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spet or line at which an airship-race is to be brought to a

finish or ended; a step-signal at the end of a racecourse. fin-kite 'fm,kait n. a kite consisting of a plane, to the lower

part of which is affixt at right angles a 'fin' or keeL fin-like 'fin,laik adj. resembling a fish's fin in shape or

function; flipper-like: as, a *fm-like wing. fin-plan 'fm,pLaen n. the plan or plan-form of a fin. fin-tail 'fm,teel n. a tail, in an aircraft, consisting of a

combination of fin-like parts. fireball 'faiz,bc:l n.

1. a large shooting-star or meteor having the ferm and appearance of a ball or globe of fire; a large globe-shaped luminous aerolite.

2. globe-lightning; an electrical fenemenen sometimes seen in thunder-sterms, resembling a luminous or red-het firy ball or globe falling from the clouds and eften bursting with a loud report; ball lightning.

fire-balloon 'fai<r-ba,luun n.

1. a balloon beneath and attacht to which is a fire by tuhich the air containd in the balloon is heated and rare- fied, thus causing the balloon to ascend or rise; a het-air balloon.

2. a balloon sent up at night with fireworks, which ignite at a regulated height.

fish-kite 'fi$,kait n. a fish-shaped Chinese kite thru which the wind blows from hed to tail keeping it afloat at a low angle, eften attacht to a pole en house-teps.

fish-shaped 'fi$,$eept adj. having the shape or ferm of a fish : as, a *f ish-shaped air-craft.

flaccid 'fz,aeksid adj. slack, partly empty, or limp, as the envelop of a partly deflated balloon.

flag-signal 'fz-aeg^ignl n. a signal or sign made by means of a flag or flags, as to a parachute-jumper.

flame-proof 'fLeerr^psuuf adj. proof against flame or fire, as the envelop-cleth of some fire-balloons.

flap ftaep n.

1. the motion of something broad and flat, en or as if en a hinge; a reciprocating motion, as of a bird's wing.

2. a broad, flat, and eften somewhat loose part designed to hang or work en, or as en, a hinge; a wing-like vane or aerofoil, as en a kite.

flap ftaep v.

1. tr. move up and down, as a wing; beat; sway.

2. intr. beat the wings; make movements like wing-beats; move up and down; beat; also, progress, as a bird does, by flapping the wings : as, to *flap aleng en the water.

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