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of an aerofeil or streamline bedy; the bow or forebedy of

an airship of streamline ferm: distinguisht from run. entrant 'entrant n. one who enters, as in an airship^race. entry 'entri n. a going in; the action of entering; an


angle of entry, see under angle. envelop 'env9,lop n. [also spelt envelope] the integument

or cover forming the chief part of the gasbag of a balloon;

also, the outer flexible cover or rigid shell enclosing the

gas^receptacles of a dirigible. envelop-construction 'enva-lop-kan^trAkJan n, [also spelt

envelop ^c onstruction] the process of constructing balloons!

envelops; the making of envelops.

cnvelop-material 'env9-lop-m9,ti:-zi-9l n. [also spelt enve- lop etmaterial] the material or stuff used in making balloon*

envelops; envelop^cleth ; balloonsfabric. envelop -stuff 'env9-lop,stAf . [also spelt envelop etstuff]

the stuff or fabric of which the envelop of a balloon is

made; balloon^fabric. equalizer 'iktu9,}ai-z9z n. [also spelt equaliser] a leveler,

an evener, or an adjuster; that which equalizes or makes

equal, even, or level, as the front rudder of a biplane. equator I'kwee-taz n.

1. (in astronomy) an imaginary great circle of the ce- lestial sfere, whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of the earth; the celestial equator; the equinoctial.

2. (in geography) an imaginary great circle of the earth, in the plane of the celestial equator, and equidistant from the poles; the geografic equator.

hydrometeoric equator, the equator of rainfall, or line girdling the earth and dividing the regions having the rainfall characteristic of the northern winter half-year from regions having the rainfall characteristic of the southern summer half-year and vice versa; the pluviometric equator : as, Supan's *hydrometeenc equator.

magnetic equator, a line girdling the earth in the neigh- borhood of the geografic equator, at every peint of tuhich the vertical component of the earth's magnetic attraction is zero; the aclinic line.

meteorological equator, the line or narrow tract girdling the earth, near the geografic equator, situated midway be- ttueen opposing winds and corresponding to the belt of calms.

pluviometric equator, same meaning as hydrometeoric equator.

thermal equator, the line girdling the earth, in various

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