Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 53.djvu/447

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porated at Oxford in 1652, entering himself a ‘batler’ at Brasenose, and graduated M.A. on 25 April 1653. Soon afterwards he became chaplain at All Souls' and a fellow of University College. By the interest of Sheldon, bishop of London, he was presented to the rectory of Raulaston or Rolleston, Derbyshire, in 1675, and on 23 July of the same year was appointed canon of Lichfield. He died at Rolleston in 1677, and on 4 Sept. was buried in the chancel of the parish church under a black marble stone.

Squire published two theological treatises, viz.: 1. ‘The Unreasonableness of the Romanists requiring our Communion with the present Romish Church; or, a Discourse … to prove that it is unreasonable to require us to joyn in Communion with it,’ 1672, 8vo. 2. ‘Some more Considerations proving the Unreasonableness of the Romanists in requiring us to return to the Communion of the present Romish Church,’ 1674, 8vo.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. iii. 114–15; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Le Neve's Fasti Eccles. Anglic. i. 612.]

G. Le G. N.

STACK, EDWARD (d. 1833), general, born in Ireland, came of a family styled Stack de Crotto, three members of which served in the French army during the eighteenth century (O'Hart, Irish Pedigrees, ii. 809). He entered the French army in early life, and became an aide-de-camp of Louis XV. In 1777 he became lieutenant and accompanied La Fayette to America to aid the English colonists in their revolt. He was on board Le Bonhomme Richard on 23 Sept. 1779, when her commander, Paul Jones [q. v.], captured the Serapis in the North Sea. Soon after he was placed in command of Dillon's regiment in the Irish brigade, and proceeded to the West Indies, where he served under the Marquis de Bouillé, governor of the Windward Islands, and assisted in taking the islands of Tobago, St. Christopher, Nevis, and Montserrat from the English. He was promoted captain in 1789, and for his services in America was made Chevalier de St. Louis and Chevalier de Cincinnatus d'Amérique. He remained in Dillon's regiment until the French revolution, when he entered the British service as an officer of the Irish brigade. He became lieutenant-colonel in the 5th regiment on 1 Oct. 1794. The brigade was disbanded in 1798, but he was promoted to a colonelcy on half-pay on 1 Jan. 1801. On the rupture of the treaty of Amiens in 1803 he was one of those detained in France by Bonaparte, and was first imprisoned at Biche for three years, and then at Verdun. In 1804 he was detected while executing secret service for the English government, and was to have been shot with the Duc d'Enghien, but was reprieved at the last minute. He was released in 1814 on the restoration of the Bourbons. While in captivity he was promoted to the rank of major-general in the British army on 25 April 1808, and to that of lieutenant-general on 4 Jan. 1813. After his release he was made a general on 22 July 1830, and died at Calais, at a great age, in December 1833.

[Gent. Mag. 1834, i. 225; Alger's Englishmen in the French Revolution, p. 356; Army Lists.]

E. I. C.

STACK, RICHARD (d. 1812), author, entered Trinity College, Dublin, as a sizar on 27 May 1766, and was elected a scholar in 1769. He graduated B.A. in 1770 and M.A. in 1779. In the same year he was elected a fellow of the college, and in 1783 he took the degree of B.D., receiving that of D.D. in 1786. He was appointed rector of Omagh, and died in 1812. He was vice-president of the Royal Irish Academy.

Stack was the author of: 1. ‘An Introduction to the Study of Chemistry,’ Dublin, 1802, 8vo. 2. ‘Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles,’ 2nd edit. London, 1805, 8vo, dedicated to Beilby Porteus [q. v.], bishop of London. 3. ‘Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans,’ Dublin, 1806, 8vo, dedicated to Porteus. Stack also made several contributions to the ‘Transactions’ of the Royal Irish Academy.

[Reuss's Register of Authors, 1770–90 p. 381, 1790–1803 ii. 348; Dict. of Living Authors, 1816; Allibone's Dict. of Authors; Index to Transactions of the Royal Irish Acad. 1813.]

E. I. C.

STACKHOUSE, JOHN (1742–1819), botanist, second son of William Stackhouse, D.D. (d. 1771), rector of St. Erme, Cornwall, and nephew of Thomas Stackhouse (1677–1752) [q. v.], was born at Trehane, Cornwall, in 1742. On 20 June 1758 he matriculated from Exeter College, Oxford, and was a fellow of the college from 1761 to 1764. On succeeding his relative, Mrs. Grace Percival, sister of Sir William Pendarves, in the Pendarves estates in 1763, he resigned his fellowship, and, after travelling abroad for two or three years, settled on his newly acquired property. In 1804 he resigned that estate to his eldest surviving son, and retired to Bath. From an early period Stackhouse devoted himself to botany, and especially to the study of seaweeds and of the plants mentioned by Theophrastus. About 1775 he erected Acton Castle at Perranuthnoe for the purpose of pursuing his researches in