Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 47.djvu/188

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his lofty character, his courtesy, modesty, probity, integrity, piety, and, lastly, on his kindness and devotion to his numerous pupils. Bishop Hall, writing to a friend soon after Rainolds's death, says: ‘He alone was a well-furnished library, full of all faculties, of all studies, of all learning; the memory, the reading of that man were near to a miracle.’ Fuller, speaking of Jewel, Rainolds, and Hooker, as all Devonshire and all Corpus men, says: ‘No one county in England bare three such men (contemporary at large) in what college soever they were bred, no college in England bred such three men in what county soever they were born.’ Even Antony Wood, abominating, as he did, Calvinism and puritanism in all their forms, breaks out into enthusiastic praises of Rainolds.

There are two portraits of Rainolds in the president's lodgings at Corpus, but one is a copy of the other, or both are copies of the same original, which was undoubtedly the bust in the chapel. The engravings in Holland's ‘Herωologia’ and in the ‘Continuatio Secunda’ to Boissard are similar to the paintings at Corpus.

Rainolds published:

  1. ‘Sex Theses de Sacra Scriptura et Ecclesia publicis in Acad. Ox. disputationibus propositæ,’ London, 1580; republished, with additions and a defence, London, 1602.
  2. ‘The Summe of the Conference betwene John Rainolds and John Hart touching the Head and the Faith of the Church. Penned by John Rainolds and allowed by John Hart for a faithfull report,’ &c., London, 1584.
  3. ‘Orationes duæ ex iis quas habuit in Coll. C. C., quum Linguam Græcam profiteretur,’ Oxford, 1587.
  4. ‘De Romanæ Ecclesiæ Idolatria. Operis inchoati Libri Duo,’ Oxford, 1596.
  5. ‘The Overthrow of Stage-Players, by the way of Controversie between D. Gager and D. Rainoldes, whereunto are added certaine Latin letters [between Reynolds and Albericus Gentilis, Reader of Civil Law in Oxford] concerning the same matter,’ no place, 1599 (in this controversy Rainolds condemns stage-plays, even when acted by students).

The following works were published posthumously:

  1. ‘A Defence of the Judgment of the Reformed Churches, that a man may lawfullie not onlie put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also marrie another,’ no place, 1609.
  2. ‘Censura Librorum Apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti,’ in 250 lectures, 2 vols. Oppenheim, 1611.
  3. ‘The Prophecie of Obadiah opened and applied,’ &c., Oxford 1613.
  4. ‘A Letter to his Friend, concerning his Advise for the Studie of Divinitie,’ London, 1613.
  5. ‘Orationes duodecim cum ahis quibusdam opusculis. Adjecta est Oratio Funebris habita a M. Isaaco Wake, Oratore Publico,’ London, 1619.
  6. ‘The Judgment of Doctor Reignolds concerning Episcopacy, whether it be God's Ordinance, expressed in a letter to Sir Francis Knowls, concerning Dr. Bancroft's Sermon at St. Paul's Crosse, preached Feb. 9, 1588,’ London, 1641.
  7. ‘Sermons on the Prophecies of Haggai, “never before printed, being very usefull for these times,”’ London, 1648.

To these works must be added the important part which Rainolds took in the translation of the Prophets in the ‘Authorised Version’ of the scriptures.

[C. C. C. Register of Admissions; Fulman MSS. in C. C. C. Library, vol. ix. ff. 113–228; Fowler's Hist. of C. C. C. pp. 124, 127, 135, 137–144, 147, 151, 157–69; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (sub nomine) and Annals, sub 1576, 1584, 1586, 1592; Fuller's Church History of Britain, sub 1607; Cardwell's Conferences, 3rd edit. pp. 178, 140–1, 200, 187–8; Crackanthorpe's Defensio Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, cap. 69; Bishop Hall's Works, Epistles, Decade I, Ep. 7 (ed. Wynter, vi. 149–50).]

T. F.

RAINOLDS, WILLIAM (1544?–1594), Roman catholic divine, second son of Richard Rainolds, farmer, and elder brother of John Rainolds [q. v.], was born at Pinhoe, near Exeter, about 1544. His name is variously spelt Rainolds, Raynolds, Reynolds, and Reginaldus. He was educated at Winchester School and New College, Oxford, of which he was elected probationer fellow in 1560, and perpetual fellow in 1562. He graduated B.A. on 17 June 1563, and proceeded M.A. on 4 April 1567. Having taken holy orders in the church of England, he held for a time the rectory of Lavenham, West Sussex. In 1572 he resigned his fellowship, and went into residence as a commoner at Hart Hall. Becoming a convert to Roman catholicism, he migrated to Louvain, thence to Douay, and eventually visited Rome, where he was received into the Roman catholic church in 1575. His change of faith is attributed partly to a study of the controversy between John Jewel [q. v.] and Thomas Harding (1516–1572) [q. v.], and partly to the influence of William, afterwards Cardinal Allen. Returning to Douay, he matriculated at the English College there in 1577. He also entered the English College at Reims on 9 April 1578, but returned to Douay to receive priest's orders in 1580, and there lectured on St. Paul's Epistles in April 1581. He afterwards held the chair of divinity and Hebrew in the English College at Reims, where he collaborated with Dr. Gregory Martin [q. v.] in the preparation of his version of the New