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mattress 'maetgas n. a mattress^like arrangement attacht to the netting of some balloons.

May-carp 'mee,ka:zp n. a, hollow Japanese fish-shaped bag kite deckt out so as to resemble a carp, hoisted en the teps of houses en May 5th if the father of the family has been presented with a son during the preceding year.

mean miin adj. forming an average between two or more terms ; average : as, *mean winds, *mean temperature.

megaphone 'megaton n. [also spelt megafone] an instju- ment consisting of two funnels and flexible ear^tubes, de- vised by T. A. Edison for enabling speech and other sounds to be heard at a distance; also, a large speaking^tjumpet.

meridian mi'zidi-an n. the great circle of the earth which passes thru a given place or point and the axis of rota- tion of the earth, or the north and south poles; also, that half of this circle which extends from pole to pole thru a given place or point.

mesh me$ n. one of the open spaces or interstices of a bal- loon-net, between the adjacent knots.

meteor 'mii-ti-az n. any atmosferic fenemenen; specifically, a transient firey or luminous body seen at night in the atmosf ere or sky ; a shooting^star ; a f allmg-star.

meteor-cloud 'mii-ti-9z,ki,aod . the cloud=;like tjain or streak left by a meteor or shooting-star in its course thru the upper air or sky; a meteor^tjain.

meteoric ,miti'ezik adj. of the region of mid^air; of the atmosf ere; atmosf erical ; meteorological ; of meteors.

meteorograph ,miti'ez9,g<ra:f n. [also spelt meteorograf] an apparatus for automatically recording several different kinds of meteorolegic fenemena at the same time.

aerial meteorograph, a light form of meteerograf used on kites and sounding-balloons.

meteorologic ,miti-9Z9'Jd3ik adj. pertaining to or con- nected with meteorology; meteorological.

meteorological ,miti-3Z3'led3i-k3i adj. same meaning as meteorologic.

meteorological chart, a chart or map en uuhich meteoro- logical fenemena are represented; a wether^map. meteorological equator, see under equator, meteorological photography, fotegrafy as applied to mete- orological record-making or other work; fotegrafy of me- teorological fenemena.

meteorologically ^iti-aeraledsika-li adj. in a meteorologi- cal manner; by means of, or with respect to, meteorology.

meteorologist ,miti-3'zel9-d3ist n. one skild in meteorology.

meteorology ,miti-3'-ete-d3i n. the science of the atrnosfere.

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