feather-papilla 'fed3z-p3,pil9 n. [also spelt fetherzpapilla', ploral / eather* papillae} one of the little papillae or conical elevations, whose bases rest one en each of the fether? follicles of a bird's skin, and from each of tuhich a fether is molded or generated; a fether^germ.
feather-tract 'feda^tssekt n. [also spelt fetherttract] one of the definit tracts or areas of the skin of a bird where f ethers grow; pteryla.
feathery 'feda-zi adj. [also spelt fethery]
1. clothed with fethers; fetherd; of fetherd creatures or birds : as, *fethery society.
feathery kingdom, the kingdom of fetherd creatures; the bird kingdom ; f etherdom ; birdland.
2. resembling fethers or plumes in appearance or light- ness; fethersdike ; plume^like; also, fringed, tipt, or fleckt with something fether^like.
fill fil tr. inflate (a gasbag or envelop) with gas. filoplume 'fai-to,ptoum n. a thred^like or hair?like fether;
a thredfether. fin fin n.
1. an organ attacht to any one of various parts of the bedy of a fish or tuhale, which servs for steering or pro- pelling in the water; also, a similar organ in other ani- mals, as the flipper of a seal, the modified wing of a pigeon, etc.
2. any relativly small aerofoil or plane which resembles the fin of a fish or other animal, such as a vertical tails; piece; a vertical stabilizing^rudder.
directive fin, a fin whose function is purely directiv, as the fether of an arrow : distinguisht from abutmentffin.
following fin, a fin which follows, or trails along at the after end of an advancing aircraft ; a rear fin : dis- tinguisht from leading fin.
leading fin, a fin which leads or occupies a position in the forward part of an advancing aircraft ; a front fin : distinguisht from following fin.
fin-area 'fm,e:-zi-9 n. the area of a fin or fm^like aerofoil or part, in aerodynamic apparatus.
fin-center 'fm,sent3z n. the center of a fin or fin^like part.
finishing-line fini$in,lain n. the line or limit set for fin- ishing or completing an airship^race.
finishing-point 'fmi$in,point n. the point or spot set for finishing or completing an airship^race ; the point at which the finishing^mark of a race is located : the pposit of startingfp oin t.
finish-mark 'fini^ma^k n. the mark or sign placed at the
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