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15 Aug. (Sprigge, Anglia Rediviva, pt. ii. chap. iii.) Dyve was sent prisoner to London, brought before the bar of the House of Commons, and by order of the house committed to the Tower (Vicars, Burning Bush, p. 259). In the Tower he was the fellow-prisoner of John Lilburn, whom he succeeded in persuading that Cromwell and Ireton had made a private bargain with the king, ‘of which although he were not persuaded himself, yet he judged it for the king's service to divide Cromwell and the army’ (‘Memoirs of Sir John Berkeley,’ Maseres, Tracts, p. 371). After two years' confinement in the Tower his debts led to his removal to the king's bench prison, whence he succeeded in effecting his escape on 15 Jan. 1648 (A Letter from Sir Lewis Dyve, written out of France to a Gentleman, giving an Account of the manner of his escape out of the King's Bench, and the reasons that moved him thereunto, 1647, 4to). In May he was in Scotland, and was one of those cavaliers whose surrender was demanded by the English government. He took part in the invasion of England, was present at the battle of Preston, and was taken prisoner. On 30 Jan. 1649 he escaped a second time (Whitelocke, Memorials, f. 376; Evelyn, Diary, 6 Sept. 1651). He then served in Ireland, and published in 1650 ‘A Letter from Sir Lewis Dyves to the Marquis of Newcastle, giving an Account of the whole conduct of the King's Affairs in Ireland,’ which contains an account of events from Ormonde's arrival in September 1648 to the departure of Dyve himself in June 1650. In this narrative he brought certain charges against Lord Inchiquin which he was obliged to retract, and to admit that he had been falsely informed (Cal. Clarendon Papers, ii. 99, 101, 127). In September 1651 Evelyn met Dyve in Paris, and received from his lips an account of his escapes and adventures. Evelyn observes: ‘This knight was indeed a valiant gentleman, but not a little given to romance when he spake of himself’ (Diary, ed. 1879, ii. 26, 32). Little is known of the later life of Dyve. He died on 17 April 1669, and was buried at Combhay in Somersetshire. His epitaph is printed in Collinson's ‘Somerset,’ iii. 336.

[A Memoir of Dyve by J. G. Nichols appeared in the Gent. Mag. in 1829, and forms the basis of a longer life contained in W. M. Harvey's History of the Hundred of Willey, pp. 77–108. Many letters by Dyve are calendared in the appendix to Warburton's Prince Rupert, vol. i.]

EACHARD, JOHN, D.D. (1636?–1697), master of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, descended from a good family in Suffolk, was born about 1636, and was admitted into Catharine Hall on 10 May 1653. He proceeded B.A. in 1656, was elected a fellow of his college in 1658, and commenced M.A. in 1660. On the death of Dr. John Lightfoot in 1675 he was chosen master of Catharine Hall, and in the following year he was created D.D. by royal mandamus. He was elected vice-chancellor of the university in 1679, and again in 1695 (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, iii. 607, 608). In 1687 he, with others, was nominated by the senate to represent the university before the ecclesiastical commissioners, and to justify the action of the vice-chancellor and senate in refusing to confer, in compliance with a mandamus from James II, the degree of M.A. without oaths upon Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk (Cooper, Annals of Cambridge, iii. 620).

He governed his college with the utmost care and fidelity, and to the general satisfaction of the whole university. He procured many donations from his friends towards a proposed rebuilding of his college, but his death prevented the accomplishment of the design. He died on 7 July 1697, and was buried on the 14th in the chapel of Catharine Hall (Cole's MS. 12, f. 235 b).

The works written by or attributed to him are: 1. ‘The Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy and Religion enquired into. In a letter to R. L., Lond. 1670 (anon.) This work, which brims over with wit and humour, had a rapid sale, and passed through many editions. The author represents the contempt with which the clergy were generally regarded as being in great measure due to a wrong method of education or the poverty of some of the inferior clergy. The book was attacked by an anonymous writer in ‘An Answer to a Letter of Enquiry into the Grounds,’ &c., Lond. 1671, 8vo. Halkett and Laing (Dict. of Anonymous Literature, i. 110) wrongly attribute the authorship of this reply to John Bramhall, bishop of Derry, who died seven years before the publication of Eachard's book, which was assailed also by Barnabas Oley in his preface to George Herbert's ‘Country Parson,’ by Dr. John