Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/74

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ao EUBIUS. and with great affectation, by Achilles Tatius (iii. 6 — 8). The subjects of them were, the release of Andromeda by Perseus, and the release of Prome- theus by Heracles. (Comp. Lucian, de Domo, 22 ; Philostr. Imag. i. 29.) Both subjects are repre- sented on existing works of art in a manner similar to that of the pictures of Evanthes. (Miiller, Arch. d. Kunst, § 396, n. 2, § 414, n. 3 ; Pilt. Ere. iv. 7,61; Mus. Borb. v. 32, vi. 50, ix. 39; Gell, Pomp. pi. 42.) [P. S.] EVA'NTHIUS, a rhetorician and grammarian, highly eulogized in the chronicle of St. Jerome, died about a. d. 359, is numbered among the an- cient commentators on Terence, and is believed by Lindenbrogius to be the author of the Brevis dis- sertatio de Tragoedia et Comoedia, commonly pre- fixed to the larger editions of the dramatist. He has sometimes been confounded with Eugraphius, who belongs to a much later period. (Schofen, De Terentio et Donato ejus interprete, 8vo., Bonn. 1821, p. 37 ; Riifinus, De Metris Terent. p. 2705, ed. Putsch.) [W. R.] EVARCHUS (Ei/opxoy), tyrant of the Acama- nian town of Astacus in the first year of the Peloponnesian war, B. c. 431, was ejected by the Athenians in the summer and reinstated in the winter by the Corinthians. (Thuc. i. 30, 33.) Nothing is mentioned further either of him or of Astacus, but it is probable that the Athenian in- terest was soon restored. (Comp. i. 102.) [A.H.C.] EVATHLUS (Eua0Ao5). 1. An Athenian sycophant and sorry orator, mentioned by Aristo- phanes, (^c/iarw. 710, Fesp. 590, and Schol.) He was likewise attacked by Plato and Cratinus. 2. A wealthy young Athenian, who placed him- self under the tuition of Protagoras, for the purpose of learning the art of oratory, promising him a large sum for his instructions. (According to Quintilian, iii. 1. § 10, he paid him 10,000 drach- mae.) An amusing story is told by A. Gellius (v. 10; comp. Diog. Laert. ix. 56) of the way in which he evaded paying half the money he had promised. [C. P. M.] EVAX, said to have been a king of Arabia, who is mentioned in some editions of Pliny {H.N. xxv. 4) as having written a work " De Siraplicium Effectibus," addressed to Nero, that is, the emperor Tiberius, a. d. 14 — 37. This paragraph, however, is wanting in the best MSS., and has accordingly been omitted in most modem editions of Pliny. (See Salmas. Prolegom. ad, Homon. Hyles lair. p. 15 ; Harduin's Notes to Pliny, I. c.) He is said by Marbodus (or Marbodaeus), in the prologue to his poem on Precious Stones, to have written a work on this subject addressed to Tiberius, from which his own is partly taken. A Latin prose work, professing to belong to Evax, entitled " De Nomi- nibus et Virtutibus Lapidum qui in Artem Medi- cinae recipiunlur," is to be found in a MS. in the Bodleian library at Oxford (Hatton, 100), and probably in other European libraries. The work of Marbodus has been published and quoted under the name of Evax. (See Choulant, Handhuch der Bucherkunde fur die Aeliere Medicin, 2nd ed. art. Marbodus.) [W. A. G.] EU'BIUS (Eggtos). I. A Stoic philosopher of A seal on, who is mentioned only by Stephanas of Byzantium, (s. v. 'AaKuKwu.) 2. An author of obscene erotic stories (impurae conditor historiae, Ov. Trist. ii. 416.) [L. S.J EU'BIUS, sculptor. [Xenochitus.] EUBULIDES. EUBOEA (Eugota), a daughter of Asopus, from whom the island of Euboea was believed to have derived its name. (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 278.) There are three other mythical personages of the same name. (Paus. ii. 17. § 2; ApoUod. ii. 7. § 8; Athen. vii. p. 296.) [L. S.] EUBOEUS (EUgoios) of Paros, a very cele- brated writer of parodies, who lived about the time of Philip of Macedonia, In his poems, which seem to have been written in the style of Homer, he ridiculed chiefly the Athenians. Euboeus and Boeotus are said to have excelled all other paro- dists. In the time of Athenaeus a collection of his Parodies in four books was still extant, but all of them are lost with the exception of a few short fragments. (Athen. xv. pp. 698, 699; comp, We- land. Dissert, de Parodiar. Homeric. Scriptoribus, p. 41. &c.) [L. S.] EUBO'TAS (E.)gc«'Tas), a Cyrenaean, who gained a victory in the foot-race in 01. xcm. (b. c. 408), and in the chariot-race in 01. civ. (b. c. 364). There is considerable doubt as to the name. Diodorus calls him Eugaros, Xenophon Eugoras ; nor is it quite clear whether Pausanias, where he mentions him, speaks of two victories gained at different Olympiads, or of a double victory gained on the second occasion. (Paus. vi. 8. § 3, 4. § 2 ; Diod. xiii. 68 ; Xen. Hellen. i. 2. § 1.) [C. P. M.] EUBU'LE (E(5§oyA77), a well-informed Pytha- gorean lady, to whom one of the letters of Theano is addressed. (See J. H. Wolf's Mulierum Grae- carum^ quae orat. prosa usae sunt^ Fragmenta, p. 224.) [L. S.] EUBU'LEUS (Ei€oveis). 1. According to an Argive tradition, a son of Trochilus by an Eleu- sinian woman, and brother of Triptolemus ; whereas, according to the Orphici, Eubuleus and Triptolemus were sons of Dysaules. (Paus. i. 14. § 2.) 2. One of the Tritopatores at Athens. (Cic. de Nat. Deor. iii. 21.) Eubuleus occurs also as a surname of several divinities, and describes them as gods of good coun- sel, such as Hades and Dionysus. (Schol. ad Ni- cand. Alex. 14 ; Orph: Hymn. 71. 3 ; Macrob. Sat. i. 18 ; Plut. Sympos. vii. 9.) [L. S.] EUBU'LEUS, a sculptor, whose name is in- scribed on a headless Hermes. The inscription ETBOYAEYE nPA^ITEAOTE (sic in Winckel- mann) makes him a son of Praxiteles ; and, accord- ing to Meyer, there is no doubt that the great sculptor of that name is meant. The statue still exists, but in private hands. (Winckelmann, Ges- chichte d. Kunst, ix. 3, $ 20 ; Visconti, Mus. Pio-Clem. vi. tab. 22, p. 142.) [P. S.] EUBU'LIDES, (EdeovAiSvs). 1. An Athe- nian, who, having lost a cause, in which he was prosecutor, through the evidence given by a man named Euxitheus, revenged himself on the latter by getting a verdict passed in a very irregular manner by the members of his deme, that he was not an Athenian citizen. Euxitheus appealed to the dicasts of the Heliaea (see Diet, of Ant. s. v. Appellatio, Greek), and succeeded in establishing his citizenship. A speech composed in his defence has come down to us among those of Demosthenes, but is, by some critics, perhaps without sufficient reason, attributed to Lysias. (Dem. c. Eubulid. c. 5.) 2. An Athenian, son of Sositheus and Phylo- mache, but adopted by his maternal grandfather, Eubulides. On his behalf a suit was commenced against a relative of the name of Macartatus, for