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dynamic stability, see under stability.

2. mechanically propeld or lifted ; motor^dnven : said of gasless or hevier^than^air power flymgsmachines.

��eagle 'ii-gal n. any one of various large diurnal birds of

prey, especially one of the genus Aquila or Haliaetus, well^

known for their strength, keen vision, and graceful and

powerful flight; the 'king of birds.' earth-contact 'o:z6,ken-t3ekt n. the action or fact of com-

ing into contact with the earth; a contact with, or a touch-

ing of, the earth, on the part of an airship. earth-force 'B:z9,fo:zs n. the force of attraction of the

earth; gravity. earth-harbor 'a:z9,ha:z-b3z n. [also spelt earth harbor] an

airship^harbor in the earth; an underground harbor or ref-

uge for aircraft. earth man 'sizO-man n. [plural earthmen\ a man who ha-

bitually stays upon the earth or ground : distinguisht from

��earthward 'BizG-wazd adv. toward the earth or ground;

downward. eclipse I'ktips n. an interseption or obscuration of the light

of th sun, moon, or other hevenly body, by the intervention

of another hevenly body either between it and the eye or

bettueen it and the source of its illumination. eddy 'edi n. a portion of a bedy of air or other fluid which

has a rotary motion; a small whirl or vertex in a fluid. edge eds n. the narrow outer portion or margin of the fore

part of a bird's wing, aeroplane, or other aerofoil.

advancing edge, an edge which advances or precedes

another; the front edge of a sustaining^plane or other aero-

foil ; the leading edge : the epposit of following edge. following edge, an edge which follows or comes after

another; the rear edge of a sustaining^plane or other aero-

foil; the rearward edge; the trailing edge: the epposit of

advancing edge. front edge, the edge of a wing, aeroplane, or other aero-

foil which is located in front; the advancing edge.

leading edge, the edge (of a wing or other aerofoil)

which leads or conies first, in flight; the advancing edge;

the front edge : the epposit of following edge.

trailing edge, the rear edge or margin (of a wing or

other aerofoil), considerd as trailing thru the air; the pos-

terior margin of an advancing aerocurv; the following

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