Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/73

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EVANDER. Ephesus ('E(/>6(rta/ca). There are a few other per- sons of the same name, concerning whom nothing of interest is known. (Xen. Hell. iv. 1. § 40; Anfhol. Graec. vi. 262.) [L. S.] EVANDER (EuaKSpos). 1. A son of Hermes by an Arcadian nymph, a daughter of Ladon, who is called Themis or Nicostrata, and in Roman tra- ditions Carmenta or Tiburtis. (Paus. viii. 43. § 2; Pint. Quaest. Rom. 53 ; Dionys. A. R. i. 31 ; Serv. ad Aen. viii. 336.) Evander is also called a son of Echemus and Timandra. (Serv. ad Aen. viii. 130.) About sixty years previous to the Trojan war, Evander is said to have led a Pelas- gian colony from Pallantium in Arcadia into Italy. The cause of this emigration was, according to Dionysius, a civil feud among the people, in which the party of Evander was defeated, and therefore left their country of their own accord. Servius, on the other hand, relates that Evander had killed his father at the instigation of his mother, and tliat he was obliged to quit Arcadia on that ac- count. (Serv. ad Aen. viii. 51 ; comp. Ov. Fast. i. 480.) He landed in Italy on the banks of the Tiber, at the foot of the Palatine Hill, and was hospitably received by king Turnus. According to Servius (ad Aen. viii. 562), however, Evander took possession of the country by force of arms, and slew Herilus, king of Praeneste, who had attempted to expel him. He built a town Pallan- tium, which was subsequently incorporated with Rome, and from which the names of Palatium and Palatinus were believed to have arisen. (Varro, de lAng. Lat. v. 53.) Evander is said to have taught his neighbours milder laws and the arts of peace and social life, and especially the art of writing, with which he himself had been made acquainted by Heracles (Plut. Quaest. Rom. bQ), and music ; he also introduced among them the worship of the Lycaean Pan, of Demeter, Poseidon, Heracles, and Nice. (Liv. i. 5; Dionys. i. 31, &c. ; Ov. Fast. i. 471, v. 91 ; Paus. I. c.) Virgil {Aen. viii. 51) represents Evander as still alive at the time when Aeneias arrived in Italy, and as forming an alliance with him against the Latins. (Comp. Serv. ad Aen. viii. 157.) Evander had a son Pal- las, and two daughters, Rome and Dyna. (Virg. Aen. viii. 574; Serv. ad Aen. i. 277 ; Dionys. i. 32.) He was worshipped at Pallantium in Arcadia, as a hero, and that town was subsequently hon- oured by the emperor Antoninus with several pri- vileges. Evander's statue at Pallantium stood by the side of that of his son Pallas. At Rome he had an altar at the foot of the Aventine. (Paus. viii. 44. § 5 ; Dionys. I. c. ) 2. A son of Priam. (ApoUod. iii. 12. § 5; Diet. Cret. iii. 14.) 3. A son of the Lycian king Sarpedon, who took part in the Trojan war. (Diod.v.79.) [L.S.] EVANDER (Euai/Spos), a Phocian, was the pupil and successor of Lacydes as the head of the Academic School at Athens, about B. c. 215. Evan- der himself was succeeded by his pupil Hegesinus. Concerning the opinions and writings of this philo- sopher nothing is known. (Diog. Laert. iv. 60 ; Cic. Acad. ii. 6.) Several Pythagoreans of the name of Evander, who were natives of Croton, Metapontum, and Leontini, are mentioned by lamblichus ( Vit. Pyth. 36), and a Cretan Evander occurs in Plutarch. {Lysand. 23.) [L. S.] EVANDER, AVIA'NIUS, or, as we read in some MSS., AVIA'NUS EVANDER, lived at EVANTHES. 59 Rome in B. c. 50, in a part of the house of Mem- mius, and was on friendly terms with Cicero, from whose letters we leai'n that he was a sculptor. He seems to have been a freedman of M. Aemilius Avianius. {Ad Fam. vii. 23, xiii. 2.) [L. S.] EVANDER, AULA'NIUS, a sculptor and sil- ver chaser, born at Athens, whence he was taken by M. Antonius to Alexandria. At the over- throw of Antony he fell into the power of Octavian, and was carried among the captives to Rome, where he executed many admirable works. Pliny men- tions a statue of Diana at Rome by Timotheus, the head of which was restored by Evander. (Plin. xxxvi. 5. s. 4. § 10 ; Thiersch, Epochen, pp. 303, 304.) Some writers suppose that Horace refers to his works {Sat. i. 3. 90), but the passage seems to be rather a satirical allusion to vases prized for their antiquity — as old as king Evander. [P. S.] EVA'NEMUS {Evdvcfios), the giver of favour- able wind, was a surname of Zeus, under which the god had a sanctuary at Sparta. (Paus. iii. 13. § 5 ; comp. Theocrit. xxviii. 5.) [L. S.] EVA'NGELUS {Eridyy^Xos), the bearer of good news. Under this name the shepherd Pixo- darus had a sanctuary at Ephesus, where he en- joyed heroic honours, because he had found a quarry of beautiful marble, of which the Ephesians built a temple. (Vitruv. x. 7.) [L. S.] EVANO'RIDAS {EvavoplSas) an Elean, was one of the prisoners taken by Lycus of Pharae, the lieutenant-general of the Achaeans, in B.C. 217, when he defeated Euripides the Aetolian, who had been sent, at the request of the Eleans, to supersede the former commander Pyrrhias. (Po- lyb. V. 94.) Pausanias (vi. 8) mentions Evanoridas as having won the boys' prize for wrestling at the Olympic and Nemean games, and as having drawn up a list of the Olympic victors, when he after- wards held the office of 'EWavoSiKTji. (See Did. of Ant. pp. 663, 664.) [E. E.] EVANTHES {EvauO-Zis). 1. Of Cyzicus, is quoted by Hieronymus {adv. Jovin. ii. 14) as an authority for the opinion, that at the time of Pyg- malion people were not yet in the habit of eating meat. Whether he is the same as the Evanthes of Cyzicus who, according to Pausanias (vi. 4. § 10) gained a prize at the Olympian games, is unknown. 2. Of Miletus, is mentioned as an author by Diogenes Laertius (i. 29), and seems to have been an historian, but is otherwise unknown. 3. Of Samos, a Greek historian, who is men- tioned only by Plutarch. {Sol. 11.) There are several passages in which authors of the name of Evanthes are referred to ; but, their native coun- tries not being stated, it is uncertain whether those passages refer to any of the three Evanthes here specified, or to other persons of the same name. Thus Pliny {H. N. viii. 22) quotes one Evanthjes whom he calls inter auctores Graeciae non spretusy and from whose work he gives a statement respect- ing some religious rite observed in Arcadia. One might therefore be inclined to think him the same as the Evanthes who is quoted by the Scholiast on ApoUonius Rhodius (i. 1063, 1065) as the author of /xvOtKa. Athenaeus (vii. p. 296) speaks of an epic poet Evanthes, of whose productions he men- tions a hymn to Glaucus. [L. S.] EVANTHES {Eudpdvs), a painter of unknown date, two of whose pictures, in the temple of Zeus Casius at Pelusium, are described very miuutely.