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elevator- outrigger 'eli-vetaz/iot-zigaz n. the outrigger, in a flying-machine, which supports the elevator or elevating* plane.

elevator-surface 'eii-vet9z,s8zfis n. the aerofoil surface of an elevator or horizontal rudder.

ellipse I'hps n. a plane curv such that the sums of the distances of each point in its perifery from two fixt points or foci, within the perifery, are equal.

lxuo 'el,mo n. : Elmo's fire, Saint Elmo's fire, Saint Elmo's light, same meaning as corposant.

elytra 'eii-tr^ n. pi. see elytron.

elytron, 'eli^en n. [plural elytra'} the hard outer wing-case, or modified fore-wing, of a coleopterous insect or beetle; a shard, wing-cover, or wing-sheath.

elytrum 'eJi-tjam n. same meaning as elytron.

e mar gination ^mazdsi'nee-San n. the process or state of having the margin taken away; a somewhat abrupt narrow- ing or incision of the web of a bird's fether toward its end or extremity; a slight forking, as of a bird's tail.

emergency-wing I'meedsansi/wirj n. a supplementary wing or aerofoil in a flying-machine, designed for use in case of an emergency to prevent a sudden or disastrous fall; a parachute-plane.

empyrean ,em-pai'zii-3n, ,empi'zii-9n, ,em'pizi-3n n. the highest heven.

encircle ,en'sBzk3l tr. make a circling movement about; circle round; circumnavigate.

end-surface 'end,SBzfis n. the surface at the (front) end or extremity of the float-vessel of a dirigible balloon.

endurance-flight in'dju:-z3ns,fi,ait n. a flight in which the power of endurance or staying power of a flying-ma- chine is tested; a long continuous flight made with a view to proving how long an airship can hojd out in flight or stay up in the air; an aerial endurance-trip.

energy 'enaz-dsi n. the power of doing work; actual or po- tential capacity for causing motion in matter.

energy of translation, the capacity of a body for doing work in virtue of its motion of translation; the energy of tjanslatory motion.

engine-failure 'endsm^ee-liaz n. failure of the engin or power-plant of a flying-machine to work, during flight; a giving out of the motor of an aeroplane.

entomology ,ent9'mol3-d3i n. the science of insects.

entrainment ,en'tr.een-m9nt n. the drag occasiond by a vis- cous fluid upon a solid body moving thru it; viscous drag.

entrance 'entr^ns n. the hed and shoulder (taken together)

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