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multibladed propeller, a propeller having several or many blades.

non-rigid propeller, an aerial propeller which is not rigid; a flexible propeller.

plural propellers, propellers which are placed several upon one given f lying^machine ; propellers two or more of which are placed upon a single machine; multiple pro- pellers.

rear propeller, a propeller which is placed in the rear or hind part of an aircraft, compare tractor propeller.

screw propeller, a propeller in the ferm of a screw or system of blades arranged spirally around a central hub at- tacht to a rotating shaft and made to rotate by power.

single propeller, a propeller which is single or the only one upon a given flying^machine. compare plural pro- pellers.

straight propeller, a propeller the crass^section of whose blades, in a plane passing thru the shaft, is straight; a pro- peller the surface of the rotation of whose blades is a plane normal to the shaft.

tractor propeller, a propeller which is placed in the front or fore part of an aircraft, thus acting as a tjactor draw- ing the machine forward; a tjactor screw; a front pro- peller. propeller-blade pso'prtez,bleed n. one of the blades or

vanes of a propeller. propeller-diameter p5o'pel3z-dai,aemi-t3z . the diameter

of a propeller. propeller-efficiency p5o'petoz-i,fi$9n-si n. the efficiency

or effectual power of an aerial propeller.

propeller-hub pso'petez^liAb n. the hub or central blocklike part of a propeller, frem tuhich the blades radiate and by tuhich it is fastend to the shaft.

propeller-reaction p-sD'pefoz-zi,3ek$3n n. the reaction of the revolving (single or unneutjalized) propeller of an aircraft against the air n tuhich it acts, to uuhich is due the ten- dency of the craft to revolv in the epposit direction. propeller-shaft pso'petez,$a:ft n. the rigid shaft which

carries the propeller of an airship. propeller-speed pso'pete^spiid n. the rotational speed or

velocity of an aerial propeller. propeller-thrust pso'pete^GsAst n. the thrust or posh of a

propeller against the air.

propeller-travel pso'petez^seval n. the travel or tjansla- tory motion of a propeller thru the air.

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