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outrigger-member 'aot-zig9z,memb9z n. a structural mem- ber or part of an outrigger of an aeroplane flying^machine.

outrigger- wheel 'aut-zig9zr,unil n. a tuheel attacht to the outrigger of a flying^machine.

outspread /lut'spsed, (assumptivly) 'aot,spsed adj. [also spelt outsprcd] spred out, as the wings; outstretcht; ex- tended.

outstretch ,uot'str,ct$ lr. stretch out ; spred : as, like a gi- gantic bird with *outstetcht wings.

overboard 'oo-v3z,bo:zd adv. over or beyond the side of a balloon : as, a piece of gold-leaf thrown *overboard. ]

overcharge ,ov9z't$a:c:d3 tr. pot too great a charge in; fill too foil : as, the balloon was *overcharged with gas.

overhead ,ov9z'hed adv. above one's hed; on high, aloft; up in the air or sky ; near the zenith.

overhead ,ov9z'hed, (assumptivly} 'oo-va^hed adj. placed or situated overhed.

over-ocean 'oo-vDrpo-San adj. occurring or executed in the air over or above the ocean; oversea.

oversea 'oo-v9z:,sii adj. occurring or executed in the air over or above the sea; over^ocean.

over-water 'oo-v9z,wc:-t9 adj. occurring or carried on over a water^area; tgansaquatic : as, *over^water flight: distin- guisht from overland.

��paddle-wheel 'psedl/iml n. a wheel containing radial floats or paddle^boards similar to that used for boats, proposed or propelling airships.

pagoscope 'pseg9,skop n. an istjunient for showing the prob- ability of frost; a device for predicting f rests; a form of hydrodeik which shows the current temperature of the dews peint.

pampero ,psem'pe:-zo n. [ploral pamperos'] a cold, dry, south- westerly wind that siueeps over the pampas of Argentina and Uruguay, and northeastward to the Brazilian coast, in the rear of barometric depressions, corresponding to the norther of the Gulf States.

panel 'psenl n. one of the vertical planes or aerofoils in a bex^like structure; a curtain; a partition.

panorama ^sena'zar-ma n. a complete or entire view ; also, a picture representing a wide general view, as of a tr.act of country.

panoramic ^aena'z-aemik adj. f or pertaining to a pano- rama ; of the nature of a panorama : as, a *panoramic view, a *panoramic camera or lens.

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