octa- vianus, by the treachery of L. Antonius, Fulvia was permitted to escape, and went to Brundusium, where she embarked for Greece. Her husband, who had in the meantime been informed of the war of Perusia and its result, was on his way to Italy. He met Fulvia at Athens, and censured her severely for having caused the disturbance. It is said that, from grief at his rough treatment, she was taken ill, and in this state he left her at Sicyon while he went to Brundusium. Her feel- ings were so deeply wounded by her husband's con- duct, that she took no care of herself, and soon after died at Sicyon, B, c. 40. The news of her death came very opportunely for the triumvirs, who now formed a reconciliation, which was cemented by Antony marrying the noble-minded Octavia. (Plut. Anton. 9, &c. ; Appian, B. C. iii. 51, iv. 29, 32, V. 14, 19, 21, 33, 43,50, 52,55,59,62; Dion. Cass. xlvi. 56, xlvii. 8, &c. ; xlviii. 3 — 28 ; FULVIUS. Veil. Pat. ii. 74; Cic Phil. ii. 5, 31, iii. 6, ad Att. xiv. 12; Val. Max. ix.'l. § 8; Niebuhr, Lectures on Rom. Hist. vol. ii. p. 121, &c,) [L. S.J FULVIA PLAUTILLA. [Plautilla.] FU'LVIA GENS (of which the older term was Foidvia), plebeian, but one of the most illustrious Roman gentes. According to Cicero {pro Plane. 8, comp. Phil. iii. 6) and Pliny (fl. N. vii. 44), this gens had come to Rome from Tusculum, although some members must have remained in their native place, since Fulvii occur at Tusculum as late as the time of Cicero. The gens Fulvia was believed to have received its sacra from Hercules after he had accomplished his twelve labours. The cognomens which occur in this gens in the time of the republic are Bambalio, Ckntumalus, Cur- vus (omitted under CuRVUS, but given under FuLVius), Flaccus, Gillo, Nacca, Nobilior, Paetinus, and Veratius, or Neratius. The annexed coin, belonging to this gens, bears on the obverse a head of Pallas, with roma, and on the reverse Victory in a biga, with CN. foul. m. cal. Q. MET., that is, Cn. Fulvius, M. Calidius, Q. Me- tellus. [L. S.] FULVIA'NUS, L. MA'NLIUS ACIDI'NUS. [ACIDINHS, No. 2.] FU'LVIUS. 1. L. Fulvius Curius, was con- sul in B.C. 322, with Q. Fabius Maximus Rullianus. He is the first Fulvius that we meet with in the his- tory of Rome, and is said to have been consul at Tus- culum in the year in which that town revolted against Rome ; and on going over to the Romans to have been invested there with the same office, and to have triumphed over his own countrymen. He and his colleague were further said, in some annals, to have conquered the Samnites, and to have triumphed over them. In b. c. 313 he was ma- gister equitum to the dictator, L. Aemilius, whom he accompanied to besiege Saticula. (Plin. //. N. vii. 44; Liv. viii. 38, ix. 21.) 2. M. Fulvius Curius Paetinus, consul in b.c. 305, in the place of T. Minucius, who had fallen in the war against the Samnites. According to some annalists, M. Fulvius took the town of Bo- vianum, and celebrated a triumph over the Sam- nites. (Liv. ix. 44.) 3. C. Fulvius Curvus, one of the plebeian aediles in b. c. 298. (Liv. x. 23.) 4. A. Fulvius, the son of a Roman, and an accomplice of the Catilinarian conspiracy ; but when he was on his way to Catiline, his father, who was informed of his son's design, overtook him, and ordered him to be put to death. (Sail. Cat. 39 ; Dion Cass, xxxvii. 36 ; Val. Max. v. S, § 5.) [L. S.] FU'LVIUS, praefectus urbi in a. d. 222, was torn to pieces, along with Aurelius Eubulus [Eu- bulus], by the soldiers and people, in the mas- sacre which followed the death of Elagabalus, and was succeeded in office by the notorious Eutychi- anus Comazon. He is perhaps the same person with the consular, Fulvius Diogenianus [Diogkni- ANUsJ, whose rash exclamation, on hearing the