Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/203

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FUNDANIUS. Tetter addressed by Macrinus to the sennte, has neen commemorated by Dion Cassius. (Dion Cass. Ixxviii. 36, Ixxix. 21.) [W. R.] FULVIUS ASPRIA'NUS, an historian, who detailed at great length the doings of the emperor Carinas. (Vopisc. Carin. 16.") FULVUS, the name of a family of the Aurelii, under the empire, from which the emperor Anto- ninus was descended, whose name was originally T. Aelius Fulvus. (See the genealogical table in Vol. I. pp. 210, 211.) FUNDA'NIA, the daughter of C. Fundanius [No. 2], and wife of M. Terentius Varro. [ Varro]. Fundania had purchased an estate, and Varro com- posed his three books, De lie Jiustica, as a manual for her instruction in the management of it. The first of these books, entitled De Agricultural is dedicated to her. (Varr. R. R. i. 1.) [W. B. D.] FUNDA'NIA GENS, plebeian, first came into notice in the middle of the third century B. c. ; but though one of its members obtained the con- sulship (B.C. 243), the Fundanii never attained onich importance in the state. Fundulus is the only cognomen that occurs in this gens. [ W. B. D.] It is uncertain to whom the two following coins of this gens, both of which bear the name C. Fun- danius, are to be referred. The first has on the obverse the head of Jupiter, and on the reverse Victory placing a crown upon a trophy, with a captive kneeling by the side : the second has on the obverse the head of Pallas, and on the reverse Jupiter in a quadriga, the horses of which are driven by a person sitting upon one of them ; the Q at the ton indicates that the coin was a Quina- rjus. FUNDA'NIUS. 1. M. Fundanius, one of the tribunes of the plebs in B.C. 195. In con- junction with another tribune, L. Valerius, Fun- danius proposed the abolition of the Oppian sump- tuary law, which laid some restrictions on the dress and manners of the Roman women. Valerius and Fundanius were opposed by two members of their own collegium, M. Brutus and T. Brutus, and by one of the consuls of the year, M. Porcius Cato. But the matrons supported the proposed abrogation so strenuously and pertinaciously, that the law was rescinded. (See vol. i. p. 638 ; Liv. xxxiv. 1.) 2. C. Fundanius was the father of Fundania, the wife of M. Terentius Varro. Fundanius is one of the speakers in Varro 's first dialogue, De Re Rustica; and from the speech there assigned him, he seems to have been a scholar, and ac- quainted with at least the statistics of agriculture. His account of the increasing luxury of the Roman country-houses may be compared with that of FUNDULUS. 189 Seneca. (TTp. 86.) Fundanius w-as cited also by Varro in one of his philological treatises. (Varr. R. R. i. 2. § 13, Frag. p. 349, ed. Bipont.) 3. M. Fundanius, defended by Cicero, b. c. 65. The scanty fragments of the " Oratio pro M. Fun- danio" do not enable us to understand either the nature of the charge or the result of the trial. (Cic. Fragm. ed. Orelli, p. 445.) Q. Cicero {de Petit. Cons. 5) says that Fundanius possessed great inte- rest in the comitia and would be very serviceable to M. Cicero at his approaching consular election. Cicero held up to ridicule one of the witnesses for the prosecution on this trial, who could not enun- ciate properly the first letter in the name Funda- nius. (Quintil. Imtit. i. 4. § 14.) While procon- sul of Asia Minor, b. c. 59, Q. Cicero favoured one C. Fundanius in his demands on the property of Octavius Naso ; and as it is doubtful whether the nomen of this Fundanius were Marcus or Caius, it is not unlikely that Naso's creditor and the de- fendant, b. c. Go^ were the same person. (Cic. ad Q.Frat.l 3. $10.) 4. C. Fundanius, perhaps a son of No. 2, is spoken of by Cicero {ad Q. Fr. i. 2. § 3) as a friend of his. He may be the same as the C. Fundanius, a Roman eques, who, in the Spanish war, b. c. 45, deserted Cn. Pompeius the Younger, and came over to Caesar a few days previous to the capture of Ategua {Tebala Veja or Tegua) Baetica hy the Caesarians, on the 19th of February in that year. {Bell. Hisp. 1 1 .) 5. C. Funda'nius, a writer of comedies in the age of Augustus. Horace {Sat. i. 10. 41, 42) praises his management of the slaves and intri- gantes of the comic drama. He puts into the mouth of Fundanius {Sat. ii. 8. 19) a_deser.iplion of the rich but vulgar supper of Nasidienus, that is, of Salvidienus Rufus. (Suet. Octav. 66 ; Vet. Schol. ad Hor. Sat. i. 10. 41.) [W. B. D.] FU'NDULUS. 1. C. Fundanius C. f. Q.n. Fundulus was one of the plebeian aediles in b. c. 246. He united with his colleague, Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, in the impeachment of Claudia, one of the daughters of App. Claudius Caecus. [Claudia, 1.] After encountering a strenuous opposition from the numerous members and connections of the Claudian gens, the aediles at length imposed a heavy fine on Claudia ; and they employed the money in building on the Aventine hill a temple to Liberty. (Liv. xxiv. 16.) Fundanius was consul in B.C. 243, and was sent into Sicily to oppose Hamilcar Barcas, who then occupied the town of Eryx. The Carthaginian commander sent to the Roman camp to demand a truce for the interment of the slain. Fundanius replied that Hamilcar should rather propose a truce for the living, and rejected his demand. But afterwards, when Fundanius made a similar proposal, Hamilcar at once granted it, observing that lie warred not with the dead, (Gell. X. 6 ; Diod. Fragm. Vatican, p. 53.) The scholiast on Cicero's speech against Clodius and Curio, gives, however, a different version of the history of Fundanius. He impeached, not Claudia, the daughter, but P. Claudius Pulcher, the son of Appius Caecus, for his impiety in giving battle contrary to the auspices, and for his defeat at Drepana. [Claudius No. 13.] When the cen- turies were preparing to vote, a thunder-storm in- terrupted the proceedings. Other tribunes then interposed, and prohibited the same impeach- ment being brought forward by the same accusers