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The Dictionary of National Biography

J. H. Round, Mr. James Tait, Mr. C. L. Kingsford, Mr. R. L. Poole, Mr. T. A. Archer, Miss Kate Norgate, and Miss Mary Bateson. In sixteenthcentury history Dr. Mandell Creighton, the present Bishop of London, Mr. James Gairdner, C.B., Dr. Augustus Jessopp, Mr. W. A. J. Archbold, Mr. A. F. Pollard, and Mr. I. S. Leadam have treated notable statesmen and politicians. Dr. S. R. Gardiner, Mr. C. H. Firth, and Dr. A. W. Ward have dealt with leading figures in the history of the seventeenth century, while many men of smaller note have been treated by Mr. W. A. Shaw and Miss Bertha Porter. Eighteenth- and nineteenthcentury lawyers and politicians have been noticed by Mr. J. M. Rigg, Mr. J. A. Hamilton, Mr. G. F. Russell Barker, Mr. William Carr, and Mr. Fraser Rae; men of varied kinds of distinction in the nineteenth century by the late Mr. G. C. Boase, Mr. G. Le Grys Norgate, and Mr. E. Irving Carlyle; Indian administrators by Sir Alexander Arbuthnot, K.C.S.I.; early settlers in America by Mr. J. A. Doyle, and colonial statesmen by Mr. C. Alexander Harris, C.M.G. The careers of some distinguished personages in the history of the City of London have been chronicled by Mr. Charles Welch. Mr. Robert Dunlop, Mr. Richard Bagwell, Mr. Litton Falkiner, the Rev. Thomas Olden, and Dr. Norman Moore have dealt with eminent Irishmen of various periods; Sheriff Mackay, Mr. T. F. Henderson, Mr. A. H. Millar, and Mr. Thomas Bayne with eminent Scotsmen, and Mr. Lleufer Thomas and Mr. J. E. Lloyd with eminent Welshmen. Many memoirs of Anglican bishops and divines are from the pens of the Rev. Canon Overton, the late Rev. Canon Venables, Mr. J. Bass Mullinger, the Rev. W. H. Hutton, the Rev. A. R. Buckland, and the Rev. Ronald Bayne. The Rev. Alexander Gordon has dealt with a very large number of the nonconformist clergy of the three kingdoms. Roman Catholic divines and writers have been entrusted to Mr. Thompson Cooper, and, in later volumes, also to Mr. T. G. Law; and numerous Quakers to Miss Fell Smith.

Some of the greatest names in literature and philosophy have been dealt with by Mr. Leslie Stephen, and his contributions include memoirs of Addison, Burns, Byron, Carlyle, Coleridge, Defoe, Dickens, Dryden, Goldsmith, Hume, Landor, Macaulay, the Mills, Milton, Pope, Scott, Swift, Thackeray, and Wordsworth. Many Elizabethan men of letters and politicians have been treated by Mr. Sidney Lee, and his contributions include memoirs of Ascham, Lodge, Lyly, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Francis Walsingham, Archbishop Whitgift, and Sir Thomas Wyatt, as well as Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Laurence Sterne, of later periods. In the earlier volumes Mr. A. H. Bullen also wrote of many prominent Elizabethan and Jacobean authors. Mr. Thomas Seccombe has covered a wide field, chiefly in literature of the