Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/286

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272 GLABRTO. {fb. 18; Pseudo-Ascon. in Verr. argum. p. 125, Orelli), whose conduct in the preliminaries and the presidency of the judicium he commends {in Verr. Act. ii. V. 29, 63), and describes him as active in his judicial functions and careful of his reputation {in Verr. i. 10, 14), although, in a later work {Brut. 68), he says that Glabrio's natural indo- lence marred the good education he had received from his grandfather Scaevola. Glabrio was consul with C. Calpurnius Piso in B.C. 67, and in the fol- lowing year proconsul of Cilicia (Schol. Gronov. in Leg. Man. pp. 438, 442, Orelli), to which, by the Gabinian law [Gabinius], Bithynia and Pontus were added. (Sal. Hist. v. p. 243, ed. Ger- lach ; Plut. Pomp. 30.) He succeeded L. LucuUus in the direction of the war against Mithridates (Dion Cass. xxxv. 14 ; Cic. pro Leg. Man. 2. § 5 ), but his military career was not answerable to his civil reputation. Glabrio hurried to the East, thinking that Mithridates was already con- quered, and that he should obtain an easy triumph. But when, instead of a vanquished enemy, he found a mutinous army and an arduous campaign awaiting him, he remained inactive within the frontiers of Bithynia. (Dion Cass. xxxv. 17 ; Cic. pro Jjdg. Man. I. c.) Glabrio was indeed worse than inefficient. He directly fomented the insub- ordination in the legions of LucuUus by issuing, soon after his arrival in Asia, a proclamation releasing Lucullus's soldiers from their military obedience to him, and menacing them with punish- ment if they continued under his command. (App. Miihrid. 90.) LucuUus resigned part of his army to Glabrio (Cic. pro Leg. Man. 9), who allowed Mithridates to ravage Cappadocia, and to regain the greater portion of the provinces which the Romans had stripped him of. (Dion Cass. I.e.) Glabrio was himself superseded by Cn. Pompey, as soon as the Manilian law had transferred to him the war in the East. In the debate on the doom of Catiline's accomplices in Decomber, B.C. 63, Glabrio declared in favour of capital punishment, before the speech of Cato determined the majority of the senate (Cic. ad Att. xii. 21), and he ap- proved generally of Cicero's consulship {¥hil. ii. 5). He was a member of the college of pontiffs in B. c. 57. {Har. Jiesp. 6, ad Q./r. ii. 1.) 6. M'. AciLius Glabrio, son of the preceding and of Aemilia, daughter of M. Aemilius Scaurus, consul in B. c. 115. Glabrio addressed the ju- dices in behalf of his father-in-law, who was im- peached for extortion in B. c. 54. [Scaurus.] (Ascon. in Cic. Scaurian. p. 29, Orelli.) Glabrio was born in the house of Cn. Fompej', B. c. 81, who married his mother after her compulsory divorce from the elder Glabrio [No. 5 J. Aemilia died in giving birth to him. (Plut. Sull. 33, Pomp. 9.) In the civil wars, B. c. 48, Glabrio was one of Caesar's lieutenants, and commanded the garrison of Oricum in Epeirus (Caes. B. C. iii. 15, 16, 39). During the African war Glabrio was stationed in Sicily, and at this time, b. c. 46, Cicero addressed to him nine letters {ad Fam. xiii. 30 — 39) in behalf of friends or clients to whom their affairs in Sicily, or the casualties of the civil war, rendered protection important When Caesar, in B. c. 44, was preparing for the Parthian wars, Glabrio was sent forward into Greece with a detachment of the army, and succeeded P. Sulpicius Rufus in the government of Achaia. He was twice defended on capital charges by Cicero, and acquitted ; and GLAUCIA. during the civil wars, he, in return, was serviceable to his former advocate (Cic. ad Fam.yW. 30, 31). In Cic. ad Fam. xiii. 50, some editors read, for Aucto, Acilio, and refer it to this Glabrio. (Orelli, Onom. Tull. p. 7.) 7. M'. AciLius Glabrio, was consul with Trajan in A. D. 91. The auguries which promised Trajan the empire, predicted death to his colleague in the consulship. To gain the favour of Domitian, Glabrio fought as a gladiator in the amphitheatre attached to the emperor's villa at Alba, and slew a lion of uimsual size. Glabrio was first banished and afterwards put to death by Domitian. (Suet. Dom. 10 ; Dion Cass. Ixvii. 12, 14 ; Juv. Sat. iv. 94.) [W. B. D.] GLA'PHYRA {jKa^vpa)., an hetaera, whose charms, it is said, chiefly induced Antony to give the kingdom of Cappadocia to her son Archelalis, in B.C. 34. (Dion Cass. xlix. 32 ; App. 5e/Z. Civ. V. 7 ; comp. Vol. I. p. 263.) [E. E.] GLAUCE (rAoi/'/cr;). 1. One of the Nereides, the name of Glance being only a personification of the colour of the sea. (Hom. II. xviii. 39.) 2. One of the Danaides. (ApoUod. ii. 1. § 5.) 3. An Arcadian nymph. (Pans. viii. 47. § 2.) 4. The wife of Upis, the mother of what Cicero {de Nat.Deor. iii. 23) calls the third Diana. 5. A daughter of king Creon of Corinth. Jason, after deserting Medeia, engaged himself to her, but Medeia took vengeance by sending her a wed- ding garment, the magic power of which burnt the wearer to death. Thus Glauce and even her father perished. (ApoUod. i. 9. §28; Diod. iv. 6h ; Hygin. Fab. 25 ; comp. Eurip. Med.) 6. A daughter of Cychreus of Salamis, who mar- ried Actaeus, and became by him the mother of Telamon. (ApoUod. iii. 12. § 7.) 7. A daughter of Cycnus, who was slain by the Greeks in the Trojan war, whereupon Glauce be- came the slave of the Telamonian Ajax. (Diet. Cret.ii. 12, &c.) [L.S.] GLAU'CIA (rAau/cj'a), a daughter of the river- god Scamander. When Heracles went to war against Troy, Deimachus, a Boeotian, one of the companions of Heracles, fell in love with Glaucia. But Deimachus was slain in battle before Glaucia had given birth to the child she had by him. She fled for refuge to Heracles, who took her with him to Greece, and entrusted her to the care of Cleon, the father of Deimachus. She there gave birth to a son, whom she called Scamander, and who after- wards obtained a tract of land in Boeotia, tra- versed by two streams, one of which he called Scamander and the other Glaucia. He was mar- ried to Acidusa, from whom the Boeotian well, Acidusa, derived its name, and had three daughters, who were worshipped under the name of *' the three maidens." (Plut. Quaest. Gr. 41. [L. S.] GLAU'CIA, C. SERVl'Ll US, praetor in b. c. 100, co-operated with C. Marius, then consul for the sixth time, and with L. Appuleius Saturninus, tribune of the plebs in the same year. Glaucia held the comitia of the tribes at an irregular time and place, and thus procured the election of Satur- ninus to the tribuneship. He was candidate for the consulship in the year immediately succeeding his practorship, although the laws appointed an in- terval of at least two years. Glaucia was the only praetor who accompanied Saturninus in his flight to the Capitol, and when the fugitives were compelled by want of water to surrender, he perished with him.