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Edward Kidder prefixed to his ‘Receipts,’ 1740. There is a set of six large but wretchedly executed copies of Audran's plates of the battles of Alexander, three of which are the work of Sheppard.

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Dod's manuscript Hist. of Engravers in Brit. Mus. (Addit. MS. 33404).]

SHEPPARD, SAMUEL (fl. 1646), author, was the son of Harman Sheppard, physician, who died on 12 July 1639, aged 90, by his wife Petronilla, who died on 10 Sept. 1650. He was related to Sir Christopher Clapham of Beamish in Yorkshire, to whom he dedicated several of his books. He commenced his literary career about 1606 as amanuensis to Ben Jonson, but wrote nothing himself till a later period. He took holy orders, and, like his connections the Claphams, was an ardent royalist. He twice suffered imprisonment for his opinions, once in 1650 in Whittington College (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1649–50 p. 529, 1650 p. 143) and again for fourteen months in Newgate. His wife's name was Mary.

He was the author of: 1. ‘The Farmers Farmed,’ London, 1646, 4to. 2. ‘The False Alarm,’ London, 1646, 4to. 3. ‘The Year of Jubilee,’ London, 1646, 4to. 4. ‘The Times displayed in Six Sestyads,’ London, 1646, 4to. 5. ‘The Committee Man Curried,’ London, 1647, 4to (two short farces almost entirely made up of plagiarisms from Sir John Suckling). 6. ‘Grand Pluto's Progress through Great Britain,’ 1647 (Lilly's Catalogue, 1844). 7. ‘The Loves of Amandus and Sophronia,’ London, 1650, 8vo. 8. ‘Epigrams,’ London, 1651, 8vo. 9. ‘The Joviall Crew,’ London, 1651, 4to. 10. ‘Discoveries, or an Explication of some Enigmatic Verities. Also a Seraphick Rhapsodie on the Passion of Jesus Christ,’ London, 1652. 11. ‘Parliament Routed,’ London, 1653. Hazlitt (Handbook) also ascribes to him the preface to Captain Hobson's ‘Fallacy of Infant Baptism Discovered,’ London, 1645, 4to, together with ‘God and Mammon,’ 1646, 4to, ‘The Weepers,’ London, 1652, 4to, and a ballad, ‘St. George for England,’ London, 1650. All these pieces and Nos. 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 are in the British Museum. Some lines by Sheppard preface Thomas Manly's ‘Veni, Vidi, Vici,’ London, 1652, 8vo, and he left in manuscript (now in the Bodleian Library) ‘The Fairy King.’

[Author's works; Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, v. 5, 232; Hunter's Chorus Vatum, i. 104; Notes and Queries, 5th ser. iii. 245, vi. 104; Baker's Biogr. Dram. i. 654, ii. 115; Chester's London Marriage Licenses, ed. Foster. p. 1582.]

SHEPPARD, WILLIAM (fl. 1650–1660), portrait-painter, was an artist of some merit, who appears to have followed the fortunes of Thomas Killigrew (1612–1683) [q. v.], the poet and dramatist, for there are numerous versions of a portrait of Killigrew, which is stated to have been painted by Sheppard in 1650 at Venice. One of these is in the possession of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey; another is in that of the Earl of Kimberley. This portrait was finely engraved by William Faithorne the elder [q. v.] Sheppard appears to have returned to London at the Restoration, and to have lived near the Royal Exchange. It is stated that he eventually retired to live in Yorkshire. The artist, Francis Barlow [q. v.], was his pupil.

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, ed. Wornum; Fagan's Catalogue of Faithorne's Engravings.]

SHEPPARD, WILLIAM (d. 1675?), legal writer, born at Horsley in Gloucestershire, was educated for the law and enjoyed a large country practice. About 1653 he was invited to London by Cromwell, and made one of the clerks of the upper bench. In 1656 he became a serjeant-at-law, and was nominated with three others to prepare the charters granted to town corporations (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1655–6, p. 370). In November 1657 he petitioned Cromwell that his salary of 300l. a year might be increased, representing that he had suffered by abandoning his country practice. He obtained an addition of 100l. a year (ib. 1657, pp. 178, 183). In September 1659 he was appointed a puisne justice of the County Palatine. On the Restoration he was deprived of his offices and fell into obscurity. He appears to have been alive so late as 1675. He had six children: John, a clergyman (Alumni Oxon, early ser.), Elizabeth, Sarah, Samuel, Anne, Dorothy (Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, ii. 508).

He wrote: 1. ‘The office and duties of Constables, or tythingmen … and other lay ministers. Whereunto are adjoined the several offices of church ministers and church wardens,’ London, 1641, 8vo; 4th ed. 1657. 2. ‘The Court Keeper's Guide,’ London, 1641, 8vo; 7th ed. by William Browne, 1685. 3. ‘A Catechism,’ London, 1649, 8vo. 4. ‘Four Last Things,’ 1649, 4to. 5. ‘Guide to Justices of the Peace,’ 1649, 8vo; 5th ed. 1669. 6. ‘The Faithful Counsellor,’ London, 1651–4. 7. ‘England's Balme,’ London, 1651, 12mo. 8. ‘The People's Privilege and Duty guarded against the Pulpit,’ London, 1652. 9. ‘A Collection of Choice Declara-