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propeller-wheel pso'petez,u)iil n. an aerial propeller or screw; a screw propeller.

propelling-agent pso'pelir^ee-dsant n. an agent for pro- pelling; an agency for effecting the propulsion, or the for- ward tjanslatory motion, of an airship; a propellant.

propelling-apparatus pso'pelirj-aepa^ee-tas n. an appa- ratus or contrivance for propelling or driving forward an airship.

propelling-device pso'pehrj-di/vais n. a device for pro- pelling an aircraft; a propelling^apparatus.

propelling-effect pso'pelin-i,fekt n. the effect of propel- ling; the fact of propulsion.

propelling-force pso'pelir^foizs n. a force effectiv in pro- pelling; a force used in airshipzpropulsion.

propelling-machinery pso'pelirj-m9,$ii-n3-zi n. machinery used in propelling; propulsiv apparatus.

propelling-screw pso'pehr^sksuu n. the screw which pro- pels an airship; a screw propeller.

propelling-surface p:so'pelirj,s8zfis n. a surface or thin structure used in propelling; a propellant aerofoil, such as the wing of a bird.

propelling- wing pso'pelin/wirj n. a wing which propels; a wing considerd as a propellmg^organ.

propulsor pso'pAlsaz n. anything which propels, drives for- ward, or imparts tr,anslatory motion; a propulsiv apparatus; a propeller.

propulsion pso'pAlJan n. the act of propelling or driving forward; impulse given.

prow psao n. the fore or front part of an airship; the bow.

psendoneuroptera ,scudo-nju'zept9-z9 n. pi. an order of neurepterous insects comprizing the dragonzflies, Mayflies, and others, having incomplete metamerfosis, four mem- branous wings, and mandibulate mouth^parts.

psychrometer ,sai'ks0mi-t9z n. an instrument consisting of a wetebulb thermometer and a dry^bulb thermemeter, for mesunng the pressure of the water^vapor in the air, or the relativ humidity.

aspirator psychrometer, a psychremeter fitted with an aspirator; an aspiration psychremeter.

pterodactyl ^eza'daektil n. an extinct reptil of the genus Pterodactylus or order Pterosauria; a pterosaurian ; an er- nithosaurian ; a flying^dragon ; a pterodactylian.

pterophore 'tez9,foz n. [also spelt pterofore] a flyer pro- posed by Paucton in 1768, consisting of two aerial screws, one to sustain and the other to propel, attacht to a light chair.

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