Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/285

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GLABRIO. beian Games in the Flaminian Circus ; and from the fines for encroachment on the demesne lands he consecrated bronze statues to Ceres and her off- spring Liber and Libera (xxxiii. 25, comp. iii. 55 ; Cic. de Nat. Deor. ii. 24) at the end of 197. Glabrio was praetor peregrinus (Liv. xxxiii. 24, 26), and quelled an insurrection of the praedial slaves in Etruria, which was so formidable as to requite the presence of one of tlie city legions. (Liv. xxxiii. 3!i.) In B. c. 193 he was an unsuccessful compe- titor for the consulship, which, however, he ob- tained in 191. (xxxv. 10, 24.) In this year Rome declared war against Antiochus the Great, king of Syria [Antiochus III.] ; and the com- mencement of hostilities with the most powerful monarch of Asia was thought to demand unusual religious solemnities. In the allotment of the pro- vinces, Greece, the seat of war, fell to Glabrio ; but before he took the field he was directed by the senate to superintend the sacred ceremonies and processions, and to vow, if the campaign were pro- sperous, extraordinary games to Jupiter, and offer- ings to all the shrines in Rome. (Liv. xxxvi. 1, 2.) Glabrio, to whom the senate had assigned, be- sides the usual consular army of two legions, the troops already quartered in Greece and Macedonia, appointed the month of May and the city of Brun- disium as the time and place of rendezvous. From thence he crossed over to Apollonia, at the head of 10,000 foot, 2,000 horse, and 15 elephants, with power, if needful, to levy in Greece an addi- tional force of 5000 men. (Liv. xxxvi. 14; Appian. Syr. 17.) He made Larissa in Thessaly his head- quarters, from which, in co-operation with his ally, Philip II., king of Macedonia, he speedily reduced to obedience the whole district between the Cam- bimian mountain chain and mount Oeta. Limnaea, Pellinaeum, Pharsalus, Pherae, and Scotussa, ex- pelled the garrisons of Antiochus, and his allies the Athamanes ; Philip of Megalopolis, a pretender to the crown of Macedonia, was sent in chains to Rome ; and Amynander, the king of the Atha- manes, was driven from his kingdom. (Liv., Ap- pian, II. cc.) Antiochus, alarmed at Glabrio's progress, en- trenched himself strongly at Thermopylae ; but although his Aetolian allies occupied the passes of mount Oeta, the Romans broke through his out- posts, and cut to pieces or dispersed his army. Roeotia and Euboea next submitted to Glabrio : he reduced Lamia and Heracleiaat the foot of Oeta, and in the latter city took prisoner the Aetolian Damocritus, who the year before had threatened to bring the war to the banks of the Tiber. The Aetolians now sent envoys to Glabrio at Lamia. 'J'iiey proposed an unconditional surrender of their nation "to the fiiith of Rome." The term was ambiguous ; Glabrio put the strictest interpretation upon it (comp. Liv. vii. 31), and when the envoys remonstrated, threatened them with chains and the dungeon. His officers reminded Glabrio that their character as ambassadors was sacred, and he con- sented to grant the Aetolians a truce of ten days. During that time, however, the Aetolians received intelligence that Antiochus was preparing to renew the war. They concentrated their forces therefore at Naupactus, in the Corinthian gulf, and Glabrio hastened to invest the place. (Polyb. xx. 9, 10 ; Liv. xxxvi. 28.) His march from Lamia to Nau- pactus lay over the highest ridge of Oeta ; a GLABRIO. 271 handful of men might have held it against the whole consular army. But the difficulties of the road were all that Glabrio had to contend with, so completely had his stern demeanour and his re- peated victories quelled the spirit of the Aetolians. Naupactus was on the point of surrendering to Glabrio, but it was rescued by the intercession of the proconsul, T. Quintius Flamininus, and the be- sieged were permitted to send an embassy to Rome. After attending the congress of the Achaean cities at Aegium, and a fruitless attenipt to procure a recal of the exiles to Elis and Sparta, Glabrio re- turned to Phocis, and blockaded Amphissa. While yet engaged in the siege, his successor, L. Cor- nelius Scipio, arrived from Rome, and Glabrio gave up to him the command. (Polyb. xxi. 1, 2 ; Liv. xxxvi. 35, xxxvii. 6; Appian, Syr. 21.) A triumph was unanimously granted to Glabrio, but its unusual splendour was somewhat abated by the absence of his conquering army, which remained in Greece. He triumphed in the autumn of b. c. 190. "De Aetoleis et rege Syriae Antiocho." Glabrio was a candidate for the censorship in b. c. 189. But the party of the nobles which, in 192, had excluded him from the consulship, again prevailed. It was rumoured that a part of the rich booty of the Syrian camp, which had not been displayed at his triumph, might be found in his house. The testimony of his legatus, M. Porcius Cato, was unfavourable to him, and Glabrio withdrew from an impeachment of the tribunes of the plebs, under the decent pretext of yielding to a powerful faction. (Liv. xxxvii. 57; Plut. Cat. Maj. 12, 13, 14; Flor. ii. 8. § 10 ; Aur. Vict. Vir. lUustr. 47, 54 { Front. Strat. ii. 4. § 4 ; Eutrop. iii. 4 ; Appian, Syr. 17—21.) 3. M'. AciLius M'. F. C. N. Glabrio, son of the preceding, dedicated, as duumvir under a decree of the senate, B. c. 181, the Temple of Piety in the herb-market at Rome. The elder Glabrio had vowed this temple on the day of his engagement with Antiochus at Thermopylae, and his son placed in it an equestrian statue of his father, the first gilt statue erected at Rome (Liv. xl. 34 ; Val. Max. ii. 5. $ 1). Glabrio was one of the curule aediles in B. c. 165, when he superintended the celebration of the Megalensian games (Terent. Andr. tit. fab.)., and supplementary consul in B. c. 154, in the room of L. Postumius Albinus, who died in his consular year. (Obseq. de Prod. 76 ; Fast. Capit.) 4. M'. AcxLius Glabrio, tribune of the plebs. The date of his tribuneship is not ascertained. He brought forward and carried the lex Acilia de Re- petundis, which prohibited ampliatio and compe- rendinatio. (Cic. in Verr. Act. Pr. 17, in Verr. ii. 1,9, Pseudo-Ascon. in Act. I. Verr. p. 149, in Act. II. Verr. p. 165, Orelli.) For the Lex Caecilia mentioned by Valerius Maximus (vi. 9. § 10), we should probably read Lex Acilia. {Diet, of Antiq. s. V. Repetundae.) 5. M'. AciLius M. F. M. N. Glabrio, son of the preceding and of Mucia, a daughter of P. Mucins Scaevola, consul in B. c. 1 33. He married a daughter of M. Aemilius Scaurus, consul in b. c 115 (Cic. in Verr. i. 17), whom Sulla, in B. c. 82, compelled him to divorce. (Plut. Sull. 33, Pomp. 9.) Glabrio was praetor urbanus in B. c. 70, when be presided at the impeachment of Verres. (Cic. in Verr. i. 2.) Cicero was anxious to bring on the trial of Verres during the praetorship of Glabrio