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tions,’ 1653, 8vo. 10. ‘Justice of the Peace his Clerk's Cabinet,’ 1654, 8vo. 11. ‘The Parson's Guide or the Law of Tithes,’ London,’ 1654, 4to; 2nd ed. 1670. 12. ‘The Precedent of Precedents,’ London, 1655, 4to; ed. by T. W. Williams, 1825, 8vo. 13. ‘View of the Laws concerning Religion,’ London, 1655, 8vo. 14. ‘Epitome of the Common and Statute Laws,’ London, 1656, fol. 15. ‘Survey of the County Judicatories,’ London, 1656, 16mo. 16. ‘Office of Country Justice of Peace,’ London, 1655–6, 8vo. 17. ‘Concerning Sincerity and Hypocrisy,’ Oxford, 1658, 8vo. 18. ‘Of Corporations, Fraternities, and Guilds,’ London, 1659, 8vo. 19. ‘A New Survey of the Justice of the Peace his Office,’ London, 1659, 8vo. 20. ‘Actions upon the Case for Slander,’ 1662, fol.; 2nd ed. London, 1674, 8vo. 21. ‘Office of the Clerk of the Market,’ London, 1665, 12mo. 22. ‘The Practical Counsellor in the Law,’ London, 1671, fol. 23. ‘Actions upon the Case for Deeds,’ 2nd ed. London, 1675, 8vo; 3rd ed. 1680. 24. ‘A Grand Abridgement of the Common and Statute Law of England,’ London, 1675, 4to.

He also published the ‘Touchstone of Common Assurances,’ 1641, 4to, which he is said to have found in manuscript in Sir John Doddridge's library. The eighth edition of this work, by E. G. Atherley, was published in 1826. Sheppard wrote a second part, published with the first, under the title, ‘Law of Common Assurances,’ 1650, fol.

[Clarke's Bibl. Leg.; Allibone's Dict. of Authors.]

SHEPPEY, JOHN de (d. 1360), bishop of Rochester, was a native of Kent, and, being educated under the patronage of Haymo Heath, bishop of Rochester, became a Benedictine monk at that city, and was sent to complete his education at Oxford. At the university Sheppey acquired a great reputation, and graduated as doctor of divinity. In 1333 the convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, applied for his interest on behalf of one of their monks studying at Oxford (Litteræ Cantuarienses, ii. 27). In March 1333 Sheppey was elected prior of Rochester (Wharton, Anglia Sacra, i. 371). In 1345 he went on a mission to Spain to negotiate a marriage between the Prince of Wales and a daughter of the king of Castile (Fœdera, iii. 27, 46). In 1349 Bishop Heath's health was clearly failing, and Sheppey, relying on the good offices of the Comte d'Eu and a recommendation from the king, hoped to obtain the bishopric; but the pope refused to accept Heath's resignation. However, in 1352 Heath died, and Sheppey was papally provided to the vacant see on 22 Oct. He was consecrated on 10 March 1353 at St. Mary Overy, Southwark, by William Edendon, bishop of Winchester. Sheppey was a trier of petitions in the parliament of April 1354 (Rot. Parl. ii. 254), and treasurer of England 1356–8. He died on 19 Oct. 1360 at his manor of La Place, near Lambeth. He was buried at Rochester Cathedral, where he had endowed a chantry. His effigy was discovered at Rochester in 1825.

Sheppey was a man of learning who had studied at Paris as well as at Oxford, and apparently had a great repute as a preacher. He wrote: 1. ‘Sermons,’ in 3 vols. In the New College MS. 92 there are a number of his sermons, preached at Rochester and elsewhere between 1336 and 1353. 2. ‘Fabulæ.’ These form the third volume of his sermons, and are for the most part abridged from those of Odo of Cheriton [q. v.] They have been printed from Merton College MS. 248 by M. Hervieux in his ‘Fabulistes Latins,’ iv. 417–50. Sheppey is also credited by Tanner with two short legal tracts, ‘De Ordine Cognitionum’ and ‘De Judiciis;’ but these may more probably be ascribed to another John de Sheppey, who was dean of Lincoln 1388 to 1412 (Wood, Hist. and Antiq. i. 534; Le Neve, Fasti, ii. 33).

[Wharton's Anglia Sacra, i. 45, 366, 371, 376, 378; Walsingham's Historia Anglicana, i. 286; Le Neve's Fasti Eccl. Angl. ii. 563; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 666; Archæologia, xxv. 122–6; Hervieux's Les Fabulistes Latins, iv. 160–70.]

SHEPREVE or SHEPERY, JOHN (1509?–1542), hebraist, born at Sugworth, in the parish of Radley, Berkshire, about 1509, was admitted a probationer fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1528, graduated B.A. on 3 Dec. 1529, and M.A. in 1533 (Wood, Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 81). He was Greek reader in his college, and was appointed Hebrew professor of the university about 1538, in succession to Robert Wakefeld. In April 1542 he obtained permission from the university to expound in the public schools the book of Genesis in the Hebrew language, 'provided that he lectured in a pious and catholic manner.' He died at Agmondesham, Buckinghamshire, in July 1542. When his death became known at Oxford many learned men composed Greek and Latin verses to his memory, and pasted them on the doors of St. Mary's Church. These verses, together with some of Shepreve's own compositions, were collected with a view to their publication, under the editorship of George Etheridge, but they never appeared in print. Wood says Shepreve was