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after the manner common among birds : distmguisht from helicopter and aeroplane, compare orthopter.

ornithopterous ^zni'Gepta-zas adj. having wings or fore* lims like those of a bird; bird-wmgd.

orthogonal / e^ / 6eg9-nt adj. pertaining to or characterized by right angles; right-angled; characterized by rising or ap- pearing to rise vertically from the ground, as the sparrow is sometimes supposed to do : as, an *erthegonal flyer.

orthogonal flight, a supposed mode of bird-flight in which the creature rises vertically from the ground.

orthogonal theory, the theory or notion that certain birds can, by flapping their wings, rise vertically from the ground in flight.

orthopter ,ez'9ept9z n.

1. an insect of the order erthoptera; a stjaight-wingd in- sect; an orthepteran or erthepteron.

2. a stsaight-wmgd flying-machine, usually or always de- pendent upon the flapping-wing idea and thus often con- fused with ornithopter.

orthoptera ,z'0opt3-z3 n, pi. an order of insects comprizing cockroaches, walking-sticks, crickets, and grasshoppers, hav- ing coriaceous and usually straight and narrow fore-wings, broad longitudinally folded hind-wings and incomplete metamerfosis.

orthopterous ,0o'0ept3-z3s adj. having straight wings; straight- wingd ; of the nature of an orthepter.

outfly ,aot'ftai tr. [past participle outflown\ preterit out- flew'} outdo or excel in flight.

outride ,aut'zaid tr. ride out, or survive the violence ef (a storm).

outrigger 'aut,zig9z n. any framework, structure, or part, rigged up outside the main or usual limits of a structure, especially a moving structure such as a ship, wagon, or flying-machine, for stedying, strengthening, or other pur- pose; the projecting framework supporting a tail-plane, rudder, or control : as. an ostrich's wings are used as *out- riggers to aid in running; the front and rear *outriggers of a Curtiss biplane.

front outrigger, the outrigger at the front or fore part of an aeroplane flying-machine, carrying the hed-piece or front rudder.

rear outrigger, the outrigger at the rear or hind part of an aeroplane flying-machine, carrying the tail-piece, etc.

outrigger- joint 'aut-Eigaz/lsemt n. the joint or junction of one of the outriggers of an aeroplane flying-machine, as with a spar of one of the main-planes.

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