Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/386

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372 HELIADAE. of the country, and married Andromache, by whom he became the father of Cestrinus. The remaining part of Epeirus was given to Molossus, the son of Pyrrhus. (Paus.i. 11. § 1, &c., ii. 23. § 6 ; Virg. Aen. iii. 295, 333.) When Aeneas in his wander- ings arrived in Epeirus, he was hospitably received by Helenus, who also foretold him the future events of his life. (Virg. Aen. iii. 245, 374 ; Ov. Met. XV. 438.) According to an Argive tradition, Helenus was buried at Argos. (Pans. ii. 23. § 5.) A different person of the same name occurs in the Iliad (v. 707). [L. S.] HE'LENUS fEAefos), son of Pyrrhus, king of Epeirus, by Lanassa, daughter of Agathocles. He was very young when he accompanied his father on his expedition to Italy, b. c. 280 ; but Pyrrhus is said to have conceived the project, when elated with his first successes in Sicily, of establishing Helenus there as king of the island, to which as grandson of Agathocles he appeared to have a sort of hereditary claim. (Just, xviii, 1, xxiii. 3.) But the tide of fortune soon turned ; and when Pyrrhus saw himself compelled to abandon both Sicily and Italy, he left Helenus at Tarentum, together with Milo, to command the garrison of that city, the only place in Italy of which he still retained pos- session. It was not long before he recalled them both from thence, in consequence of the unex- pected views that had opened to his ambition in Macedonia and Greece. Helenus accompanied his father on his expedition into the Peluponnese (b. c. 272), and after the fatal night attack on Argos, in which Pyrrhus himself perished, he fell into the hands of Antigonus Gonatas, who how- ever behaved towards him in the most magnani- mous manner, treated him with the utmost dis- tinction, and sent him back in safety to Epeirus, bearing with him the remains of his father. (Just. XXV. 3, 5; Plut, Pyrrh. 33, 34.) After this we hear no more of him. 2. A freedman of Octavian, who enjoyed a high place in his favour. He was taken prisoner in Sardinia by Maenas, the lieutenant of Sext. Pompey (b. c. 40), but the latter set him at liberty without ransom, in order to curry favour with Au- gustus. (Dion Cass, xlviii. 30.) According to Appian {B. C. v. QQ)., he was employed as a general by Octavian, and had reduced Sardinia not long before ; but Dion Cassius represents M. Lurius as tiie commander in the island at the time of its capture. [E. H. B.] HE'LENUS ("EAeros), a veterinary surgeon, who may perhaps have lived in the fourth or fifth century after Christ. Of his writings only some fragments remain, which are to be found in the Collection of Writers on Veterinary Surgery, first published in Latin by Joannes Ruellius, Paris, 1530, fol,, and afterwards in Greek by Simon Gry- naeus, Basil. 1537, 4to. [W. A. G.] HELIADAE and HELIADES {'nXiiUi and

  • Hi(£Ses), that is, the male and female descendants

of Helios, and might accordingly be applied to all his children, but in mythology the name is given more particularly to the seven sons and the one daughter of Helios by Rhode or Rhodos. Their names are, Cercaphus, Actis, Macareus, Tanages, Triopas, Phaeton, Ochiraus, and Electryone. These names, however, as well as their number, are not the same in all accounts. (Diod. v. 56, &c. ; Schol. ad Find. O/. vii. 131, &c.) It should be observed that the sisters of Phaeton are likewise called HELIO. Heliades. (Ov. Met. ii. 340, &c. ; Apollon. Rhod. iv. 604.) [L. S.] H ELI' AN AX ('HAiaVol), brother of Stesi- chorus, who, according to Suidas (s. v.), was a lawgiver, probably in one of the states of Si- cily. [C. P. M.] HELIAS. [Elias.] HELfCAON ('EAj/cacoi/), a son of Antenor, and husband of Laodice, a daughter of Priam. (Hom. //. iii. 124; Pans. x. 26. § 2.) [L. S.] HE'LICE ('HAf/cTj), ]. A daughter of Lycaon, was beloved by Zeus, but Hera, out of jealousy, metamorphosed her into a she-bear, whereupon Zeus placed her among the stars, under the name of the Great Northern Bear. (Serv. ad Virg.Georg. i. 138, 246.) When Demeter invoked her, asking for information about her lost daughter, Helice referred her to Helios. (Ov. Fast. iv. 580.) Hy- ginus {Poet. Astr. ii. 2, 13) calls her a daughter of Olenus, and says that she brought up Zeus. 2. A daughter of Selinus, and the wife of Ion. The town of Helice, in Achaia, was beheved to have derived its name from her. (Paus. vii. I. § 2 ; Steph. Byz. s. v.) 3. A daughter of Danaus, mentioned by Hy- ginus. {Fab. 170.) [L. S.] HE'LICON ('EAtKtoJ/), a native of Cyzicus, a friend and disciple of Plato. He was for some time a resident at the court of Dionysius the Younger, and was presented by him with a talent of silver for having correctly predicted an eclipse of the sun. (Plut. Dion. p. ^QQ.) According to Sui- das (s.«.), he wrote a work entitled 'A7roTeA€o-/uaTO, and a treatise Ilepl Aio(niiJ.cicuv. [C. P. M.] HE'LICON ('EAi/cwi'), the son of Acesas, of Salamis, in Cyprus, was a celebrated artist in weaving variegated garments and hangings. He made the war cloak {eTrnrSpiraiJLa) which the Rho- dians presented to Alexander the Great. (Plut. Alex. 32.) Plutarch's addition to his name of the words rov iraaiov, makes it probable that he lived about the time of Phidias, under whose direction we know that artists of his class {TroiKiXrai) wrought. (Plut. Peric. 12.) The celebrated works of Helicon and his father are mentioned under Acesas. (Miiller, Arch'dol. d. Kunst. § 114, n. 1, and NacUrdqe, p. 706.) [P. S.] HELICO'NIUS {'EXiKdvios), a Byzantine writer, lived in the fourth century, and did not die before a. d. 395, since it was down to this year that his work extended. This work was a chronicle from Adam to Theodosius the Great, divided into ten books. ( Suidas, s. v. 'Eikwv ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. xi. p. 633.) [W. P.] HE'LIO or HE'LION ('HAf«i/), magister offi- ciorum, a. d. 414 — 417, 424 — 427, under Theodo- sius II. He is also called Patricius by Olympio- dorus. (Comp. Cod. Theod. 6. tit. 27. s. 20. and 7. tit. 8. 8. 14.) He was commissioned by Theodosius to invest with the robe of Caesar, at Thessalonica, A. D. 424, the boy Valentinian III., then in exile [Galla, No. 3] ; and after the overthrow and death of the usurper Joannes, he invested Valen- tinian at Rome, a. d. 425, with the robes and crown of Augustus. Helio had, before these trans- actions (a. d. 422), been engaged by Theodosius, by whom he was much esteemed, in negotiating a peace with the Persian king Varanes. (Cod. Theod. 13. tit. 3. 8. 17; 6. tit. 27. ss. 17, 18, 19, 20 ; 7. tit. 8. 8. 14 ; Gothofred. Prosop.Cod. Theod.; Olym- piod. apud Phot. B^, Cod. 80 ; Socrat. H. E. vii.