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by a man or human being; a man^carrymg flymg^machine, by an aeroplane.

2. [plural mambirds, menzbirds] a bircUlike man; a man likend to a bird on account of his power to fly ; a birdman : as, the *man^bird profession. manflight 'nicen,ftait n. [also spelt man*] 'light]

1. the flight of man, or the power of man to fly thru the air, as in a glider or aeroplane; human flight; artificial or mechanical flight.

2. an instance of this power; a flight made by a man. manhole 'ma^hool n. the neck of a balloon. man-lifting 'mcen,hftirj n. the action of lifting or raising

a man or men into the air.

man-lifting 'msen^iftirj adj. capable of lifting a man, as a kite; man^carrying.

manned maend adj. [also spelt mand] provided with a man or operator ; furnisht with an aviator or aeronaut : as, a

  • mand balloon : the epposit of unmanned.

manoeuvering-plane ma'njuu-va-zir^pLeen n. a plane or aerocurv used for manoeuvering or managing a dirigible balloon; a governingzplane.

manometer ma'nemi-tsz n. an instrument for determining the elastic pressure of the air and other fluids : as, an open-air *manemeter; a compresteair *manemeter; a stat- ical *manemeter.

man-propelled 'maen-pso^eld adj. [also spelt manipropcld] propeld or driven by man power, as a flyingsmachine.

mantle 'msentl n. the covering or envelop of the gasbag of a balloon.

man-vessel 'maen/vesal: n. the car or basket of a balloon or airship : distinguisht from gastvessel.

map maep n. a representation of the earth's surface or any part of it, or of the hevens, en a flat surface, as of paper, according to a definit scale and system of projection; a chart : as, an aeronautical *map of Europe.

mare's-tails 'me:zz,tee}z n. pi. long straight taiklike strands of cirrus cloud, sometimes considerd as indicating the ap- proach of stermy wether; horsetail.

marline 'maiz-lin n. small two^stgand line, used by sailors for seizings, and also sometimes used in kite^makmg.

mass-center 'ma:s,sent9z n. [also spelt masstcentre] the center of mass, as of a flying projectil : identical in posi- tion with the center of gravity, see under center.

mast ma:st n. a tall upright pole or red forming part of a flyingsmachine, held in position by tr,uss?wires and serving in the control of rudders, etc.

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