edge ; the rearward edge : distinguish! from advancing edge, front edge.
edge-effect 'ed3-i,fekt n. an effect produced by the edge of a wing, aeroplane, or other aerofoil.
edge-resistance 'ed3-zi,zistns n. the resistance to the air efferd by the edge of an aerofoil.
efflux 'e,fLAks n. a flowing outward of air or other fluid; outflow.
eggoon ,e'goun n. an egg-shaped airship or balloon.
egg-shaped 'eg,$eept adj. having the shape or form of a hen's egg; oveid.
elbow 'el-bo n. the definit bend tuhere the main body of the sustaining-vessel or hull of some dirigible balloons begins to curv toward its pointed bow or stern.
electrohygroscope i,lektra'hai-gz9,skop n. [also spelt elec- trozhygroscope] an instrument for showing the amount of electricity and humidity in the atmosfere.
electrolytic i^ektja'htik adj. pertaining to electrolysis or decomposition by an electric current, as of water into oxy- gen and hydrogen : as, an *electolytic plant for generating hydrogen.
electrometer ^lek'tremi-tae n. an instrument for mesunng the difference of electrostatic potential between two con- ductors, used for investigating atmosferic electricity.
electroscope I'lektr^skop n. an instrument for showing the presence of free electricity, as in the air, and for deter- mining its kind.
elevating-engine 'eli-vetir^endsin n. the engin, in an airship, irhich is used for elevating or forcing the craft upward thru the air.
elevating-lever 'eli-vetirj,hi-v3 n. a lever, in an aero- plane flying-machine, by the manipulation of which the craft is elevated or caused to rise.
elevating-plane 'eli-vetir^pjLeen n. a plane or aerofoil forming part of a flying-machine and used in elevating the craft or inclining it upward ; the front horizontal rudder of an aeroplane flyer.
elevation ,eh'vee-$9n n.
1. the altitude or angular height of the pole or any hev- enly body above the horizon; the angle of any line of di- rection above the horizon.
2. a particular altitude or height above the surface of the earth, or above any given level, as that of the sea; also, height, loftiness.
elevator 'eli/vetaz: n. an elevating-plane : as, a duplex *ele- vator, a flexible *elevator.
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