Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 30.djvu/91

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works show much care and a very genuine feeling for art, but owing to the comparatively late period at which he devoted himself to painting he was never able to acquire complete and easy command over the technique of the craft.

Johnstone was more eminent as a connoisseur and collector than as a painter, and his experience was of great value on the formation of the National Gallery of Scotland in 1858, when he was appointed first principal curator by the lords of the treasury (cf. minute of appointment). He drew up the ‘Descriptive and Historical Catalogue’ of the gallery, and by his energy and skill in negotiation greatly enriched the collection (minute of board of manufactures on Johnstone's death). He occasionally wrote on art subjects in periodicals and the daily press, and is said to have embodied the substance of some lectures on Scottish art by David Laing in two papers which he contributed to the ‘North British Review’ in 1858 and 1859 (cf. James Dafforne's Pictures of John Phillip, R.A., p. 3). He had completed the manuscript of a work on the history of art in Scotland, but after his death it was inadvertently destroyed (information from Mr. J. Taylor Brown). Johnstone was an indefatigable collector of works of art and objects of antiquity; his arms, armour, and pictures formed a six days' sale at Chapman's auction-rooms, and several of his examples of antique furniture have found a place in Holyrood Palace and the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh. He died on 5 June 1868, at 3 Gloucester Place, Edinburgh, and was interred in St. Cuthbert's burying-ground.

On 13 June 1861 he married Ellen, daughter of J. C. Brown, A.R.S.A., who survived him, and presented to the National Gallery of Scotland an admirable cabinet-sized portrait in oils of Johnstone, and a companion portrait of herself, both by John Phillip, R.A. In his widow's possession were two cabinet-sized oil portraits of Johnstone, one a seated full-length by Sir Daniel Macnee, P.R.S.A., the other a half-length by Thomas Duncan, A.R.A.; and he is also excellently represented in several of the calotype portraits by D. O. Hill, R.S.A., and R. Adamson.

[Authorities quoted above; Cat. of National Gallery of Scotland; Redgrave's Dict.; information from his widow and other surviving friends.]

J. M. G.

JOHNYS, Sir HUGH (fl. 1417–1463), knight-marshal of England and France, is said to have been the son of John Watkin Vaughan, who was the bastard child of Watkin Vaughan. In the muster-roll of the English army, dated July 1417, ‘Here John,’ who is assumed to be identical with Sir Hugh, was enrolled under Thomas de Rokeby with three archers and three cross-bowmen (Gesta Henrici V, Engl. Hist. Soc., p. 270). In a list of the retinue of John, duke of Bedford, serving in the war in France in 1435 occurs the name ‘Here John, Knight,’ captain of Pont Odo (Stevenson, France during Reign of Henry VI, ii. ii. 436, Rolls Ser.) According to an undated memorial brass erected to Johnys's memory in the church of St. Mary, Swansea, he fought under John, emperor of Constantinople, against the Turks between 1436 and 1441, and was knighted at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on 14 Aug. of the latter year. Subsequently, from 1441 to 1446, the same authority states that he was knight-marshal of France under John, duke of Somerset, and became at a later date knight-marshal of England under John, duke of Norfolk. The latter is said to have given Johnys the manor of Landimore.

In 1448 he is referred to as preparing to travel, and about 1452, when Elizabeth Woodville, afterwards the wife of Edward IV, came of age, he was a suitor for her hand. Though personally known to the lady, he made his offer of marriage first through the Duke of York, and secondly through the Earl of Warwick. The letters containing his proposal are extant among the Royal MSS. at the British Museum. In 1438 Sir Hugh acted as ‘councell’—i.e. ‘second’—for one Robert Norres in a trial by combat between Norres and one John Lyalton.

Sir Hugh married Maud, heiress of Rees Cradock. Both Sir Hugh and his wife were living in 1463, when they were granted a tenement in Fisher Street, Swansea; they had five children. Hugh Jones [q. v.], bishop of Llandaff, was connected with the family.

[Miss Strickland's Queens of England, ii. 317–319; Nicolas's Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council, vi. 129, 139; Some Account of Sir Hugh Johnys, &c., by the Rev. T. Bliss and G. Grant Francis, Swansea, 1845; Nicholas's Hist. of Glamorganshire; Dineley's Beaufort Progress, 1888, pp. 290–2.]

W. J. H-y.

JOLIFFE, GEORGE, M.D. (1621–1658), physician. [See Jotliffe.]

JOLIFFE, HENRY (d. 1573), dean of Bristol, was educated at the university of Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1523–4, and M.A. in 1527. He appears to have been a member successively of Clare Hall and of Michaelhouse (Cooper, Athenæ Cantabr. i. 320). He served the office of proctor of the university in 1536–7, and subsequently proceeded to the degree of B.D.