Doctor : Assistant Surgeon in 68th regt. in 1858 : chiefly served in Burma : in 1860 went on leave to Mandalay, and acquired, by his operations for cataract, singular influence at the Court there : the first Political Agent in Upper Burma : in 1863 travelled to Bhamo, to open up trade to N. China : recalled by the King when insurrection broke out at Mandalay : he wrote in the Asiatic Society's Journal of the practicability of a trade route : resigned the British service in 1866, and became a Minister of the State at Mandalay : directed the King's attention to the vast mineral wealth of Burma : he was, at the time of the massacres at King Thebaw's accession, the medium of communication with the British Government, and saved some lives : had great knowledge of the Burmese : caught typhoid at Naples and died at Florence, June 26, 1879.
Born March 27, 1831 : educated at the Royal Naval School, New Cross, and at Addiscombe : joined the Bengal Engineers, 1848 : in the Burmese war, 1852–3, at the taking of Martaban, Rangoon, Prome : Principal, Civil Engineering College, Calcutta, 1856–60 : Under Secretary, Government of India, P.W.D., 1863–9 : Deputy Secretary, Railway branch, 1869–74 and 1877–8 : Director of State Railways, 1874–7 : Deputy Government Director of Indian Railway Companies, India Office, 1880 : Government Director, 1892–7 : General, 1895 : C.I.E. : 1878 : K.C.I.E., 1893.
Entered the Army in 1848, in the Royal Artillery : served through the Crimea : commanded the Artillery in the Jowaki Afridi expedition, 1877–8 : in the Afghan war, 1878–9 : at the capture of Ali Masjid : Lt-General, 1891 : K.C.B., 1891 : retired, 1895 : Colonel-Commandant R.A., 1898 : died April 22, 1903.
WILLOCK, SIR HENRY (1790–1858)
Went to India in the Madras Cavalry, 1804 ' learnt Persian and became Inter- preter and Commander of the Escort of Sir Harford Jones-Brydges, the Envoy to Persia : Persian Secretary to Sir Gore Ouseley : in charge of the British Mission at Teheran, 1815–26 : received the decoration of the Lion and Sun : knighted in 1827 : resigned the service, 1834 : Director of the E. I. Co., 1835 : Chairman, 1846–7 : made collections of coins of ancient and modern Persian dynasties, which he presented to the India House : died Aug. 17, 1858.
I.C.S. : son of Sir Henry Willock : born in Persia, Dec. 25, 1830 : educated at Haileybury : went to India to the N.W.P., in 1852 : was joint Magistrate at Allahabad in the mutiny : commanded the volunteers there : helped to disarm mutineers : served under General Neill in the storming and capture of Kydganj : with Major Renaud's force to Cawnpur : with Havelock, on his advance to Cawnpur and Lucknow and at Bithur : constantly in action : in the Lucknow garrison until the relief by Sir Colin Campbell : Political Officer with Berkley's column, at the capture of several forts in Oudh : and with Maxwell's column till the capture of Kalpi by Sir Hugh Rose's Central India Force in May, 1858 : with the Field Force watching the south borders of Oudh : Judge of Azimghar : retired, 1884 : died April 26, 1903.
I.C.S. : third son of Sir Christopher Willoughby, first Baronet : entered the Bombay Civil Service, 1817 : became Chief Secretary to the Bombay Government, 1835 : Member of Council, Bombay, April, 1846, to April, 1851 : Director of the E. I. Co., 1854 : Member of the Council of India, 1858–66 : succeeded his brother, Sir Henry, as Baronet, in March, 1865 : died Sep. 15, 1866.
Born Aug. 24, 1789 : son of Capt. John Willshire : joined the 38th regt. : educated at King's Lynn and Kensington : served in S. America, Portugal, Walcheren, the Peninsula, the Netherlands, at the Cape : Commandant of