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joined Stringer Lawrence at Trichinopoly with troops in 1753 : was repulsed before Madura in April, 1757 : defended Trichinopoly : defeated the Mysoreans near Madura : in Nov. 1759. he arrived at Calcutta, appointed to the chief military command in Bengal : took command of the British force co-operating with the Nawab of Bengal to protect Bihar against the Shahzada : defeated the Emperor at Sirsi, Feb. 22, 1760 : took a prominent part in deposing Mir Jafar, and setting up Mir Kasim : Lt-Colonel in the E. Indies, Jan. 1760 : reverted to Madras, 1761 : Brig-General, 1763 : appointed C. in C, Madras, in succession to Lawrence, 1766 : took possession of the Northern Sircars for the E. I. Co. in 1766 : concluded a treaty with Nizam Ali of Hyderabad to pay a yearly tribute of 7 lakhs for the Sircars : resigned, Jan. 1767, and went to England : D.C.L., Oxford, 1773 : he died in England, at Aston Rowant, Dec. 26, 1812.


Born March 26, 1842, son of Nathaniel Caine, wine merchant : educated at Birkenhead Park School : entered his father's business : preached : was M.P. for Scarborough, 1880 : Civil Lord of the Admiralty, 1884 : M.P. for Barrow-in-Furness, 1886 : resigned his seat, 1886 : M.P. for E. Bradford, 1892–5, for Camborne from 1900 : Temperance and India were his two chief subjects : was a strong teetotaler, and advocate of advanced temperance : President of the National Temperance Federation, and of similar Associations : a severe critic of the Government of India, and great friend of the natives of India : paid much attention to the Indian Excise (liquor) question : was strongly opposed to the Opium trade : paid visits to India : criticized missionary work in India : was a Member of the Royal Commission on Indian Expenditure : died March 17, 1903 : wrote Picturesque India, and Young India.

CAIRD, SIR JAMES (1816–1892)

One of the greatest authorities of his time on all agricultural subjects : son of James Caird, born June, 1816 : educated at Edinburgh High School and University : farmed for 20 years : engaged in the Free Trade controversy : reported on Ireland in 1850, and for the Times on agricultural depression : was M.P. for Dartmouth and the Stirling Burghs : 1857–65 : toured in America, and served on various Commissions : F.R.S., C.B. and K.C.B. in 1882 : visited India for six months in 1878–9, as a Member of Sir R. Strachey's Indian Famine Commission : published an account of his experiences, first in the Nineteenth Century, and afterwards in a volume, India, the Land and the People : was afterwards a Member of other Commissions on land questions : LL.D. of Edinburgh : on the Board of Agriculture in 1889, and Privy Councillor : died Feb. 9, 1892.


Son of William Caldwell : born Feb. 1, 1763 : educated at Woolwich, and joined the Bengal Artillery in 1783 : commanded at Midnapur in 1792 : was at Pondicherry in 1793 : in 1798 led the Artillery which defeated the Nizam's Army : he was at the battle of Malavilli, and the sieges of Seringapatam in 1799, and Gooty: in 1800 to Calcutta as A.D.C. to Maj-General G. Green. In 1811, he commanded the Artillery in Sir A. Auchmuty's expedition to Java, being present at the Batavia and Cornells engagements : commanded the Artillery at Agra in 181 2 against Zaman Shah : C.B. in 1817 : retired, 1821 : Maj-General and K.C.B. in 1839 : G.C.B. in 1838 : died Dec. 6, 1839.


Son of Major Arthur Caldwell, and nephew of General Sir Alexander Caldwell (q.v.) : born Nov. 22, 1770 : joined the Madras Engineers of the E. I. Co. in 1789 : became General, 1854 : was in the Mysore campaign of 1791–2 under Lord Cornwallis against Tippoo and in all the fighting up to the siege of Seringapatam in Feb-March, 1792 : led a party in the final assault on Seringapatam on May 4, 1799. After 10 years on civil public works, he was, in 1810–11, Chief Engineer on the expedition to Mauritius : defeated the French by sea and took the island. In Madras, from 18 11, he had more engineering work, and was special Surveyor of