114S TIMOTHKU& the decMwcgrideaeerf the Ilk hill of the 4ij aie vkleatif atteckcd as theart (PhLdbJfnL3tt,p.ll4l, £ /^^ Chat. Gmm. v<L n. ppu 326—335). It is dtherifhii flrPhiTn. The tshha:— ■■I twriiew' rfix" re A. Dmw eivwai TDfOTHEUSL (JLcX vhe kM pRserrcd the foDoviiv apoB hi& (Ako m Jacobs uljrfL PaL Ap^ No. 395,^iLp.85L) DrihpB MtX^rer rurra Ife^nnn ««0ea>ir iWtE^, 001^ 3^.W V^X«-^. ofTimothcn, are pr^tj deulj lef hii fife whave luj aaidtohawe ipcat eoae te a TMit vUdi he paid la Spnla. He appean to haw frnmeil hie Hasol a^ chidty ea that of Phrraia, who vat abo a of MietM. aad ofcri^hM he aa flK oeea- Heavaatfii fe^Mthej tfcef
- T
at theitiUhddcr offhia riiiiB it is wad. thoB Vr the pRdietiaa that he the theataa at his feet (FlaL A* mm tit gertmd. 23. PL 795, td.). Thi« pwdietiBa appean ia 4e vast popalafttj of ■arica l qpawaiBa, ** wiadinga like the pawi j^ i ■ ia aat^iDi* (Phena: JLcl): he aaed iastiaMntal at, to a greater (at least if Hind is ris^ ia his iatezpretatiai of the words ittai (ifc at his ^icMfjowcr Phijais 1, pL53a,h.c); aadetea hewasoaqaaedhjPhi- lalasadiseipfe af Pallidas, he eoald esasofe hiia- adf with the Betake adMaistewd ta the li ias ti a ft 9n «»r^ fi^ (Ic. Poljidaa) fv^ iWicn*^*^^'^ (Ath.TnLpu352, h.:thepnttf Ae iai^of sifaOTS,ieOTS t i i ad bhahfe iata A^fiA.) The waided hkB,ferhiade£catai3rh7iBBto with the aa>i sf a thaaaad pieces of gold (Alei^ AdsL OL Jfaooli. StL t. 22): the bat aeeoiB- hr which the edacatisa afdK AnadiM (Pri^iT.20; AA. xir. f. 6-26, c): aad these is alill af the Caoanas. pnhaU j af the B.C, ia which TiMlhcas aad PaljidaaaBewB- tiaaed with the hj^hist poiae, aad Aeir aaaMs asHdated wish thaoe af the aacieatOretaa pacts (a» PteTiMi^ fL 467. h.X r. as
- Till ■laaisj iif Ihii jiihil ii iliiliifil See
Schaiidt, pft 97, 98, aad Lehia, Qasesr ^pa& ifL 20, 2L 'aAsy ia Pheceoates): and, in direct to the aacieat pcactiee, he preferred the af aw w ie, «id eayloy ed aa ezleat,as to be bj soaw coBsidered iu iavcatoc (Boeth. A IAk. L I, p. 137-2. ed. Basil) Bat periiapa the Boat iiaportaBt of his innovatioBs, aathewaaaafiatradaei^allthe othen,washis to the aaaiber of the atriaga of the diCiom. the pteciae aatare of that additioa the wnten are not sf^eed ; bat it is Hoat pro- bable, fraai the whole evidenoe, that the Ijre of ~ derea strings^ The eight-abinged by the addidsB of the daad of the ras waatiag ia the he p taJi o i d of Tcipaadcr, was ved in the tiBK of Piadar [Tn- ]. The aiaA string appean ta have bea added bj Phrjais {VbA. ApafUug. Loam. ^ 2*21^ c). There were already tea strings to the dtbaia ia the tiM af laa af Chios, the coaieaipoRUT of Snphscfci (laa, Bf^.t^ Kadi ' pLl9,ed.llcihaak); and the that the teath ^#aa add^ only elevcath airing ta be ascnbed to Timothens, fer J is Mat prafadble that the BMBtiaa of a twdfa- lyw^ ia the abore paiasgf of lo the preoeat text, arises d de wovd oSeaaaBBy be sahsritated feri^ ia the last aene^ withaat iajarii^ Iha^ Metres. The pedtire tpstj a aaiire fer aacrihiiy tha clerenth striag to Tiaotheas, are that of Saidw (s. «.), who, howero^ vakes bin the ioTentor of Ae teath atriag abo, which the teadaMiny of loi to be an cnor; and the tnditioB tlot, i^ca Tinted Sparta, and entered the coBfaat at the Gameia, one of the away his lyre^ aad cat fioaitthe strings, fear J naaJier, bj which it fxceeded theseven-otmiigBd' lyre of Tcrpander, and, as a BMaMaal of this pdfia* viadicalioB of the aacieat da^iicxty of auac aad fer awaniag to latare innofaton, the Laeethe- ■saiiHi haag ap the anitifaded lyre of Tuaothf ia their Scias. (Pkaa. iiL 12L S 8 ; Plot. JMfe Laeom, 17, p. 238, c, Agk, 1 ; Artoon. a^ Alk. xiv. p. 636, e.; Cic ^ Legp. n. 15 ; the asoifar of- ' striagi is only stated ic the fint if Oi^ea, bat, beddea theagreeneat of Ait with the other eridenoe, it nast be Rwai>' aetaallysawtheljrel ia the Scias at Sparta). It is quite a aigae, ia the apritaf a paeado mfionalisrif crila- ciaa, agaiast the tnrth of this taditioa, frcai the feet of the reij onae stsiy being told aboat the lyre of Phiynis (Plat. Agia, I6L a. p. 2-20, c) ; fer the